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for color theme

Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   To personalize your WEBCON BPS Portal appearance you can change the logo and color scheme of the user interface.. The global system administrator has the ability to modify these elements of the site. This article describes how to add logo to Portal – and replace the WEBCON logo in the top left corner. Configuration

Applies to 2019.1 version; author: Agnieszka Mazur   Introduction WEBCON BPS Portal allows to customize the look of the platform by changing the logo and website theme. These options are available to the global system administrator. Privileges are provided in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio: System settings – Global parameters – Global privileges – System administrat

Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; author: Marek Suchowiejko Introduction One of the many novelties introduced in WEBCON BPS 2019 is a refreshed look and an alternative form display mode – Modern mode. Form display method can be set independently for each process. It makes migration of processes implemented in previous WEBCON BPS versions much easier and helps to manage which

 Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Thanks to the Chart type form field, you can graphically present data on the form simply and legibly. When you work with a large amount of data, it will be easier to present it in a visual form – it will significantly reduce the time spent on analyzing information. The article presents the configuration

(...) isting article -> WEBCON BPS Portal - Website look customization.  Introduction In WEBCON BPS, it is possible to personalize the appearance of the platform by changing the logo and color theme of the website. To be able to modify a color theme , a user must have appropriate privileges which are granted in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. In the System configuration -> Global parameters -&g (...)

External content by Razvan Ogrezeanu; 15.04.2024   Introduction In today's digital age, email remains a cornerstone of business communication, serving as a direct line to customers, stakeholders, and internal teams alike. Its role extends beyond mere information exchange, functioning as a vital tool for marketing, customer service, and engagement. The ability to capture attention a

(...) e. These settings will be taken from the theme configuration, regardless of browser type and settings. Fig. 1. Example of the default focus on the Portal home page   When defining a color theme , users can now choose the width of the border. The standard border is 1 px, while a border width of 2 px will make it more visible to users who have such needs. This functionality is available from t (...)