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This article presents the functionality of Favorites available in WEBCON BPS 2020 and the new way of displaying these elements in version 2021. Now, they are not only a list of shortcuts, but you also see them as tiles on your Portal's Home page.

Every element from the  BPS Portal can be added to Favorites. Because of that, you can create shortcuts to reports, views, buttons launching a specific workflow, and many more. With WEBCON BPS 2021, you can conveniently start workflows and open reports from the Portal's home page. 

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WEBCON BPS 2021 has introduced new appearance and display options that allow you to further customize your application's start buttons. Thanks to them, you can 1) save on space in your application's dashboard by using the compact mode for buttons, 2) choose any background color for a button, 3) hide a button directly from the Portal (without opening the Designer Studio). Read this article if you want to learn how you can use those new options.

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In business practice, it may be necessary to grant access to WEBCON BPS Portal and its processes to users from outside the organization. Such a user will most often not have an account in the organizational Active Directory (or in another user database). Examples of such situations: processes of negotiating contracts with contractors, employment of subcontractors and contract employees or consultation with external consultants. So that external users do not have to be added to the organizational user database, WEBCON BPS allows you to add them from the portal’s administration panel. After adding the user, they must be granted appropriate privileges to the required WEBCON BPS processes.

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In WEBCON BPS 2021 there is the ability of adding a link in the Portal’s side menu, which will redirect you to a specified page. This article describes how to add a link to the side menu. The additional navigation link allows you to add to the WEBCON BPS Portal navigation bar, e.g. a link to the organization’s website, intranet, important information for users or a link to another BPS Portal instance. Remember that after clicking on the link, a user will be redirected to the indicated address (a new browser window/tab will not be opened).

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The WEBCON BPS platform has mechanisms for importing and exporting application templates between environments, e.g., test and production environment or WEBCON BPS On-Premises and the Cloud Platform environment. One of the possible uses of this functionality is testing your application in the test environment, exporting the application template, and then importing it to the production environment.

Read this article to learn how you can export and import applications in WEBCON BPS.

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ADFS is one of the authentication providers that can be used with WEBCON BPS Portal. This article explains how you can customize your login page when you use ADFS. Before you can customize your login page, you need to have your WEBCON PORTAL registered in ADFS. To start, let us take a look at two default themes provided by Microsoft in Windows Server 2019. If you have an older version of Windows Server, go to the last section of this article, download the theme we link to, upload it to your server and then return here to follow the instructions on customizing your login page

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One of the WEBCON BPS basic features is pairing scanned documents with their electronic version (based on barcodes) and starting new workflows for files added to the configured folder – HotFolder. This article describes how to configure the HotFolder and check the service configuration. HotFolders enable the efficient implementation of many processes in the organization. If you have many different specialized applications, you can create many configurations of HotFolders to support them. By properly configuring network scanners, you can define what processes will be launched from which scanner code.

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WEBCON BPS offers you the ability of importing data to the item list from an Excel file and exporting rows from the item list to an xlsx file. This article describes the configuration of importing/exporting data. Data import to the item list form field allows you to speed up the process of entering multiple data. The properly prepared data files from other systems allow you to store information in one application form. To enable import/export, go to the advanced configuration of the form field, and select the option in the “General” tab - Allow Excel export and Allow Excel import. When importing rows, not all imported fields need to be visible on the form. You can also import columns that are not visible at a given step.

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This article shows you how to automatically create a new SharePoint site with just one click from a WEBCON BPS form.

You will see that you can connect your SharePoint Online environment with WEBCON BPS to obtain a consistent and easy-to-use tool that will allow you to create and expand your business applications. You will need to define the connection only once, and after that you can use WEBCON BPS out-of-the-box actions to quickly achieve your goals.

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The WEBCON BPS platform enables simple integration with the SharePoint Online environment. After defining the connection in Designer Studio, you have many actions at your disposal that allow you to create sites and operate on lists.

This article describes actions that enable linking the WEBCON BPS application with the content on SharePoint Online. Below you can see an overview of the actions we are going to discuss.
Using WEBCON BPS Designer Studio and SharePoint, you can also create SharePoint groups, manage their members and add SharePoint privileges.

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