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for Tasks

(...) applicable to all the reports it feeds.   Creating a tabular report The discussed example involves adding a simple report in the form of a table that will include information about Tasks currently executed by the subordinates of the Head of the Department. To add it, click the plus button provided in the bigger section segment and select the Table option from the Add new element menu (...)

(...) nbsp; Introduction Designing a business application is a process that requires both good memory and coordination from the people involved in it. Unfortunately, when faced with a large number of Tasks , lengthy execution times, many people involved, or often all of the above, even the most capable mind must yield. To address these challenges, Designer Studio offers a functionality that enables user (...)

(...) 1.) Delegated Tasks or Tasks received because of substitution rules are always shown as "Substitution". This confuses people sometimes, because they then might think they will receive all of the delegators Tasks . It would be better to show delegated Tasks as Delegated. 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitutions for other colleagues. They c (...)

(...) In many Tasks we need the same info from the current user. So it would be nice, the user have to write down this only once. Preferred into an additional and self-configurable dictionary, that's called via user-icon. In this way the user can run only one instance.

(...) all our contract based payments and the steps "financing check", "paid", "not paid" which use different fields and need to be kept in a different report - it might look like this: + Invoices My Tasks (17) My Invoices (120) Factual check Financing check Accounting + Contract based payments My Tasks (3) My CBP Financing check Paid Not paid and so on. T (...)

(...) f an autocomplete. Nothing wrong with this since you can still get some useful information. Nevertheless, I prefer searching this site using a major search engine. Since I don't like to do repetitive Tasks I put together some JavaScript which speeds this up and can be executed on any (public) site by clicking on a bookmark. Unfortunately gifs aren't allowed so I attached a screenshot: 1: Search result (...)

(...) tead of the column name. This is especially a problem if the data source is a BPS internal view. WFD_AttChoose1 isn't really helpful for translating. :) 3. There's a slight labeling issue. The PathAndTasks sheet doesn't contain the correct label for object type 33. It should be PathDocumentation instead of PathDescription. Currently "PathDe[s]cription" is duplicated. 4. Buttons are not part of the gene (...)

(...) moving this column from the report, all large reports are loaded almost immediately (even those with many calculated columns). It looks like in this version the query has been changed to the WFElementTasks array? I am curious if someone will confirm this scenario? Regards.

(...) How to change by displaying everything, not only 4 Tasks ? - [|TaskDetailsTable:4|] How to change TaskDetailsTable?

(...) r am I wrong? UPDATE: I managed to get on callback the list of dependant item IDs and the main item IDs both in separate attributes. I managed to create actions that I want to perform the desired Tasks in a path. But this needs user to click the path button - how to automatically add the new items to the list on closing the edit window?

(...) a new UPN in AD as we are going to synch up with their Azure AD and move into their 0365. So the old UPN "accountname@oldupn.us" will be "accountname@newupn.us". The issue is, ALL open webcon Tasks are tied to the previous UPN and those do not carry over to the new UPN. So all task assignments, record creators, etc... are lost. Is there a way to correct this? Hope that made sense!

(...) I try to use the following functionality: "Security based on organization structure. This functionality allows you to view and edit your subordinates’ instances and Tasks (in the same manner that those subordinates would be able to), and also lets you delegate subordinates' Tasks to yourself (or another person), in order to take over and complete them. " I can view and edit my subordinates' (...)

(...) Hi All I need to ask for your help :) This time I need to update permissions for Tasks on separate processes/applications, not linked together. Let's say I want to give permission to read a document for some domain user or user group. The problem is that I can't modify these processes. I cannot modify data from the database side because the manufacturer forbids it :/ My idea is to create a new (...)

(...) later another purchase out of the group of 8 is meant to approve the order again. But not the user having done the first approval (1). My approach would be to get the first approver from the Tasks table via SQL and make sure that he is not within the users for the second approval. So that this user would not receive a second task on that workflow instance. Does that work or is there a bette (...)

(...) so it shall be possible to change the process to two persons approving each of two approval steps (4 eye principle or 8 eye principle). 2) Task Creation The user assignment to the single approval Tasks shall be done through AD groups as the members change frequently. 3) Approach In both steps the task assignment is performed through SQL queries that retrieve the users from the active directory. (...)

(...) Hi, I have an issue with the Change Items List action. It is defined to wait for required Tasks to be completed and is tied to multiple people completing an action. But when the last person completes the action, the item list is updated, but only for the last person who completed their task. Is there any way to define the action so it updates the list for all the people who are involved in completin (...)

(...) I would like to print attachments that are attached to selected Tasks (with specific IDs) so that I can print them. It would be enough if I could automatically save them to the local disk. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Plese help:(

(...) to move to archive approx 200.000 instances. It was working very slow, taking 5-6 secs per instance. After some investigation, we found out, we can speed it up with an additional index on WFElementTasks . After creating the index - CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_WFELementTasks _Finished ON dbo.WFELementTasks (WFT_WFHIDTaskFinished)- it takes less than 0,3 sec per instance. Dear Webcon team, please I (...)

(...) Hello to everybody, right before the weekend I once more need your help: My client asks if there is any machanism to enable a person, who already has received Tasks as a substitute, to assign his or her substitute to these Tasks . The client wishes an automated feature for this. Example: 01-10-2022: Person A defines Person Z as substitute from October, 2nd to October 10th 02-10-2022: Person Z r (...)

(...) would really like to kick some stuff out. I know that I can embed webcon parts into plain html via ifram, however I want the portal to be smooth and clean for us. In particular I dont like the "my Tasks ", "for me" and the lower menu search entries. Second, is there a chance to remove the standard dashboard per application? I would also like to replace it by a custom one. Best regards Lutz