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Karol Częczek


Hi, Why it takes so long I don't know, but for this reason I use the api method to add a user to a group. /api/data/v5.0/admin/group/members/add It works fast and performs synchro of all DB_Content databases Regards.

Hi Try this, Add convert attributes a date, try_cast('attrib' as date) select DATEDIFF(day, start_date, end_date) AS days_between FROM your_table; Edit -- I misunderstood the question , I thought you meant the number of days between dates.

Environment type
01.07.2024 14:02

Hi, You can also create a business rule and check the data in the [Config database] or [Content database] select [PRM_Value] FROM [dbo].[GlobalParameters] where [PRM_Name] = 'DatabaseLicence' Regards

Data table field not working
28.06.2024 18:54

Hi, in the select after the column add an alias as [name1] for example, select field as [name1] Regards

Hi, Completely agree, and I would add that it is similar if we have several content bases, and the processes are somehow interconnected, having in the view given Guid , it would simplify the configuration. Regards.

Hi, Similarly, I use to color the dates in the report column EDIT: due to this topic, I saw a logical inaccuracy in the condition (probably overwritten from dev after some testing) should be: "color": "=if(date(CurrentRawValue)

Hi, I have not used this action so farh but here you have a description of the cosign configuration : https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Signatures/Action_CoSign for docusign webcon has the corresponding SDK: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/docusign-digital-signatures-in-w

For this amount of data, I would rather create some technical database with a table for this dictionary. And optionally on webcon a form for searching , adding/deleting/updating data, If they were to be fed manually. For this approach you can define the most optimal indexes for this dictionary.

Hi, I don't know if I understood your query exactly, but the data we can add to the dictionary defines the type of attribute that is used in the dictionary. You can check this in the database. If you mean, for example, how many, attributes of the text line type you can add on a form. this is

Hi, Having admin privileges on a given element, it would be very convenient to have access to at least 2 options such as: permission check and task completion. Now you need to perform 3 operations 1. enter admin mode 2. expand admin actions 3. select the action in question Regards

Hi, With reference to Krystian's submission https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5118/15 Perhaps it would be possible to add that the applied parameters in the search panel could also be saved when creating a private view for a report. Regards.

I haven't worked through such a scenario but you probably need to configure the machine to have communication with the domain controller (NTP, DNS,) I am not a networker then I will not help more. But the connection to some domain must have if webcon is installed, and you log into it probably

You can also check the communication by running chrome as different user , and in the credentials enter the credentials, along with the domain name. Greetings.

Hi, it seems to me that the server does not have to be in the same domain, but the domain on which you want to perform operations must have a trust relationship established. Can you indicate the domain you are writing about in the BPS user sync configuration and download its members? Greetings

BPS groups
06.06.2024 13:06

Hi, You will not nest bps groups into bps groups. You can add AD groups to bps groups if that would help you to some extent. You can also build an automaton which will cyclically take data from the indicated bps groups and add/remove data to/from one aggregate BPS group.

29.05.2024 15:46

Hi, So far webcon does not have a dedicated solution/integration with panda doc. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to analyse what integration possibilities panda doc has, and then consider whether it is possible to integrate and support the signature process using the standard webcon bps s

Hi, I checked on the v3 and v5 versions of the api , and the method works fine for me. (ver. 2023.1.3.169) Regards

24.05.2024 09:56

Hi, Probably yes, best based on [SUB_IsDeleted], [SUB_IsActive] and [SUB_SubstitutionEnd] Regards

Hi, If the query looks like you describe, theoretically the data should change according to the change in the attribute data. At least it works for me in my tests. I am puzzled by this limitation you write about because the multi-text field is this ntext, meaning it can hold up to 2 GB of da

Hi, It's best to add a screenshot with a query in the attribute, then we will be able to say something more. Regards.