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Is it possible that the window in Designer Studio for adding/edit user group has a flexible [Users] field and a locked [Group owners] field size. The opposite of now. There are usually more users than owners ;) Additionally it would be good if the users were also sorted alphabetically. Regards,


Hi, Having admin privileges on a given element, it would be very convenient to have access to at least 2 options such as: permission check and task completion. Now you need to perform 3 operations 1. enter admin mode 2. expand admin actions 3. select the action in question Regards


Administrators can configure the allowed types of attachments globally. However, there are situations, where we like to only allow certain content types, e.g. pdf's, that are a subset of the globally allowed attachments. Currently, the only way to restrict is the usage of validation rules. For usability reasons, it would be much better, to be able to restrict the allowed document types. With a little bit of javascript it is possible to set the accept attribute of the input field. The (...)


Hi, in my latest post I wanted to link to a header of an knowledge base post. Unfortunately, there's no option to create a link pointing to a header like this one: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/translations#bps-portal Therefore I had to write: Search for the term "Using the application and Edit mode" in the linked post, to see how it is done. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/from-prototype-to-production-deployed-application-edit-mode-in-webcon-bps-portal/381/3 It would b (...)


Hi, it would really be great, to always see the menu bar, so that you don't have to scroll all the way up to save a dashboard. Ok, maybe it's just us who have long dashboards, as we added some CSS/JS so that report tiles float left. This way, we can have more tiles in one row while they take up less space. Best regards, Daniel


Generating a Word document, converting to a Pdf and deleting the Word afterwards, so the result is a Pdf only, are often used document generation steps. Unfortunately, it is not possible to overwrite an existing Pdf when converting a Word document to Pdf. So we usually have to delete the original, but I would prefer having an updated than a new Pdf. I would wish there was an option like the Mode in the "Generate/Update a Word file" to select whether to update an existing file or to create (...)


Hi, in my opinion it would be great, if the Archive view /explore/all could be configured on a global level in Designer Studio. Maybe as a BPS internal view. This would allow us to define the system and global fields which are available for every process. For example I really would like to have the option to see/sort/filter the modified date and business entity which is currently not possible. I'm writing this post right now because I just received again a "bug" description without a (...)


Hi, The change consists of changing the default configuration that is created when the timeout action is added to a step. Default settings are interval 1 minute, number of repetitions: infinite number. If we forget to change this setting, it causes unnecessary and large number of versions, calls to action, etc. to be generated. It will be safer if the default option is : number of repetitions: 1 Regards

Could be nice to add BB Code or other tags used in Forum or information what type of Tags can be used for me I would like to use: [code][/code] or [code="SQL"][/code] using code wil help read code - see attachment [quote][/quote] or [quote="name"] [/quote] [B][/B] - bold [i][/i] - italic ect. then is nice to use FF plugin or type tags ...


Hi, The idea is to always default to connections to the current database. Now if we have defined others, some others are often substituted by default, which is irritating :) Regards.


Hi, we have the option to create "child sources", by defining a superior source and a business entity. This way we can use different connections. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/ConnectionsAndDataSource/DataSources/DataSource_RestWebService#3-superior-source This way we can use different connection for the "same" data source. This works fine for reading data. When we want to write data so, it's not so easy any more. For example the "invoke REST Web service" will allow se (...)


Hi everyone, it would really be great if we could have the option to check in a business rule whether the edit mode is active. Currently we can check for: - Admin mode - Mobile device - Share mode At the moment I'm using a combination of business rule and form rule to hide /show an element which is confusing. An alternative or maybe an even better option would be to provide a rule /function with checks, whether a user has edit privileges. Best regards, Daniel


HI everyone, Since I've started using Date Time picker in applications I'm always confused when using that Time control part. Most of the time I'm pressing Today instead of Close (and i can see same happens for other users), and it's frustrating that i can't type in the hour/minutes with keyboard. 'Today' could be changed to 'Now' - as we are in context of time, and 'Close' would be more readable as 'Confirm'. Pressing arrows with increment of 1 is not great :) I know it is possible (...)

Hi, OpenID connect is missing custom additional url parameters management functionality. This is required for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, login customization). More information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#RequestParameters.

It would make sense if newly added form fields to a group of fields would inherit form types assignment from the group. Now, if you assign a group to let's say one of 3 available form types, when you add a form field to this group, it is automatically assigned to all 3 form fields, with no inheritance.


Hi A useful option would be to add the ability to set the horizontal layout of attributes directly in the tab. The same as now it is possible in the group of form fields. Regards.


It would be very useful from the users' point of view to add the ability to change the order/position rows of the item list by dragging. Regards


Hi It would be useful in the form rule to have the ability to make a comment mandatory. We have cases where, depending on certain selected values, we need a mandatory comment. Thanks, Raluca


Hi, if a data row/ data table is based on a BPS internal view to configure, whether the names/translations of the columns should be used. The default value should be true. It's just a waste of time to not only provide the translations the first time but also to update these when the name/translation of the referenced column changes. Most of the time it's forgotten anyway. Best regards, Daniel

Hello, We recently started to take better care of translating our applications in our native language as well as English. This way our clients will have a more professional experience. Even if we have everything translated, the preview that we see is in the language used for naming the steps/paths initially. It would be a nice touch if the language of the preview would be the same as the language selected in the users settings. Obviously, if a path/step has missing translations, the defau (...)