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for form rule

Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designing a business application is a process that requires both good memory and coordination from the people involved in it. Unfortunately, when faced with a large number of tasks, lengthy execution times, many people involved, or often all of the above, even the most capable mind must yield. To add

Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; authors: Marcin Kapusta, Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The newly released version of WEBCON BPS (2023.1.x) enables containerization of the system components. Thanks to this, it possible to use Docker images provided for WEBCON BPS Portal, BPS Workflow Service, and Search Server (Solr) and run these modules in containers. Containerization

Applies to version: 2021 R1 and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza, Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction This article examines the admin mode in Portal and the capabilities of users with Business administrator privileges. In addition to detailing the specifics of the aforementioned mode, the article addresses the process of granting Business Administrator privileges and configuring rule

Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction The following article explains how to enable user entry logging on the Portal website. This allows WEBCON BPS platform administrators to obtain information about individuals who have logged into the Portal.   The appsettings.user.json file You can activate the functionality of registe

(...) It would be nice if there were the following changes to the form rule alerts/confirmation functions: a) Modal dialog They could reuse the modal dialog from the "single row edit" instead of using the browser integrated alert/confirmation window. This would result in a more consistent user experience. Of course it would be nice to set title, body and button texts but I would be fine with setting the body at (...)

(...) here the action goes on each row of an item list and if a row has option A for a specific column then column B cannot be empty? There are some new functions for the item list but they only work as form rule s and for action (even creating a business rule, form rule s don't work as it needs to a TRUE/FALSE result). Even using SQL Command I think it would only work for a subquery because I need to check (...)

(...) re implemented as "validate form" action since I prefer validation on the server rather than on the client only. The draw back is, that it's a poor usability. So I "recreate" the same validations as form rule s with alerts, which are called when the field value is changed. So I have to implement the same validation twice and the ALERT function isn't build for providing multi lingual messages. Besides the d (...)

Hello all, Does anyone tried to use the concat function using a form field? I have a form field that is single text and I want to use it plus another info like below: concat ('AaAA' 'Form Field') But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the information in another field but it doesn't allow to save. Anyone used this alr

(...) ld or manually filled if there is no information on the SO. There is a column that is mandatory to be filled whenever the item list has any rows and I tried many examples to construct a validation form rule in order to have information on that column. I was using a SQL query because: - Column cannot be required (there are cases that the user is sending documents so the item list will be empty) - Fo (...)

Maybe I missed something but I'm struggling on a form. On the form I have 2 autocomplete choice fields that are related. First I would like to hide the second field. The first field a category has to be selected (1-5), and when someone selects Category 1, the second field should appear dynamically to make a selection. Now I added a rule in "Visibility restriction in form", see picture. I runs

(...) After upgrading to most recent version 2021.1.3.205, a simple form rule definded at path parameters stopped working (the rule on the attached screen). If I change the rule just to CONFIRM['Something'] (without the IF), then it works, but with the IF it does not. It used to work in 2021.1.1.53. Anyone experiencing such an issue?

(...) It was a great addition when the foreach functionality was added in form rule s for item lists, but they seem to be limited only to get and set values. There are plenty of reasons for witch you could need to disable a field or color ii differently using form rule s. It would be great if styling fields with the foreach functionality would also be possible. I have attached an example where the fields marked (...)

Dear WebCon Team, in our view, we found following misbehaviour of the form field typ - Floating Point. If you try to set this field with a periodical fraction like (14/15)*100 = 93,333333... you will get an error message. In our oppinion this is a misbehaviour, because the field itself should handle such an "exception". And it is hard to find ;) A possible solution is to wrap the "Round" functio

(...) Hi there, I have observed the problem. During the transfer between DEV-TEST-PROD environments there is an uncontrolled change in the order of formal parameters in the form rule s. This results wrong assigning the actual parameters when the rule was called after import.

(...) Hi everyone, experienced BPS Designers will remember a time when form rule s didn't have an 'Edit mode', where you could select JavaScript or form rule . You only had JavaScript. :) In the meantime the 'form rule ' option has been added an the JavaScript mode gets little attention, if at all. But how can you do some of the 'form rule ' actions with pure JavaScript? If you click on the "Show" button in the ex (...)

(...) ation-error-panel").removeClass("has-error") $("#" + columnName + " .attributeErrorsPanel li").remove() } My javascript doesn’t work with item list. It would be nice if we could have a built-in form rule function / JS function like SET ERROR(Field, errorText) - for every form diyplay mode . It would also be desirable to have something like this for item lists: SET ERROR ITEM LIST (ItemList, Row, err (...)

(...) vent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rule s “Main form -> Behavior-> forms rule to be executed on page load” are being executed AFTER the page has been rendered. I use the following js function for hiding the delete button, depending on a v (...)

Hi there, does anybody know why this error occurs? Happens the following way: - Business rule retrieves datasource column (from [CacheOrganizationStructure]) COS_AD_name by means of a form field value (see 1.png) - Rule works fine if clicked on 'Test' button - This business rule is used in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' with the goal to update a workflow's form v

(...) to use callback, but no luck here either (as callback is triggered while still in the edit mode and what if I cancel the edition?). The optimum would be if there could be a possibility to bind a form rule to ending the editin of an item in the list, but I guess there is no such possibility. Or am I wrong? UPDATE: I managed to get on callback the list of dependant item IDs and the main item IDs bot (...)

(...) I blind or there is no function oposite to COLLECTION, that would remove an element from collection? How do you manage to overcome the lack of this function? I came up with an idea of making a JS form rule that takes a collection and removes a value given in one of the parameters. It works. But there are limitations that make the solution inelegant. First of all the form rule can not return a value (in (...)