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The instance number is a unique string of characters in the system (e.g. EXP/2020/09/00002) that uniquely identifies each workflow instance, and it is created when the instance is first saved. This number will always refer to the same instance and there is no option to change them, even by administrators. A properly configured structure of the instance number facilitates searching for instances (without knowing their ID number) and viewing reports. This article describes the methods of configuration the instance number and the advantages of defining appropriate signatures. Instance numbers can be defined on two different levels – workflows or form types, however only one of them will be set by the system (if both are defined at the same time, the instance will be assigned the number defined in the form type).

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Task and step descriptions are brief instructions on a form that help users complete a task. Descriptions can improve the workflow instance by reducing the number of errors and questions. They can contain basic information which helps a new user get started with the application, and also may explain the more complex dependencies between the form fields required to add attachments or selectable paths that will make the task easier to complete.
Step description. The step description is visible by default on the right part of the form but you can move them elsewhere, just like a regular form field. This section always contains the “Task details” header, the name of the step (in the case of the start step – they will be always “Start of the process”) and description created by a person that sets up the process.

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While working on WEBCON BPS Portal, you can see the error messages displayed by the system in the upper right corner – they are displayed when the system encounters a problem and the execution of any action fails. From version 2020.1.3.277 there is the ability of previewing error logs from the administration tools panel. But there is also the option to access to error logs from the level of the AdminWFEventLogs table in the configuration database (for users use the older versions). The administration tool from Designer Studio allows you to search for information about the error. This information is downloaded from the database and displays data from the WEL_Name and WEL_Details columns of the AdminWEEventLogs table.

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From the point of view of business requirements, a common need is the approval of the document by people on the designated approval path. WEBCON BPS introduces functionality that simplifies the configuration of such a scenario – a list of items. A person authorized to approve can edit only the line to which they are assigned. As for all other tasks, the settings for simultaneous execution of tasks determine whether the instance must be approved by one of the people indicated on the approval path or all indicated people. The second situation can be divided into a scenario in which a task is assigned to all people approving the instance and the same time and a scenario in which people from the approval path verify them one by one. This article describes the configuration of all three scenarios.

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The article describes the functionality of inheriting the global form settings and form field definition in WEBCON BPS. Global template inheritance – this setting the order of form fields according to the process tree. This means that the order of the form fields in the group and columns on the item list configured in the process correspond to their location on the global form template. Breaking form settings inheritance is most often used to change the settings of the form fields’ order on steps or item list settings. However, if you decide to overwrite the form field settings – it is a good practice to describe it in the form field documentation.

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This article is an extension of Translation of WEBCON BPS Portal user interface content and contains more information about language configuration in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio such as system language setting, mass notification language setting (since BPS 2020.1.3 version), application language setting and notification language setting for new users (since BPS 2020.1.3) version. WEBCON BPS allows you to both force one system language and select the language by a user. Both approaches have pros and cons that need to be considered before deciding which solution to use. On the one hand, we can impose a standard that will create a fully uniform environment, on the other hand, we can translate each application independently, adapting to the needs of end-users.

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With the introduction of version 2019 and the entire Portal interface, several search methods have been included in Portal that allow you to search not only the content of the workflow instances but also the structure of all applications available on Portal (e.g. reports, dashboards, start buttons). This article describes where and what you can search from the Portal level – information about the search mechanism can be found in the Searching structure in WEBCON BPS Portal article. On the Portal, there are three searching places, the mechanism of which is the same, but differing in the way of the narrowing down of the results (described in the next part of this article). The search returns only those elements that the user has the privilege to access.

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On WEBCON BPS Portal, one of the standard tabs that can be selected from the menu on the left is the “My tasks” tab. After selecting it, you see a report that describes a list of tasks assigned to the currently logged in person. On the report page, there are references to each of the instances with a task awaiting for a user. A task window contains information about them, e.g. the instance number or modification date. You can modify this information – both the fields displayed and their order. This window contains information about e.g. instance number, form type, step name and las modifier. WEBCON BPS allows you to change this configuration – go to the WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. Select the appropriate process and go to the “Compact view” section.

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In WEBCON BPS version 2020, the support for digital signatures has been enhanced by preparing plugins (SDK – Software development kit) that enable digital signing of documents. The following article describes the process of signing documents by using Skribble software. Signing documents does not require an account on the Skribble platform or in WEBCON BPS (except for the QES standard). It is a good practice to store the Skribble connection parameters in global or application constants so that they may be easily used across multiple configurations, according to the example table below.

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The following article is an extension of the Lunchtime article – see: Lunchtime application. The “Lunchtime” application has been enhanced with dictionary processes that allow you to pay for meals with money previously paid into your personal account. Extending the “Lunchtime” app with the pre-paid function is a good solution for people who want to avoid paying for the delivered food every time. It is also a great convenience for the person who manages such a workflow. The pre-paid solution can also be applied to other workflows in the company. Wherever there is an employee’s account and some form of regular deposits – the traditional way of paying can be replaced with a pre-paid.

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