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Currently, if a company has several content databases, for example 5, and users need to be synchronized across each database, the data is stored in 5 tables * 5 databases, resulting in the same data being present in 25 tables.


Wouldn't migrating to a single table from which data could be drawn be more convenient?


Now it is even more interesting.
It seems, that the transaction was still running and that's the reason why I didn't see the workflow instances. Neither in the Portal nor in SQL Server Management studio. I didn't think of making a dirty read.

I checked this morning and now they show up. It just took about 7 hours to complete everything.

I have now idea how this may have been implemented but they have me respect that this worked out fine. :)


Digging deeper:

The parent workflow was executed at 15:29 UTC (17:29) (1)

I joined the LOG_WFDID column with the WFElements table. While the LOG_WFDID column has a value the WFD_ID column is null and new log entries are created for "new workflow" at this moment. (2)

This is really strange. :)


Something interestingly happened.

I wanted to create a few hundred BPS groups to test something unrelated to this topic.

I already had a process for creating the groups and assigning the users. I wanted to utilize it by creating another process with an item list, populate this via excel, and start the first for each row.
So far so easy I had in mind. I got distracted and forgot to add a loop to prevent that all item list rows are processed at ones.
The action for creating the sub workflows was on the path when a new workflow instance is created.
Obviously the execution failed due to the timeout issue, but while writing this post more and more BPS groups are popping up in Portal.

So, while the workflow instance used for importing the data wasn't saved, and the subworkflows haven't been created the BPS groups are being created.
The archive -/db/6/app/26/explore/all - does not contain any new workflows.



adding users to groups causes an update of the user properties which downloads objects from Azure AD.
Depending on the environment it can take quite a long time.

- (7/2/2024 2:33:46 PM) Step started: Download selected objects from Azure AD if required
- (7/2/2024 2:35:44 PM) Step completed: Download selected objects from Azure AD if required (duration: 118687 ms)

While this is not a problem if the user is added via the Portal, executing the "Add user action" in synchronous mode leads to a timeout error in the browser.

I don't see any reason, why adding the user to a BPS group should trigger an update from Azure AD. Could this part of the logic be removed?

Best regards,


Hello everyone,

we use a lot of custom email templates. One recurring issue is the lack of options for design and name changes
for "Go to Element" and "Go to Application".

Additionally, emails for users who rarely interact with WEBCON often find the "Go to Element" button confusing.
It would be desirable for us if the names were customizable and the fields could respond to HTML design instructions.
Ideally, it would also be great if images could be used as buttons for that fields.

If I have missed any existing options for this, I would appreciate any tips.

Thank you in advance,
Bjoern Poller


Hello everyone,

in our main application, we need to import address lists from clients. For some time now, we have been hitting the limit of 1000 rows.
I would like to suggest reviewing the current server performance to determine if it is now feasible to increase this limit
to 2001 (header + 2000 rows) or, ideally, to 2501.

This adjustment would significantly ease our workload, as we currently have to manually split the address files.

Thank you in advance,
Bjoern Poller

P.S.: I have already submitted a similar request for the Excel export in DATA TABLEs.


Hello everyone,

we frequently encounter situations where it is convenient for us to perform an Excel export of the current state via the DATA TABLE. Recently, we have been hitting the limit of 1000 rows more often (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Process/Attribute/DataPres/Sql_grid/#7-allow-excel-export).

I would like to propose a review of the current server performance to determine if it is now feasible to increase this limit to 2001 (header + 2000 rows) or, ideally, to 2501.
This adjustment would significantly ease our workload.

Thank you in advance,
Bjoern Poller

P.S.: I will also submit a similar request for the import of Excel rows into an Item List.