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(...) bsp; File Description ABBYY Findreader Engine 12 1487 MB ABBYY Finereader Engine 11 876 MB SDK Migration 2023.1 The following doCU ment contains a list of changes in WEBCON BPS 2022.1 SDK

(...) Performance indicators are a new feature available in the Configuration node of each Process. These indicators function similarly to the existing Analysis feature, but offer far more freedom to CU stomize how they are calCU lated. Instead of foCU sing on the completion time of tasks in one specific step, performance indicators can be started, stopped, and restarted using actions distributed ar (...)

(...) BPS Portal, BPS Workflow Service, and Search Server (Solr) and run these modules in containers. Containerization is an alternative to the standard installation of WEBCON BPS components and is partiCU larly applicable when using cloud services, making it much easier to install the system in such an environment. This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing WEBCON BPS with its co (...)

(...) This doCU ment contains:   Enterprise (Standalone) installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling SharePoint-hosted installation prerequisites, diagrams, and scaling Planning for High Availability WEBCON BPS Databases overview and size estimation Disaster recovery for Enterprise and SharePoint Good practices for system upkeep WEBCON BPS Farm communication diagram List o (...)

(...) earlier versions of the system, but now it is created by default. Thus, bps_user is the standard account in the context of which SQL COMMAND rules and all queries using the Default connection are exeCU ted, e.g. when configuring selected form fields or actions, exeCU ting or testing SQL queries with the use of <CU rrent BPS database>.   If the system is upgraded to the latest vers (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2023 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction The logic behind the exeCU tion of tasks by service is a multi-faceted and complex issue. When planning tasks, application designers are often unaware of the mechanisms and rules used by the service. To fill this gap, this article describes the elements affecting the sequence in which the service exeCU t (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction Printing barcode labels is a WEBCON BPS functionality used to identify doCU ments stored in paper form, for example, in accounting offices, companies providing shipping, logistics and courier services, as well as in warehouse spaces. In On Premises installations, which by default have access to the resou (...)

(...) ionality, but there are a few situations that have arisen that warrant special coverage – and special treatment.   The Problem Consider the workflow below. The path named Start exeCU tes an automation that starts several subworkflows. The workflow then waits at the Wait until all new sub-workflows are finished step until all workflows end positively, any end negatively, or it is c (...)

(...) , affect the visibility of people exchanging correspondence. This article describes the dependencies that apply when sending notifications in a multilingual environment.   “Send a CU stom email” action Email notifications in WEBCON BPS are handled via dedicated Send email and Send a CU stom email actions. If first action is used, a standard email is sent to all users with (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2019.1.x and above; authors: Wojciech Mleczko, Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction WEBCON BPS supports barcodes as a method of identifying doCU ments and workflow instances. Using barcodes allows to automate the process of scanning and registering paper doCU ments. Stickers with barcodes simplify archiving doCU ments, and based on barcode labels it is possible to quickly (...)

(...) eled according to your personal needs. In this article, we will concentrate on the features dedicated to GDPR, how to configure them, and how they work.   In the next part we will foCU s on the instance’s journey through the various paths of the workflow: Register a request – input basic data Personal data search - methods of searching through the database and sa (...)

(...) ull version of the system (educational version), on which they designed and launched business processes, and the goal of completing the course was to create an application that supported one of the doCU ment flows used at the university. During two meetings with students of the "Accounting and Controlling" major, we talked about process automation, implementation design, change mana (...)

(...) Thanks to cooperation with the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, as part of the “Workflow – information and doCU ment management” course, we conducted workshops with students. After a short introduction on the most important features of LCAP platforms that facilitate the design and automation of processes - we moved on to practice. Students of Computer Science a (...)

(...) llenges, the 2023 R1 WEBCON BPS version has introduced support for OpenTelemetry – a powerful tool that streamlines collection of diagnostic data and metrics from IT systems. This article disCU sses configuration of telemetry based on the OpenTelemetry standard in the WEBCON BPS system for its Portal and Service components.   What is telemetry? Telemetry is a process of collect (...)

(...) on option…   All or Nothing For scenarios where a specific number of “Yes” path choices are needed before an approval path can be chosen, you can set the Operation exeCU ted on parallel tasks to Wait for required tasks to be completed and set either Fixed number for a specific number of “Yes” responses, All for unanimous “Yes” responses, and Pe (...)

(...) oor is given to the participants: We start with a short theoretical test. It covers information about changes and new features in the last two versions of WEBCON BPS – according to the doCU ments published on the WEBCON Community site (WEBCON Community). Those who pass the test will be asked to give short presentations (max. 15 minutes) on the most interesting projects completed in the (...)

(...) e from records stored in the specified column   While useful, the function has a negative impact on system efficiency due to the processing of each database table row. This process is partiCU larly time-consuming, especially in the case of large data collections. Additionally, the syntactical complexity of the SQL query containing the aforementioned function can make it diffiCU lt to c (...)

(...) A prototype is worth more than a thousand meetings WEBCON BPS Designer Desk is becoming increasingly popular with our CU stomers. Without the need for programming or detailed knowledge of the configuration and functionality of the full version of WEBCON BPS, this tool enables you to: gather requirements on the basis of which processes will be designed, create prototypes of doCU ment workfl (...)

(...) tyna Gawryał   Introduction Version 2023 R3 introduced the ability to use the CONCAT function within the LIKE function to create advanced filter conditions on Data sources. This is partiCU larly applicable when configuring Choice fields, allowing the list of returned values to be limited to those required by the user. This article provides a description of the functionality along wit (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction In the 2023 R3 version of BPS, WEBCON has implemented a new functionality that enhances seCU rity against unauthorized path transition .and prevents the exeCU tion of an unrequested task, such as signing a contract. If enabled, users who want to proceed to the next step must confirm their identity based on an (...)