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WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the new SELECT VALUES function that allows you to retrieve data from a selected item list column. This function enables saving data from all rows of a given column in a form field indicated in the configuration. Data are saved as a collection separated by semicolons. The function ignores empty values. In this article, we will copy values from the item list to the “Approvers to notify” form field. In this field, we select people who will receive a notification about an instance to be approved.

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The “Item list” form field is used to store any number of data rows organized into columns. In business practice, there is a need for the item list to be updated based on the values from other elements or updated automatically, and a user cannot edit it. For this purpose, you can use the “Change items list values” action which will be presented in this article based on the simple “Invoice approval” workflow. The "Change items list values" action is a useful tool that allows you to edit the value of the item list. The available three modes of this action provide full possibilities of automatic and configurable modification of the item list, without the participation of the user filling out the form.

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The article presents two workflows - the first is used to plan absence by an employee, and the second to register absence requests (using wizard). A special workflow for creating absence plans allows the employee to plan the absence (e.g. at the beginning of the year), which will then appear on the Gantt chart. The second way is to use the absence workflow generated by the absence process wizard - in this case, the selected absence plans (e.g. not approved by the supervisor or vacation leave) will be displayed on the Gantt chart.

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In the WEBCON BPS 2020 version, the attachment preview window has been expanded with the option to switch to the preview of the next or previous attachment from the list of all files attached to instances. There is also the option to download an attachment directly from the preview window. Also the 'Drag and Drop' mechanism was also expanded. It works more efficiently and you can drag e-mail directly from Outlook.

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In the 2021 WEBCON BPS version, business rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. The process has two form fields – Total number of orders and Orders – delivered, and one item list – Orders (that contains all orders). For each order, the Status field is set that informs the employee about the current status of the order.

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This article presents a workflow for checking user’s and group’s privileges in one place. It can become useful when having many deployed applications and roles with different privileges. This workflow may be used as a part of a larger group management application based on WEBCON BPS.

In the workflow, one form will display:
• Basic user information that is stored on the BPS users list.
• Groups to which the selected user belongs.
• Users who belong to the selected group.
• The user’s or group’s privileges at the application level, and at the process level, including workflow associations with the form types.
• Business rules that point to a specific user or group.

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WEBCON BPS has a mechanism that allows you to transfer process definitions between several independent environments. The DEV-TEST-PROD environment model is fully supported, in which the development environment (DEV) model is designed to create new processes, the test environment (TEST) is used to perform functional tests before the final implementation of the solution on the production environment (PROD) on which the users work.

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The WEBCON BPS system enables the synchronization of exchange rates. The available sources of currency data are exchange rate tables provided by the National Bank of Poland, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Russia. This article describes how to download and convert the rates provided by the European Central Bank (ECB). The table of exchange rates of the ECB returns the conversion rate of how many units of a given currency corresponds to the value of one euro. The article also shows how to convert the exchange rate on weekends (the ECB exchange rate table does not return values for weekends).

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In workflow instances, there is often a need for people who do not have active tasks at the indicated steps to have appropriate privileges and be able to e.g. view (read privileges) or edit an instance. In such a situation, you can use the action of adding/removing privileges at the level of individual workflow instances. You can find these actions in the “Actions” tab of a given workflow. They are most often used for entering/exiting a step and on transition paths.

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WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the ability to invoke an external tool for editing PDF files directly from the form. Therefore, it is now possible to use a digital signature on a document without having to follow the path on the form. This is a very big facilitation that significantly improves the efficiency of processes. In this article, the functionality is tested on Google Chrome version 88.0.4324.104.

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