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User Voice


Hi, I think it would make sense to add to the global permissions the level “access to applications” Currently, if we give a global level of, for example, “permission to read all items” it can be problematic to give permissions to the application per each application. This needs to be maintained and remembered. If there is a global level per item, it should also be global for the application. Regards.

There's tile restriction in Outlook addin classic which doesn't allow to add more than 12 costum tiles. Is there any way to add more than 12 tiles? I'm asking becouse this tool is used on daily besis by our costumers.

I've just found out that when I switch multiple lines of text field from the standard type to formatted it just disapears and there is a type error with no furter explanation. Is it just in my case or is it common in the latest version?

In the 2025 version, a new feature was added to allow transferring an attachment to another item with the ability to specify the Workflow ID. This functionality operates within the context of the current database. **Proposal for enhancement:** Extend this functionality to include the ability to specify the Content database ID where the Workflow ID is being referenced. This enhancement would be useful for transferring attachments across multiple Content databases, where processes are di (...)


Hi, if we have a chart with a detail level, you can click on a chart element to see the elements, these information are displayed as tiles. At least if the chart is located in a row set to "one-third column" and the chart is located in the smaller part. It would be great if we could also define the display mode of a report for a chart. This display mode would be applied to the detail level of the chart. This would allow us to get a better overview even if the number of columns is limited (...)

A nice add-on feature to reports would be If we could use the widget field directly in the report table. By this users could benefit from viewing rich info widgets directly from report to check the whole project portfolio health for instance.

Hi, I think it would be great if we could switch from the BPS Portal to the user's account and check what he sees on the form and reports. The system and business (global) administrator would have such privileges. From the BPS Portal level, he could use the icon to switch to any user's account (administrative mode). Sometimes data source values ​​are filtered and there is no way to see what the user actually sees. Regards, D.


Hi, the "new" confirm/alert functions are really great and please don't remove the option to pass HTML as a parameter. :) Yet there's always room for improvement. Could we get additional/optional parameter for the title, yes and no button? Depending on the context the labels "Confirmation", "Yes" and "No" may not be the best. For example this would be the default labels Title: Confirmation Text: If you progress, this will trigger the deletion of xyz Buttons Yes, No This would (...)

Dear Community, The new Fluent 2 interface is undoubtedly a significant step forward in design and usability. However, I believe there’s room for further refinement to enhance user experience. One suggestion would be introducing a customizable density setting, similar to the “Roomy,” “Cozy,” and “Compact” options available in Outlook. Such a feature could prove especially beneficial on devices with smaller screens, like laptops. For instance, in scenarios where a form is open with the detai (...)


Hi! Any chance you replace the old (PNG) icons shown in the attachments area with the new (SVG) ones (as in the attached image) and reduce the size from 42px to 32px?

Hello I have a question. Is it possible to replace a user in webcon with another one, i.e. I have an account xxx@domain.com and I would like everything that was and is on the account xxx@domain.com to be assigned to the new account yyy@domain.com Thank you in advance


Hi, I'm just configuring my xx validation action in which I check whether a field value is unique for the given form type. Sometimes I include the business entity and sometimes I ignore it. It would be great, if this could be standard feature. :) Related user voice: Unique value of the item list column https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/6212/15 Best regards, Daniel *Edit* While implementing the check I figured, that there's no general option to implement this. There (...)

Hi, I think it would be good to add the functionality of sending an email to the replacement person (checkbox). We do not always set up a replacement in the HR process where we can send an e-mail notification. By doing this via the BPS Portal, we are unable to notify the replacement person that they have received this honor :) Best regards, D.


Hi everyone, it would really be nice if we could display /filter the phases /actors in the reports. Best regards, Daniel

I would be nice, if this mechanism described in https://webcon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/WEBCON_BPS_2025_Release_Notes_EN-1.pdf dedicated to increase security will be also available for attachments. Usually sensitive data included on the form is also in attachments. Apart from this functionality, it would be useful to be able to define permissions for individual attachments separate from document permissions, with the possibility of inheriting them from document permissions (as is curren (...)


Hi, we got the feedback in the past that the users sometimes don't recognize the Edit button. In WEBCON BPS the "Cancel editing" button is really prominent. Could we get the same design for the Edit button? I'm also wondering whether the "Cancel editing" should be displayed in as it is. In my opinion the cancel editing is not the primary action a use should take on the form. Best regards, Daniel


Hi, if you have a large form with numerous tabs because of to many fields the tab names may become unreadable in BPS 2025 on a desktop pc with 1980x resolution. This could be a little bit improved, if we could render the tabs not only horizontally but also vertically. The question would be whether to display the content of the tab between the current and the next tab or at the end of the tabs. Of course, there could be even other solutions to this, like how it is done in CRM where the (...)


Hi, this idea is surely not for the typical WEBCON user but I think everyone of the partners has run into at least one use case where the standard form layout is not enough. Sometime because of some specific requirements or where we wanted to provide additional options to guide the users through a large form. I also tried and failed creating an "advanced validation dialog". I wanted to display a dialog in which the user had to set some fields. I mainly failed because I couldn't replicate t (...)


Hi, what do you think of collapsing the toolbar on a report to a gear/action icon or similar? I have the feeling that the toolbar is not regularly used and collapsing it could save some space. This could be an optional property so that the toolbar can be displayed as expended by default. Best regards, Daniel


Hi, this may be a duplicate but I'm not sure whether I have added it and didn't found anything related. It would be great if we could display report tiles not only vertically but also horizontally (floating). In addition it would be great if we could not only select a custom font color for the accent but one of the new brand colors in WEBCON BPS 2025. Than we could amend the colors based on light/dark or contrast theme. Best regards, Daniel