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The "Hyperlink" action type enables you to place a button in the form bar. This button can be used to launch a specific WEBCON BPS workflow, which can be a sub workflow of the current Workflow. It can also link to other relevant information, e.g., documentation for the process or guidelines that should be taken into consideration before submitting the form.

The button can be available on all steps of the Workflow or just at the selected one(s). If it launches a sub workflow, it will be automatically connected to its parent instance, and you can pass values to initialize fields in the new instance.

Interested? Then continue reading to learn how to configure a button that starts a workflow from the form.

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Calculated columns enable you to display additional information in WEBCON BPS reports. They are created by adding a new column in the report and then inserting a SQL formula. They allow the report to be supplemented with additional fields that are not present in an application. A calculated column only works within a given report.

Creating a calculated column: open the report in which you want to add a column, press the settings button, and then go to the "Columns" tab. Then, press the button "Add calculated column."A new column configuration window will be displayed.

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With WEBCON BPS, you can color the background of the item list form field. This functionality can facilitate data interpretation and increase transparency when presenting a lot of data.
This article will present the available options for coloring the background of the item list.
Go to the coloring settings, open the item list form field, and then go to the advanced settings. After switching to the "Layout" tab, you will see available options for coloring rows under the Color mode. You can choose from three color modes:
• for the entire row,
• for selected columns,
• defined in the query.

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WEBCON BPS compact forms adapt the application's main form to work on mobile devices and small screens. The compact appearance may differ from the main form in the layout, order of the fields, and other aspects. When you create an application with the main form on the WEBCON BPS platform, the system automatically creates its compact version. It can be used after pressing the Save button.

WEBCON BPS 2020 uses compact forms on mobile devices and in the element preview window.

This article describes compact forms and how to customize them.

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The WEBCON BPS program allows you to build advanced form templates. One of the features that can be especially useful is showing or hiding form fields depending on the value of another form field. For example, you can decide that some fields won’t be shown on the form unless the user checks a field that makes them visible. Thanks to this feature, you can make your form more readable and easier to use by hiding groups of form fields (or single form fields) that don’t need to be immediately visible.

Read this article to learn how to hide a group of form fields based on the value of one of the forms fields.

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In WEBCON BPS, your forms can be ergonomic and comfortable to read, no matter how big they are. It is possible thanks to the feature that allows you to organize your form fields into groups and configure how they work and what they look like. To create a new group, open WEBCON BPS Designer Studio, go to the form fields, right-click on them, and choose "New group." Alternatively, left-click on Form Fields and choose a "New group" from the right menu. Once a group has been created, you can drag form fields and drop them on the group icon to add them to the group. Then, inside the group, you can order form fields by dragging and dropping them into their desired position. Please note that you can't move form fields outside of the process in which they were created.

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WEBCON BPS contains a built-in administration tool that allows you to quickly transfer or copy privileges from one user to another. This function can be used at the moment of changes in the structure of the organization or when delegating responsibilities to a new person in a given process. The administration tool should be used by advanced WEBCON BPS users. In the case of changing privileges, if you select Designer Studio administrator as the source user – they will also lose system privileges. When using WEBCON BPS Cloud Platform, apart from assigning application privileges – you must also assign licenses to the user from the level of administration tools on the portal.

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One of the basic functions of WEBCON BPS forms is validating if the fields are completed correctly. This article describes the validation mechanism. In the example “Purchase order” workflow, all validation actions were configured on the “Register” path. To configure the “Validate form” action, indicate the validation condition in the “Validation rule” section, and define the message displayed for validation error. The rule may contain all syntax elements available for business rules – it should return POSITIVE, TRUE or 1 value (if the condition is met), and NEGATIVE, FALSE or 0 (if the condition is not met). You can also define the message for successful validation.

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WEBCON BPS offers you several actions enabling integration with the Microsoft SharePoint Online environment. This article describes how to manage these privileges using actions in workflows. By using the SharePoint actions, you can quickly and easily automate the process of creating new privileges groups, task assigning and giving access to the selected organization resources stored in libraries and SharePoint lists. To configure the actions running in the SharePoint Online environment, first create a connection. WEBCON BPS 2020 allows you to define connections to the following environments: SharePoint 2013 On-Premises, SharePoint 2016 On-Premises, SharePoint 2019 On-Premises and SharePoint Online.

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The form menu in WEBCON BPS allows you to define additional options available at the top of the form of a given application. Except for standard options such as “New”, “Save”, “Refresh” or “Delete”, you can also control the workflow paths directly from here. This article describes how to configure the application and add a list of available paths in the form menu. By default, buttons used to change the workflow steps are located at the bottom of the form. When forms are complex with many different form fields, it is often necessary to scroll to the bottom of the form to go to the path buttons. A good solution is to add a list of the available paths in the form menu.

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