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WEBCON BPS allows you to generate the Word files that can include data entered on the form. This functionality is useful in various processes such as contracts, vacations, and orders, where it is necessary to submit the document for signature. The following article describes the method of WEBCON BPS add-in installation, template preparation and action configuration for generating a .docx document. An example template was based on the employment contract process.

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WEBCON BPS can be used as an efficient document management system. This article describes how to use barcodes to scan PDF files and paper documents and have them automatically added to your WEBCON workflows' instances. 

Common business scenarios for using barcodes include:
1) Having a PDF document or a paper document, and scanning its barcode to relate it with an existing workflow instance.
2) Scanning the barcode on an attachment added to the HotFolder to start a workflow automatically.

An example of barcode use would be the contract conclusion process.  To process the contracts prepared by the contractor in WEBCON BPS, you may need to print the PDF files to sign the documents. After signing them, you can scan the barcodes on the documents. The service recognizes the contract with the barcode located in the HotFolder and attaches it to the appropriate workflow instance based on its barcode.

Read this article for configuration details.

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When designing the processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS, it is good to know how the data is stored in the tables, what are the relations between them and how individual information is displayed on the form. This article describes the Calendars table. The Calendars table allows you to operate the non-working and working days by defining them in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. A properly configured calendar can bring many benefits. The chosen business example is only one of the many possibilities of using the table.

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One of the built-in WEBCON BPS functionalities is the ability to create a vacation process. This process can be generated by using the absence process wizard – you can also present the vacation requests on the Gantt chart. The data needed to create the vacation process is loaded from the typed data source. But when the history of absences is not defined, the data will be loaded from the vacation process. It presents the submitted vacation requests – you can decide that the requests from the selected workflow step will be loaded to the chart, e.g. from the step where the requests approved by the supervisor are stored.

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The processes designed in WEBCON BPS use the e-mail sending actions in their workflows – e.g. e-mails about active tasks waiting for the user or e-mails contain various reports. WEBCON BPS allows you to set a way of sending e-mails in which the outgoing notifications can be queued by the system and then, are sent according to the priority assigned to them. The queue can be stored in the WFMails table in the database. To enable the message queueing, go to the configuration of the “Send a custom e-mail” action and in the “Settings” tab select the “Add to sending queue” option.

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Each of the individual stages of the business process requires the involvement of specific employees or groups. The degree of involvement can vary from person to person – from one action and access to some resources to participate in the entire process cycle and insight into each instance. WEBCON BPS allows you to map these conditions by using the privileges mechanism. The WEBCON BPS system operates based on a SQL database, one of the places where the information the privileges is stored is the WFSecurities table.

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WEBCON BPS introduces a lot of new functionalities which allow for creating more complicated processes. In some cases, developing the process is related to an increase in the number of form fields used, although this is not always necessary. This article describes how to limit the number of form fields in WEBCON BPS 2020 and presents good practices in planning and configuring process – so that these limits are not reached. All of the following limitations result directly from the WFElements (for form fields) and WFElementsDetails (for the item list) SQL table structures.

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WEBCON BPS allows you to optically recognize of instances and then, assign their values to the appropriate form fields. The following article describes the method of configuration a process to read data on the instance. To run the OCR AI you must to: install the ABBYY FineReader component (Fine Reader 11 installation), enable the “OCR AI” service role and import/add an OCR AI project. The following configuration uses two OCR AI projects – for tax id and fields identification (provided by WEBCON BPS). These projects were imported in the “OCR AI” projects in the system configuration in Designer Studio.

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Actions are commonly used in WEBCON BPS to design the processes and individual workflows. They are performed without any user interaction and defined on the transition paths or steps. An example actions perform such activities as calculating the field value, making an entry to AD, sending an e-mail. While working with WEBCON BPS they will appear situations (at the stage of creating the processes, testing or using already implemented solution) when you are not sure whether the action was correctly triggered.

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If an employee is absent, their tasks can be automatically passed to another person. Read this article to learn how to configure substitutions in WEBCON BPS. WEBCON BPS allows you to use this workflow automation in many places. One of the options for setting the substitutions is to use the actions in the “Substitutions” category in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio.

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