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When designing business processes in WEBCON BPS, in addition to ensuring that the created solution works correctly when it comes to functionality, it is also worth paying attention to the visual side of the form. The form view should be intuitive and understandable to the end user. Each workflow created as a part of the process has two global form templates – Main form and Compact form (which can be used e.g. in mobile devices). The compact form is available via a dedicated mobile application for smartphones and tablets, and also from the browser level. After clicking a link, a panel with instance preview will appear on the right.

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When designing MODERN forms for WEBCON BPS Portal, it is important to take into consideration what the end user is expected to do on the form and how to make sure they do it correctly. A user should be able to discern what value should be entered into what field. In addition to thematically grouping form fields, you can also add tooltips with instructions next to field labels. Thanks totooltips on the form, a user has the ability to learn more about the form they are currently working on . In WEBCON BPS, such tooltips can be found both on form fields and on transition path buttons.

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WEBCON BPS allows you to send customized e-mails to users. E-mail messages are currently an important method of communication, and the use of electronic mail accompanies us both at work and in private contacts. Very often it facilitates problem solving and speeds up decision making. E-mail templates allow you to define the appearance of the e-mail sent in WEBCON BPS, both when sending standard notification and configurable messages. The following article describes the standard e-mail notifications along with the global template and the way of defining the configurable notifications and templates within the process.

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When building business processes in WEBCON BPS and designing workflows – big or small – you may find that you need to pass information between two workflows. One of the simplest ways to pass information from the current form to one in another workflow is by using the Hyperlink action. Hyperlinks allow you to go through to the linked form, open it in the new tab, and pass a set of parameters to the other workflow. As WEBCON BPS software developed, both the configuration (graphic interface) and function (range of abilities) changed. The following article serves to refresh the topic of Hyperlinks for version 2020.1.x.

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During normal use of WEBCON BPS, users can select which path (among those available) the instance will go through to reach the next step. However, when going through the system step, not the user but the system moves the instance to the next step after executing the appropriate action e.g. receiving a document scan. A path which the instance went through is called the default path – you can select them when configuring the path. o set the default path, enter the path configuration and in the “General” tab select the “Path is default” option.

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The SharePoint Framework extensions are client-side components that work in the context of a SharePoint page. They can be implemented in a SharePoint Online environment and you can use JavaScript tools and libraries to create them. This article presents the methods for starting WEBCON BPS workflows from the SharePoint library by using the “ListView Command Set” extension. The solution described in the article is only a taste of the possibilities provided by SharePoint Framework Extensions. With basic programming skills and through modifying only three files, you can extend the capabilities of the SharePoint Online list and combine them with WEBCON BPS.

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When implementing projects in WEBCON BPS you can facilitate communication between project members via the Team feature in Microsoft Teams. Adding a new Team can be automated by using the WEBCON BPS when registering a new project workflow – you can also use the Microsoft Graph platform. The integration of the project management process with Microsoft Teams can be additionally extended upon e.g. by informing the team members about data updates in the workflow by sending them an e-mail.

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This article describes 1) how to start a WEBCON BPS workflow using advanced column formatting in the SharePoint library and 2) how to download an attachment from a SharePoint library and insert it in a BPS workflow. 

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When designing processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS is it good to know how data is stored in the table, what relationships are and how particular information is displayed on the form. The following article describes the WFHistoryElements and WFHistoryElementDetails tables. The tables store data o the edition of the instances and changes of the values when going through the path. The WFHistoryElements table stores information about the instance and form fields value and the WFHistoryElementDetails table – information about values from the “Item list” form field.

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WEBCON BPS can be extensively integrated with Microsoft SharePoint Online. This article describes how to start a workflow by using a standard SharePoint list with advanced column formatting.

In the presented scenario, the SharePoint list will be used to start the workflow of inviting people to the conference – after entering the name and surname, a marketing workflow will be started. The current status of the task can be checked in the SharePoint list column.

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