(...) uration System configuration (e.g. HotFolders, HotMailBoxes, OCR AI Projects) All permission settings regarding WEBCON BPS (access to instances, workflows, processes etc.) License information translations WEBCON BPS Portal presentation (applications, raports, dasboards etc…) In addition the BPS system databases, it is also crucial to create a backup for SharePoint. The database (...)
(...) reports and queries can be used immediately, or they can be the basis for creating your own reports on authorizations; for example: • In multilingual environments, you can add translations for application names, workflows, and form types. • You can associate a workflow with a workflow for managing group members - e.g., by links to the workflow that adds a user t (...)
(...) ek Język Introduction WEBCON BPS platform allows you to manage business applications in multilingual environments. Particular parts of the form were designed in such a way, that you can provide translations to any language that is used by the users while creating the workflow. From version 2019.1.2 on multilingual choice fields are complimentary to forms created with multilingual usage in mind. Thi (...)
(...) because it is stable and functional – is compatible with the system from version 2019.1.x. Using Translation Tool you can export descriptions of all configuration elements instead of completing translations directly in the application in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio (Fig. 1). Descriptions will be exported to an Excel file – complete translations and then import the file to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio (...)
(...) e Poland” data source The advanced configuration Data - the table displays all the columns returned by the data source. It is possible to define the display names and their translations . You can also select which column should be marked as a data series. Options: Chart type - select one of the available charts: Line, Bar, Pie, Donut Label column - column o (...)
(...) ailable. The configuration of field columns entails selection of a source column and definition of a text display. One can edit all values set out in the “Display Text” column and provide translations thereof. Despite indicating several columns (Fig. 4), in the drop-down list only the “Season of the year” column will be displayed (Fig. 5). By activating “Query data source if va (...)
(...) Editability At which steps the form field can be edited? Requiredness At which steps the form field is required to be completed? Optional: translations Fill in when a process is translated into many languages. Maximum length - 50 characters. Description for the user Description available to the user when filling out the form. W (...)
(...) the date format, which is especially important for English which in standard WEBCON BPS package is available in its American variety. This article describes how to change date format while preserving translations in the American English variety. Case description A very characteristic feature of the American variety of English language is the reverse notation of date, i.e. month/day/year. This (...)
(...) e changes, form configuration must be saved. Clicking on the pencil icon will bring up the Properties window, where the user can edit descriptions of the form fields. Here, the user can also enter translations of form field and column names in the configured languages of the system. The Principal would also like to have a German-language version of the form available. To prepare it, the employee should (...)
(...) cal and configuration information. The bps_user is allowed to read from tables storing data of instances and dictionaries, information about attachments, tasks, companies, currency exchange rates, translations . They can also read parts of tables that store configurations of applications, processes, workflows, steps, forms, actions. The full list of granted accesses for bps_user can be found in the (...)
(...) however, that only those notification elements that have their German-language counterparts in the system will be provided in German, e.g. system fields, German-language message template, form field translations . Otherwise, untranslated values will be provided in the language in which the application is natively configured. Example of a notification received by a German-speaking Recipient (...)
(...) the resulting output based on the JSON that has been generated by the JSON-builder { "Hersteller": { "Hersteller": { "ID": "539", "DisplayName": "Musterfirma", "translations ": [ ] }, "Strassennummer": "28", "Strasse": "Mustergasse", "Zusatz": "", "PLZ": "1234", "Land": { "ID": "0f865973-11c9-4762-bf0c-839d2be05d89", (...)
(...) e currently edited actor. Selecting the Edit button in this menu (pencil icon) opens the Properties window, where you can change the name, description, and documentation of the phase and their translations . A similar window is available for actors: It is also possible to change the size of individual phase/actor blocks directly on the diagram, with a minimum size of 400 px. Enablin (...)
(...) be some kind of an detail-overkill for common users. In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that should work for all workflows and translations . Values are shown depending on the users browser language. It simply shows which step was left with which path, by which user, at what time. I present this in an SQL-grid in the forms where I thi (...)
(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have a good solution for retrieving names/translations of objects within a SDK action? Example: We have the step id: args.Context.CurrentDocument.StepID How do I get the (translated) step name? Is there some option inside the SDK? I haven't found one, so I'm thinking about passing ids/translations via the PluginConfiguration. I just thought about querying a data source. Maybe I cou (...)
(...) n. Currently "PathDe[s]cription" is duplicated. 4. Buttons are not part of the generated file. At least I didn't find any. Could multi language pickers be listed separately? I don't believe that the translations could be handled by the export/import but if the excel would contain a list it would be easier to check. Ok, this is really a low priority wish. :) Btw. is there any change to open source the projec (...)
(...) , mainly to store information about our companies and important documents for them. To make sure the users attach a structured set of documents, I created a dictionary of document types, along with translations for them which are defining which document is attached in which row of the item list. The item list is initialized with a set of standard document-types that should be attached. There are a few thin (...)
(...) DocType where DTYPE_ID in ({DT:4},{DT:7}) The TRANS_OBJID is fixed. You can get an overview of all ids and which fields, tables you need to replace in the above command from: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Dictranslations Objects] The attached image shows the executed SQLcommand and the drop down values for the German language. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi everyone, if someone uses field references, process rules or similar in translations you should verify that the correct ids are used after importing the application in a new environment. Otherwise you may be in for a surprise. The attached image shows that the translated text uses the old variable ids and only the ids in the original text have been updated to match the new environment. I've noticed this (...)
(...) Does anyone know if it is possible to provide translations for the Form Rule Functions ALERT and CONFIRM? I tried with "MyText$$DE$$Mein Text" but that doesn't do anything. Cheers Pasquale