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for rule

(...) png), but the issue is that I can make the column visible for a (single) defined user, but not for multiple users. Any ideas here? The preferred would be a "HIDE ITEM LIST ROW" function in the form rule s. Kind regards Klaus

(...) an option to "subscribe" to reports/view. My aim is that the user will be able to select a schedule, define a report and receive this report by mail. This is currently in an alpha state. The business rule seems to work well but the BPS application is just in a proof of concept state. Maybe there's someone who can help me test the SDK/identify some issues. Fingers crossed, I'm going on vacation in a (...)

(...) ains the language of the user who clicked on the path. While writing this I've just come up with following idea: Create multiple "custom email" actions. The recipients are returned from a business rule . The business rule has three parameters. Intended recipients, language, is fallback. The business rule than returns only these recipients who are using the language. If fallback is set to true, than (...)

(...) on using a form field? I have a form field that is single text and I want to use it plus another info like below: concat ('AaAA' 'Form Field') But I'm always getting an error saying that the rule is not correct, I tried to use a SET before and keep the information in another field but it doesn't allow to save. Anyone used this already? Thank you!

(...) Hi all, I'm having a problem in Studio with a Form Validation rule using SQL. I have an item list that is populated with lines if the user select a Sales Order in another field or manually filled if there is no information on the SO. There is a column that is mandatory to be filled whenever the item list has any rows and I tried many examples to construct a validation form rule in order to ha (...)

(...) e to hide the second field. The first field a category has to be selected (1-5), and when someone selects Category 1, the second field should appear dynamically to make a selection. Now I added a rule in "Visibility restriction in form", see picture. I runs but it seems only on form load and not dynamically.

(...) just a simple JavaScript which changes the assigned space of the left and right panel from 50% for each to 75% for the right and 25% for the left. The JavaScript can be copy&pasted into a JS Form rule (1) which gets added to Behavior tab (2) so it get's executed. window.ccls = window.ccls || {}; ccls.changePanelWidth = {}; ccls.changePanelWidth.execute = function (timeoutCounter,timeoutMax) (...)

(...) of a workflow as long there is no Instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploaded or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> Instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. Thanks a lot

(...) of a workflow as long there is no Instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploaded or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> Instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. Thanks a lot

(...) message. In our oppinion this is a misbehaviour, because the field itself should handle such an "exception". And it is hard to find ;) A possible solution is to wrap the "Round" function around the rule /result before setting the value to the field. Could you please check, if this could be fixed or it is an intended behaviour? Thanks a lot

(...) e some element from the list and then i try to add new one. The value from the new chosen 'subtype' isnt placed in the correct row, but, for example, two rows upper (I didn't recognize there were any rule , sometimes its 2 rows upper, sometime its 5 rows upper). I found out that if I set item list sorting to ID(created by webcon) from End Date(set by user) then problem doesnt occur. The thing is I wan (...)

(...) Hi everyone, it would be nice if the description of a rule parameter would be displayed in addition to its type, when hovering above a parameter. Best regards, Daniel

(...) deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rule s “Main form -> Behavior-> forms rule to be executed on page load” are being executed AFTER the page has been rendered. I use the following js function for hiding the delete button, depending on a v (...)

(...) I want to subtract the value of two attributes from each other. I tried a business rule and it counts the differences between the two attributes, but I don't know how to make this difference show up on the form and refreshes after changing the value. For example, attribute 1 has a value of 5 and attribute 2 has a value of 10, and I want to show: attribute 2 - attribute 1 = attribute 3

(...) of parameters of apartments). When I select an apartment that has dedicated parking place I manage to check and store the ID of the assigned parking place in a technical variable on the fly (as form rule invoked on callback of the items list). However, I can not add it automatically to the list, as there is no function that allows me to do this (or I can not find it). The only procedure that allows (...)

(...) How to use the mentioned function (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/function-dictionary-for-business-rule s-and-form-rule s/237) without sql to get the date value for the last and the first day of the current month in the default value field of datetime type attribute?

(...) Hi there, does anybody know why this error occurs? Happens the following way: - Business rule retrieves datasource column (from [CacheOrganizationStructure]) COS_AD_name by means of a form field value (see 1.png) - rule works fine if clicked on 'Test' button - This business rule is used in the cyclical action 'Update related workflow instance' with the goal to update a workflow's form value (...)

(...) lated fields are "Przypisane komórki (BPS)", "Przypisane garaże (BPS)", "Przypisane miejsca postojowe (BPS)" - these are choice fields in read only control mode (technical fields actually). There are rule s triggered on change value of each of them to create hyperlinks in attributes of the same name (without "(BPS)" suffix). All of it in detail in the attached sketch. Sorry for the polish variable name (...)

(...) Hi there, I'm trying to work out a rule to color backround of a date cell. The condition would be "if the date in the current field is greater than today, then color backround, else dont change the color". Currently the not working JSON code is: { "content": "=CurrentField", "style": { "background-color": "=if(CurrentField > today, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried different va (...)

(...) se callback, but no luck here either (as callback is triggered while still in the edit mode and what if I cancel the edition?). The optimum would be if there could be a possibility to bind a form rule to ending the editin of an item in the list, but I guess there is no such possibility. Or am I wrong? UPDATE: I managed to get on callback the list of dependant item IDs and the main item IDs bot (...)