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Dear Webcon Community, as you probably know, dark mode is very popular in most modern applications. It has many benefits, but the most important is that looking at the screen for 8 hours is less exhausting for our eyes if we use dark mode. I really hope we can add this to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio :)

Hi, just a simple, easy request - can you please add a usefull code editor to SQL rules, JavaScript rules and HTML fields details ? Sure, one can copy paste the code from external editors, but it takes time, having an embedded editor would be a great feature.


A feature we think will save a lot of time for our developers would be the ability to double click the on the usages actions and open those actions in a popup. All kind of ussages (Fields, Busines entities and so on...).


HI, When installing Webcon, the SQL Server compatibility level is set to 120 (default). To use advanced functions like `string_split` and data processing functions from JSON, it is necessary to manually change the compatibility level to 150. These functions are essential in developing more complex processes. If we manually upgrade the compatibility level from 120 to 150, Webcon will no longer provide support. It would be beneficial to have the compatibility level pre-set to 150 during the (...)


When using objects in the code editor and hover on top of them it shows you the location (Very usefull), but it would lower the ammounts of clicks and speed up the development if by doubleclicking or rightclicking on those, the menu on the right would expand automaticaly.

A good and useful option for system users would be the ability to create filters on a column using a narrowing phrase. For example, by entering the phrase "BX2TD6" in the column filter with the function "contains phrase," users could create such a private view without having to mark each result. Each time this view is opened, it would present the results for that phrase. Currently, results need to be marked manually, or such a report with an SQL filter has to be created administratively.

Dear Webcon Community :), Is it possible to add sort option to "My tasks"? By default it is sorted by Modification date in ascending order. My proposal is: 1. It would be very useful if user can sort it by other standard fields like: Days/hours in step, Modifying person, Creation date, etc. 2. Switching between the direction of the selected sort (ascending/descending) would be great


During a presentation there was a comment that the indicator (traffic light) icons are not easily distinguishable for colour blind people. It would be an improvement if the icons would have a different shape in addition to the colour. One idea would be a red square, orange triangle and green circle. In addition there was the question if it would be possible to provide a tooltip what each icon indicates. I've currently added an explanation above a data table but this won't help in a report. Ther (...)

If possible, please add more colours to mark arrows in process design. It's very useful to mark arrows with same colour as buttons (paths). Currently there are grey (default), green, red, blue. Thanks.

Good morning, Designer Studio is missing Dark Mode - many if not 99% of programmers are just working on dark colors, thus saving their eyes and improving the comfort of their work. The second topic is the code editor. Currently, in Designer Studio, the place where we edit code that is, for example, "sql command" is probably a regular notepad without support for, for example, tab. It would be useful to have such a small VS Code in the places where we edit code. Reports of this type have (...)

Hi everyone. While searchin/changing permissions in Webcon, there are tabs to choose. If there is more than can fit to window width, scrolling them is dramaticly slow. I suggest to change it to dropdown list. With search option would be great. [2024-07-09 - reminder]


Hi guys, I've I some suggestions for the task management process : 1. Add reminders configuration for tasks * possibility to define reminder templates:list of reminders: WHO, WHEN, MESSAGE, channel (email, sms, other ?) * you can attach reminder templates to each type of tasks (workflow steps) 2. Add escalation configuration for tasks * possibility to define escalation actions. Good to define escalation templates, list of: WHEN, WHO (roles, managers), MESSAGE, CHANNEL you can attach escalatio (...)

Hello everyone, Increasingly, when creating large applications containing many processes, dictionaries or document templates, the ability to group processes in Designer Studio would be useful. You can then group processes as you wish, making it much easier to navigate through large applications. Would it be possible to add such grouping to Designer Studio? Greetings to all ;)

Hi all. When searching/changing permissions in Webcon, there are tabs to choose from. If there are more than can fit in the window width, scrolling through them is dramatically slow. I would suggest changing this to a drop-down list. With a search option it would be great. [I added the same topic six months ago, but I'm doing it again because of the lack of response to the previous one].


Hi, could we please get an option to define whether we want to set a choose field or only the id of the choose field? See the attachment as one example. I have an item list with a drop down and a fixed sql statement with multilingual values. Assigning the id to the column in a for each loop does not resolve the display name and the "id" value is treated as the display name. The "solution" aka workaround is to set the id and display name. That's *beep beep beep beep*. Could we pl (...)


Hi, It would be nice if we also had fields of the time type. Some clients need to record, for example, the time of arrival and the time of departure, and this is not possible through standard fields. Thanks, Raluca


Hello everyone, My Tasks is pretty popular view among users at my company, but i'm getting more and more often questions if i could change the way it works. I really like the default feature, and wouldn't change it, but I've an idea that we could have an 'Selected Element Viewer' control in the Dashboard. I even prepared some PoC - you can check it out here: https://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboards/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. (...)


Hi, I think it would be helpful if the data row field, when set to the percentage type, also displayed negative percentages when selected. This would be highly beneficial for various processes, especially when we want to track project progress or profitability. Currently, if we have negative percentages, it shows as 0. I believe negative percentages could be highlighted with a different color. Thanks, Raluca

Dear Community, how about adding an icon to path button? Something similar to adding an icon to menu button. I think it could be very useful and could improve user experience in this matter. Best.


Hi everyone, it would be nice if the description of a rule parameter would be displayed in addition to its type, when hovering above a parameter. Best regards, Daniel