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for values

(...) on import via API To initiate a default application import, use the CMD command prompt to open the BatchImportApp console application. Then, enter all the required parameters with their respective values . The order of the parameters in the command is arbitrary.   Fig. 4. Example of a command for the default import of an application   Successful application import is indicated by (...)

(...) like other form fields in this group, operates in the read-only mode, meaning it is not possible to edit its value at the form level. What sets it apart from other form fields is its appearance; the values are presented in a visually appealing format intended to draw the user's attention. The combination of the aforementioned visual format and the ability to present data against other values makes (...)

(...) oice field (regardless of its behavior, i.e. Dropdown, Popup search window, or Autocomplete), or form fields that belong to the Data presentation group, business rules, data sources (except Fixed values list).   Summary The functionality of creating a list of tasks for execution can prove extremely useful, especially when designing more complex applications. Thanks to its simplicity (...)

(...) switch Docker Desktop to support Windows-type containers.   Before starting the service container, complete the service_env.dist configuration file. This file allows you to set the relevant values for environment variables and pass them to the service container. These are exactly the same values that can be set using the appsettings.json file in a standard WEBCON BPS installation. For the (...)

(...) he Previous version () and Admin actions () buttons next to the Admin button, administrators have the ability to edit form fields that are configured as Read-only. In other words, they can change the values of form fields in instances where they have no assigned tasks and that regular users cannot normally edit.   One form, two modes. On the left: form in standard edit mode. On the right: (...)

(...) External content by Markus Jenni; October 1, 2024;  Html5 introduced the min/max attributes, which allows us to set a range of allowed values . In addition to these. There is also a step attribute to only allow certain steps in between the range. You can then increase/decrease the value by using the arrow up/down keys. This can be achieved by the following steps: Cr (...)

(...) idually. Example how will to fill the technical field when set the signatories. I included a screenshot showing only the variables that need to be modified on the HTML page. These values are the ones outlined in points 1-3. Result html: Html code:  

(...) omatically renewed. This is done transparently, without any user interaction. Since the appropriate scopes have been provided in the authentication configuration, there is no need to duplicate the values here. The scopes field remains empty. Fig. 8. OAuth2 Authentication form field configuration   After saving the process, a new form field will appear on the form to allow login. Aft (...)

(...) to setting the value to “true” in the Enabled field, it is also necessary to configure its parent nodes in the same way. This means that, in the discussed scenario, users must change the values of the Enabled fields in the Otlp, Metrics, and Exporters nodes, respectively.   Next, go to the ConnectionString field. Here, enter the connection string within the existing quotation mar (...)

(...) the Authentication section, enable support for ID tokens. After saving the configuration, the created application is ready for use. From the Overview tab, copy the Tenant ID and Client ID values that are required to configure authentication on the WEBCON BPS side.   Registering the Microsoft Entra ID user list synchronization application The next step is to create a second appl (...)

(...)   Background The OCR AI recognition action, thanks to its integration with ABBYY FineReader, reads the relevant items from the file attached to the workflow instance and then enters their values into the corresponding form fields. Starting with version 2022 R1, in certain cases described here, such OCR operations may produce errors such as: "'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is (...)

(...) t which a timer is activated and re-executed can seem difficult to predict. However, in order to take full advantage of this functionality, it is essential to understand the principles on which these values are calculated. The premise of the changes introduced in version 2025 R1 was to make this process easier for the user, and the additional options for testing timers and their scheduled activation are (...)

(...) Of course, simply adding a widget isn't enough, as it merely serves as a place to collect the filters defined by the designer. Therefore, it's best to start by defining the form fields whose values will be used to filter data across both reports. To do this, open the target dashboard (in this case, the "Information about orders" dashboard), switch to edit mode (User profile → Edi (...)

(...) e Communication Services quickstart | Microsoft Learn. Open the page of the newly created Communication Services resource. Using the navigation menu on the left, go to Tools → Keys and copy the values of the Endpoint and Key fields (Primary key section).   Designer Studio Open WEBCON BPS Designer Studio and select Global Parameters → Security in the System settings section. Th (...)

(...) ver, that the Public Forms solution hosted on GITHub has several limitations: no ability to upload an attachment, no support for dictionary fields based on a source other than a fixed list of values , no support for Item lists.   Summary Public Forms is a quick to configure tool that allows you to easily create dedicated forms integrated with WEBCON BPS. Thanks to anonymity, it (...)

(...) Hey everybody! Does anyone already created an action to add news values in an item list? I'm trying to add a new line in one item list but one of the field I'm copying into is a Person/Group one and it doesn't get the value. I'm using the following query: select '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, 'Requester Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID='{WFD_ID}' and DET_ (...)

(...) I'm banging my head on the wall... I'm sure there is an easy solution but can't figure it out at the moment. I would like to prevent users entering duplicate values in a field when starting a new workflow and I don't want to use the Instance Number to achieve that. I have a process ABC with field WFD_AttText1. How do I prevent the user to enter a value that already exists in the field WFD_AttText1 of (...)

(...) use to put data into a word document. This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the rows of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer itemlist has to be COMPLETLY empty. I have found a solution but it leaves me a row (...)

(...) of an detail-overkill for common users. In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that should work for all workflows and translations. values are shown depending on the users browser language. It simply shows which step was left with which path, by which user, at what time. I present this in an SQL-grid in the forms where I think it wi (...)

(...) d I'm able to send the information to Sharepoint: Message Log for my Action Message Address of a Sharepoint list: https://visionboxdomain.sharepoint.com/sites/customers/Lists/Calendar Inserting values : Title: Renovation Doc, Location: PT, EventDate: 3/12/2021 12:00 AM, EndDate: 3/14/2021 12:00 AM, Description: Renovation of doc, fAllDayEvent: , EventType: renovation, MasterSeriesItemID: , Workspac (...)