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WEBCON BPS add-in for MS Teams enables the integration of the WEBCON BPS platform with Microsoft Teams. The article below presents the process of add-in installation and configuration. We will also show how can you access to the task list. The process consists of downloading the add-in file and then installing it directly in MS Teams. Each user can carry out this installation by themselves – they don’t need to have the administration privileges. Go to WEBCON BPS Portal and click on the user menu and then select the “Install MS Office add-ins” – “Teams”. You will get a window to download the add-in – just click on the “Download Teams app installation package” button.

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With the introduction of the Modern form and the WEBCON BPS Platform we have the possibility to add many attachments faster and more intuitively. To add attachments just select them with the mouse and drag them to the Attachments section – no need to install any plugins. This functionality works with with the most currently available web browsers on all operating systems. We can transfer any number of attachments in this way. We also have the ability to copy image files (e.g. screenshots) by using the system clipboard. This functionality can be used in workflows where the user is required to attach some sort of screenshot (e.g. in support processes).

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The WEBCON 2019 version introduced the possibility of using REST API technology to create programming integration solutions with the system. The REST API provides full support and allows you to start new workflow instances, transition paths, and modify the content of the instances. WEBCON BPS 2020 has API in version 2.0 which will be used in the examples below.

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In WEBCON BPS 2020 we have the ability to embed Power BI reports on Portal dashboards. It is used to present any data which we have already prepared in the Power BI service. We can embed both a view of the entire report, as well as individual components. To correctly operate Power BI reports embedded in WEBCON BPS Portal, you must provide the correct Application ID in the system configuration. The full instructions on how to register your application with Azure can be found at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/developer/register-app.

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Contracts, employment applications, invoice templates or technical documentation – a repository of documents in our company can grow to incredible proportions. In this article we will show you how to use WEBCON BPS to store and manage these documents. n WEBCON BPS, we usually store documents in the following places: as attachments in dictionary processes for templates, in the SharePoint library, as an attachment to any instance and on a network share. There is no one definitive way to store this type of file – the approach to managing the repository of templates should be clear from the technological capabilities of the environment in which we work and the business requirements.

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WEBCON 2020 version introduces the possibility of using dedicated processes as standardized data dictionaries. Thanks to this, we have the possibility to easily create and manage dictionaries located within the WEBCON BPS Platform, which in turn translates to a simplified and uniform environment. With each dictionary process, a predefined data source returning all dictionary elements is automatically created. The structure of the source contains all form fields  defined in the process and is updated whenever the configuration of the dictionary process is changed. The dictionary process uses only one Start step, and in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio we cannot add any further steps to the workflow (the “Workflow designer” tab and the option to add a step from the “Configuration and steps” tab are blocked).

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When working in environments managed in parallel by many people (or teams) there is often a need for two types of processes to coexist within one environment – supported by the export/import mechanism and those implemented directly in the production environment. In this situation we cannot block the environment from editing. To ensure consistency and make it more difficult to unintentionally modify the process imported into production environment, a new functionality has been added in the WEBCON BPS 2020 version called “Process modified by export-import mechanism”.

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WEBCON BPS 2019 is our first product that can operate without SharePoint in what we call a Standalone version. In the year 2019 the Standalone version was gradually improved with mechanisms emulating/replacing functionalities of the full installation – especially those regarding the operations of the SharePoint form. Our Changelog presents these changes as they happened version-by-version. For example WEBCON BPS 2019 introduced a mechanism which can substitute SharePoint Groups and allows for an easier management and user privilege allocation in the system.

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WEBCON BPS Designer Studio can be launched from a local machine but in order to connect smoothly to both Portal and the database, it requires an environment configuration. Depending on the chosen type of WEBCON BPS installation: with SharePoint or StandAlone and following methods of authentication: integrated login or SQL login. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio always opens in the context of the currently logged in Windows user. This means that when using more than one domain, you should use SQL login to connect to the database.

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During the installation of the FineReader 11 component, one must consider the user privileges of the account on which WEBCON BPS Workflow Service will be run. If this user is not a local administrator, then add this account to be stored in the DCOM service of the FineReader 11 component. Once you install FineReader 11, in the WEBCON installer you will be asked if you want to configure the privileges using the Component Services tool. This is the same window that appears when changing the user in the WEBCON BPS Workflow Service. If you intend to use the WEBCON BPS Workflow Service on the local admin account, or configure the privileges later, click “No” when prompted.

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