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WEBCON BPS can be used as an efficient document management system. This article describes how to use barcodes to scan PDF files and paper documents and have them automatically added to your WEBCON workflows' instances. 

Common business scenarios for using barcodes include:
1) Having a PDF document or a paper document, and scanning its barcode to relate it with an existing workflow instance.
2) Scanning the barcode on an attachment added to the HotFolder to start a workflow automatically.

An example of barcode use would be the contract conclusion process.  To process the contracts prepared by the contractor in WEBCON BPS, you may need to print the PDF files to sign the documents. After signing them, you can scan the barcodes on the documents. The service recognizes the contract with the barcode located in the HotFolder and attaches it to the appropriate workflow instance based on its barcode.

Read this article for configuration details.

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The speed of creating/updating sub-workflows depends on many factors such as the type of the form, the amount of data/actions/rules, the speed of response from external sources, server load or overall performance. When trying to update tens of sub-workflows the maximum execution time (timeout) may be exceeded. The case below shows us how can we deal with this problem by using only the standard WEBCON BPS functionalities. You can create a queuing mechanism that will update ten documents at a time.

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While implementing a system based on AAD authentication it might be necessary to create user management in o365 from WEBCON BPS level. BPS delivers dedicated actions for local AD. In AAD it’s possible to use standard actions available in BPS (REST invoke method) and in REST Service Microsoft Graph. You should register a new application in the AAD management console. It is done in a similar manner to registering an application to synchronize BPS user list (https://howto.webcon.com/bps-user-list-synchronization/).

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