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In WEBCON BPS 2020, the OCR verification view is now also available on MODERN forms. It allows you to enable AI mechanisms in StandAlone installations. The new OCR verification view introduces several additional functionalities (for the MODERN form) such as: copying several words (blocks of text) into the choice, number, and text fields, form rules that allow you to display/hide the “OCR Train” button and the designation of the learning buttons is “remembered” until the learning OCR action is triggered.

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Each WEBCON BPS workflow is a sequence of steps. On the intermediate steps there are usually tasks that must be completed by a user (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step. The tasks can be assigned in different ways: based on the logic of the business application (predefined task assignment), by indicating the specific user or group of users, based on a business rule, dynamic, depending on the value of one of the form fields, by using the “Create a task” action and by using the “Add privileges” action (in some cases it is better to grant permissions to edition instead of assigning tasks). In this article we will focus on assigning tasks based on a business rule.

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In the WEBCON BPS 2020 version, the application reports have been expanded with the ability to display data from an Item list form field. In the report configuration, you can add columns of the selected item list – data from only one item list can be presented at one time. f the item list will display multiple rows on the report, the values of the other normal form fields displayed in the same report will be replicated for each row. The ability to add columns of the item list is exclusive to Table reports.

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In WEBCON BPS 2020, two new standard reports – Anomalies and Suggested are available in the “Insights” section, which allow you to quickly find important information in your processes. The Suggested report shows instances that can be the most important for the user. These instances are designated based on the date of the last modification and the modifying person. In the report we find all instances which have been assigned to the user and have been modified by the user. he shorter time since the last modification on a given instance, the higher it will appear in the report. The Suggested report is automatically created and does not require any additional configuration.

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In the WEBCON 2020 version, we introduce the ability to export the content of a “Data table” form field to an Excel file (this option is available in the MODERN form). The article describes how to use this functionality.

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WEBCON BPS 2019.1.4 introduces the ability to define your language packs for the WEBCON BPS Portal user interface. This allows you to independently create expansions of the supported interface languages list and adapting it to the needs of subsequent system implementations. However, the issue of translating and supporting multilingual environments is much broader. This article describes all system configuration elements and mechanisms responsible for presentation and translation of Portal content.

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This article presents how we can facilitate the maintenance of the application that we use across many business entities and have different people responsible for specific tasks (e.g. accounting). We implement an application for the assignment of cost invoices. Our company has two departments (similarly, the mechanism can also be used in the case of companies) – in Cracow and Warsaw, and in each of these departments, there are people working in accounting who are responsible for processing company invoices.

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SOLR (added in the 2019 version) is a search engine that allows you to efficiently search for content even for very large data sets. From version 2020 WEBCON BPS allows creating reports based on the SearchIndex (SORL) data source. This article below will show you how we can configure such a report and explain how it differs from existing reports based on SQL databases. Reports based on SearchIndex data source provide acceleration of system response time and simultaneously won’t load the transaction base of the WEBCON BPS platform. They also present and access attachments directly from the report level – without opening the form.

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WEBCON BPS gives us the ability to create reports in the application and then embed them on dashboards and external websites. However, there may be a situation when, for a particular application, many reports have been created, which will result in the long list of reports in the navigation menu (located on the left in the WEBCON BPS Portal) that we don’t use every day.

How can we deal with this situation? In the 2020.1.1. version, we have access to new functionality – “Hide in the navigation menu” that allows us to hide such reports.

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The speed of creating/updating sub-workflows depends on many factors such as the type of the form, the amount of data/actions/rules, the speed of response from external sources, server load or overall performance. When trying to update tens of sub-workflows the maximum execution time (timeout) may be exceeded. The case below shows us how can we deal with this problem by using only the standard WEBCON BPS functionalities. You can create a queuing mechanism that will update ten documents at a time.

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