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Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik In WEBCON BPS, your forms can be ergonomic and comfortable to read, no matter how big they are. It is possible thanks to the feature that allows you to organize your form fields into groups and configure how they work and what they look like. Read this article to learn how to create form fields groups, and use them to improve your forms

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The WEBCON BPS program allows you to build advanced form templates. One of the features that can be especially useful is showing or hiding form fields depending on the value of another form field.  For example, you can decide that some fields won’t be shown on the form unless the user checks a field that makes them visible.

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik WEBCON BPS compact forms adapt the application's main form to work on mobile devices and small screens. The compact appearance may differ from the main form in the layout, order of the fields, and other aspects. When you create an application with the main form on the WEBCON BPS platform, the system automatically creates its compact ve

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik With WEBCON BPS, you can color the background of the item list form field. This functionality can facilitate data interpretation and increase transparency when presenting a lot of data.  This article will present the available options for coloring the background of the item list. Go to the coloring settings, open the item list

(...) atabase is also available in the rules editor (when switched to the advanced mode).   Fig.8 Enabling advanced mode in the rule editor   Example of calculated column formuLAS The formula has to be written in SQL, using form fields or system fields.   Type Lamp The column returns colors depending on the value: Red - when the formula value = 0, Yell (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik    The "Hyperlink" action type enables you to place a button in the form bar. This button can be used to launch a specific WEBCON BPS workflow, which can be a sub workflow of the current Workflow. It can also link to other relevant information, e.g., documentation for the process or guidelines that should be taken into

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The WEBCON BPS platform enables simple integration with the SharePoint Online environment and your SharePoint workflows.  After defining the connection in Designer Studio, you have many actions at your disposal that allow you to create sites and operate on lists. This article describes actions that enable linking the WEBCON BPS ap

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik This article shows you how to automatically create a new SharePoint site with just one click from a WEBCON BPS form. If you want to learn about other out-of-the-box actions that use your SharePoint content in WEBCON BPS, go here.  We will show the configuration on a free WEBCON application that you can download from here: Investments

(...) of WEBCON BPS Portal with ADFS.   To start, let us take a look at two default themes provided by Microsoft in Windows Server 2019. If you have an older version of Windows Server, go to the LAS t section of this article, download the theme we link to, upload it to your server and then return here to follow the instructions on customizing your login page Without further ado, these are the (...)

Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Michał Kastelik   WEBCON BPS 2021 has introduced new appearance and display options that allow you to further customize your application's start buttons. Read this article if you want to learn what they are and how to use them.     Hiding buttons    After enabling the Portal editin

(...) orite elements will be listed from left to right, with the element from the top of the favorites list on the left and the element from the bottom of the list as the LAS t item on the right. If you wish, you can drag and drop the tiles to re-order your favorites.    What items can be added to Favorites?  Every element from the&nb (...)

(...) the session without saving, e.g., by resetting, canceling, or refreshing the browser tab, the administrator will receive incomplete data.  To preview the registered invocations, click on the fLAS hing icon or select "Show diagnostics." The number of visible invocations depends on the user's permission level. Only the System Administrator or the Application Administrator has a det (...)

(...) on an example in which there are three separate forms; each of them triggers a different BPS user action. One form is used when you want to create a new user, another is used to delete them, and the LAS t form type is used for editing an existing user. The workflow with each of the three forms can be launched from Portal.   All these forms use the same workflow. The first step allows submi (...)

Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction In WEBCON BPS 2021, the form rules have been enhanced with new functions operating on text such as: CONCAT - combines two or more text strings into one text SPLIT - splits the provided text into parts, according to a specified separator. The function returns strings separated by semicolons ‘;&rs

Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Michał Kastelik  So far, it was possible to display a currency code or symbol next to numerical fields in WEBCON BPS. This made the form more readable and facilitated user orientation in the case of multi-currency forms. However, WEBCON BPS 2021 has introduced some improvements that are described in this article. Prefix and Suffix The name of th

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author:  Dawid Golonka In the WEBCON BPS system, the processed instances move from one workflow step to another. Tasks are assigned in these steps, and users or groups of users assigned to these tasks must perform an action. WEBCON BPS has a comprehensive tool that allows you to choose who the task should go to in the next step; it is configured in the ‘

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author:  Wojciech Kołodziej   Introduction A dashboard is a panel that allows you to prepare a dedicated page where you can add various elements (called widgets) such as reports, task counters, or HTML code. Widgets are used to build a personalized application page in WEBCON BPS Portal. The ability to create your dashboards by using 10 widgets h

(...) to add new tags. Therefore, the list in the Modification step should look like in figure 3 below. The first two lines have been added earlier, and because of that, they are locked. Nevertheless, the LAS t line is being added at the moment, so it must be unlocked.   Fig.3 - Item’s list appearance (editing is locked)   To achieve the results shown in figure 3, go to (...)

(...) es, the average time, and the trends. The "Trend" column tells you how the columns' value has changed between the previous month and the current month:  Shorter time than in the LAS t month.  Comparable time to the LAS t month.  Longer time than in the LAS t month. Apart from listing time for particular employees, the statistics return a row with “Current t (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Michał Bednarz From version 2021, you can authenticate in WEBCON BPS with any provider using the OpenID Connect standard. In this article, we explain how to configure it using Google authentication as an example. Please note that the configuration is identical when you use another provider.  It is necessary to register the applicatio