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In order to thank and recognize the WEBCON community members who passionately share their knowledge, exceptional technical expertise and experiences, we announce the launch of the new WEBCON MVP program. Its aim is to honor the most prolific WEBCON BPS users who regularly contribute to the development of the WEBCON community, spread product knowledge, support other users of the WEBCON BPS platf

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction In the latest version of WEBCON BPS, the report coloring has been enhanced for additional functionalities (a description of the basic report coloring modes can be found here). There is the ability to go through a path without having to view the specific instance – just click on a properly config (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   In WEBCON BPS 2020 a new functionality of report ing archived instances has been added. In the report configuration of WEBCON BPS Portal and BPS internal view type source, the option to indicate an archived database as a source for the report has been added. Information about the archiving mechanism can be found at& (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Katarzyna Cypser   The WEBCON 2020 version introduces the functionality of coloring report s on the MODERN form. In addition to the ability of coloring cells, you can also add icons, shade cells and create many advanced configurations using the conditional instructions.   The option is available in the report configur (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Maciej Duda   Introduction In the WEBCON BPS 2020 version, the application report s have been expanded with the ability to display data from an Item list form field. In the report configuration, you can add columns of the selected item list – data from only one item list can be presented at one time. If the it (...)

(...) large data sets. A detailed description of the functionality can be found in the article “Portal search engine – how does it work?”. From version 2020 WEBCON BPS allows creating report s based on the SearchIndex (SORL) data source. This article below will show you how we can configure such a report and explain how it differs from existing report s based on SQL databases.   (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Małgorzata Dębowska Introduction WEBCON BPS gives us the ability to create report s in the application and then embed them on dashboards and external websites. However, there may be a situation when, for a particular application, many report s have been created, which will result in the long list of report s in the navigation menu (located on the left i (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Przemysław Sierant   Description of the functionality In WEBCON BPS 2020 we have the ability to embed Power BI report s on Portal dashboards. It is used to present any data which we have already prepared in the Power BI service. We can embed both a view of the entire report , as well as individual components.     Configuration (...)

(...) bove; author: Dawid Golonka   On WEBCON BPS Portal, one of the standard tabs that can be selected from the menu on the left is the “My tasks” tab. After selecting it, you see a report that describes a list of tasks assigned to the currently logged in person.   Fig. 1. The "My tasks" report view   On the report page, there are references to each (...)

(...) s the configuration of this action and two examples of use.     Fig. 1. The example process   Fig. 2. The form   Mass acceptation Let’s create a report with instances from the Acceptation step.   Fig. 3. The report configuration - source   In the Columns tab, add the [System] “Step” column:   Fig (...)

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   The “Suggested” report allows you to quickly find the searched instance based on its current status and form field describing it. It displays all instances that have been updated or created in the last year that the user (currently vieving the portal) has access to.  Fig. 1 presents the “Suggested” report (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x and 2021.1.x, author: Krzysztof Gawczyk Introduction This article explains how to create and configure report s in WEBCON Designer Studio and on Portal. You can configure various views for your report s to present data (e.g., use charts, tables). It is also possible to create one report with all tasks, and views for each step. In this article, you will learn how to: (...)

(...) e of elements to be saved in Solr. The WebCon WorkFlow Service is responsible for sending data to Apache Solr, which processes the queue of elements for indexing. The “SOLR indexer queue” report is available in the 'report s' section in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio.     This report displays the current status of the indexer queue and allows you to perform operatio (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction WEBCON BPS introduces many new features regarding the chart view in application report s. The list of charts has been complemented by new chart types, and it is now possible to customize the appearance of a chart, add data series, subgroups, present two charts on one view, and many more. This article descr (...)

(...) by a user. This article describes the roles the services can perform in the WEBCON BPS system, and indicates modules linked with particular roles and presented in the “Running modules” report . Process databases Process databases are content databases that store instances of the processes created in the WEBCON BPS system. The majority of the service roles operate within the framework (...)

(...) ess to specific application assets, but also data that may be relevant for end users. This article discusses the possibilities offered by dashboards in terms of presenting such data in the form of report s, and describes how to create, configure, and feed those report s within dashboards.   Business case The Head of the Complaints Department within a production company oversees the work o (...)

(...) Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis. I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced editor (...)

(...) Currently our report -menu for some processes is getting longer and longer. One reason for that is the fact, that some people have issues understanding they have to choose a report and can then navigate on the other side of the form by the views we have set up for them. Mostly people who count their daily clicks and tell you to change the system if they have to do 10 more a day, because you have set some (...)

(...) Does anyone know if it's possible to show data not present in an application on the report ? I have read the article about calculated columns (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/using-calculated-columns/196/3) but that's not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL data source. In many process (...)

(...) WEBCON BPS report ing offers great functionality for sorting, filtering. It would great having the option to implement and configure a SDK extension for report s, which would allow to execute an action based on the current selection. In my case the SDK extension would receive the selected rows with all fields and generate an advanced Pdf report . Like configuring the mass action, there should be an optio (...)