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for filter

(...) Hi, with the introduction of BPS Portal we got a few additional options were we can add "code" and where variables from the expression editor would be useful if not even mandatory. 1. Report - SQL filter , there are a few variables there already 2. Calculated field in Reports and BPS internal view, no option to use existing variables 3. Report - advanced formatting, no options to use existing variable (...)

(...) idea but not of much use, because it's lacking: a) possibility to fade the "Instance preview cards" out - this bar just uses way too much space that might be missing on the form then b) a chance to filter for workflows (and maybe other parameters)

(...) WEBCON BPS reporting offers great functionality for sorting, filter ing. It would great having the option to implement and configure a SDK extension for reports, which would allow to execute an action based on the current selection. In my case the SDK extension would receive the selected rows with all fields and generate an advanced Pdf report. Like configuring the mass action, there should be an optio (...)

(...) ent's, but not always is good to see them all. When elements have many attachments the report is inconvenient and not look good. Where useful will be to set: - how many attachment's we wont to see - filter them by category or type of file on seconde side nice to have will be colapsing row to see only one attchment and after expand see more. The all will be very useful to do good reports ;)

(...) pi would be extended with methods to query datasources. There should be at least two methods: 1) getting a list of all available datasources (overall / by application) 2) query a datasource with a filter . To make it easier, the filter should be passed in as query string

(...) hough there were a few bug fixes prior to version 411. I have the same behaviour in TEST and PROD. Just reindexed the entire Test-DB . --> Still no luck with the SQL-report. --> A SOLR report gets filter ed, but it's grouping ignores the filter , plus I can't use SQL-calculated fields in these? Is this a bug or am I missing something? If someone can confirm this is working for them: please let me know (...)

(...) Currently selection attributes, such as picker, poll the database in such a way that LIKEs are always placed in the WHERE clause. The data that the database returns are then filter ed according to the picker configuration (exact match, contains phrase, starts with). In my company, we collect customer data from several CRM systems. For one of them, we have the customer's data materialized in the dictio (...)

(...) have question about Suggested report - when there is many threads and many values in categories not every value in each category is shown. Only firest 10 most common values are shown. I need to use filter s to received less common data. For example - I know that Tomasz is author of some threats, but he is not visible in category "Author" becuase amount of this threats is less then 7 (screenshot 1). (...)

(...) to find objects by several properties at a time (in my case: area, price, number of rooms, etc), as the list allows only for a simple search. However, reports do great job and allow all the necessary filter ing and grouping. Using a report would be a perfect start for a sales transaction. I was working on a solution to allow salesmen browse through a report of items and adding them directly to transa (...)

(...) flows that the user has access to, after I changed it to SearchIndex every user sees everything in the report, but of course then can't open the instances they dont have permission to. The predefined filter is set to all. Is there anything I can do to make SOLR reports to only show what the user has at least read rights? Oh, our current version is 2021.1.4.36 Thanks! Chris

(...) .15 - Not Found HTTP Error 404.15 - Not Found The request filter ing module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long. Most likely causes: Request filter ing is configured on the Web (...)

(...) users from the active directory. To support a simple configuration of the AD group names process constants are used to define the group name. 3.1) SQL query for the first user assignment Here no filter ing is required except the appropriate AD groups: SELECT users.COS_BpsID FROM [dbo].[CacheOrganizationStructure] as Users join [dbo].CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations as groupMembers on use (...)

(...) esn't have an option to define target fields. I moved to the autocomplete alternative. This in turn has the drawback that the it takes 2-3 seconds to load the answers. Using the same data source and filter s for the drop down choice field doesn't have any loading time. So the answers are already available. I need to combine the best of both worlds. I will probably try to use a "on value changed" ru (...)

(...) ode. The pdf with the barcode is attached nicely :). But also want to add the additional attachments. One should expect that according the documentation the configuration of additional attachment filter would actually add additional attachments. After talking to the support this is only the case when those attachments also have a barcode. I can see that this behavior can make sense for some cases. (...)

Hi, can anybody tell me what to do here? When a customer opens his test environment he receives an error with the following details (see below). Everything else works as expected but the most used applications are not shown. On that system one content database has been deleted but I do not assume this to be the reason. Does the details text give any hint that I do not get so far?

(...) Hi folks, As I am aware, it is possible to change the seeming sender mail in the action itself, but this just masks the mail and possibly be picet out by spam filter s. We wonder if there is a proper way to set the sender adress or even SMTP server per applikation on one Webcon instance? Regards Fabian :)

(...) tCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerfilter Async() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|25_0(ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scop (...)

(...) Next() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionfilter Async().... That situation is annoying because we have message on portal. Thank you for your help.

Hi, I had a "task" workflow with a due date and this due date was used in a timeout in a start step. At a later point in time it was decided that a "save draft" path should be added which won't validate the form. Using this path failed with "unknown exception" and the diagnostic log did not contain any hint that this was related to the timeout. Everything was fine except that there was the bel

(...) t, which is located here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346 This document is related to the usage of OData in PowerBI. What we really need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a documentation of that? /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/applications/{appid}/reports/{reportid}?$select=...&$ (...)