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The WEBCON BPS platform has mechanisms for importing and exporting application templates between environments, e.g., test and production environment or WEBCON BPS On-Premises and the Cloud Platform environment. One of the possible uses of this functionality is testing your application in the test environment, exporting the application template, and then importing it to the production environment.

Read this article to learn how you can export and import applications in WEBCON BPS.

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ADFS is one of the authentication providers that can be used with WEBCON BPS Portal. This article explains how you can customize your login page when you use ADFS. Before you can customize your login page, you need to have your WEBCON PORTAL registered in ADFS. To start, let us take a look at two default themes provided by Microsoft in Windows Server 2019. If you have an older version of Windows Server, go to the last section of this article, download the theme we link to, upload it to your server and then return here to follow the instructions on customizing your login page

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WEBCON BPS contains a built-in administration tool that allows you to quickly transfer or copy privileges from one user to another. This function can be used at the moment of changes in the structure of the organization or when delegating responsibilities to a new person in a given process. The administration tool should be used by advanced WEBCON BPS users. In the case of changing privileges, if you select Designer Studio administrator as the source user – they will also lose system privileges. When using WEBCON BPS Cloud Platform, apart from assigning application privileges – you must also assign licenses to the user from the level of administration tools on the portal.

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When creating the instance workflow in WEBCON BPS, they may be a situation where we would like the attachment added on the form to be stored in the cloud e.g. in OneDrive. People who are not taking part in the process will be able to access it. This article describes how to add attachments to OneDrive using the REST action. To configure the action of sending an attachment, auxiliary business rules have been created that will return the attachment type, name, and content. The action of invoking REST Web service in WEBCON BPS allows you to send attachments to OneDrive to the specified resource. These resources can be defined dynamically – you can send the attachment to a dedicated place, or statically – the selected group of people have access to the selected resource.

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The default WEBCON BPS installation contains the WEBCON BPS Search Server component, which is responsible for full-text search support. This component consists of several elements - Apache Solr (with Apache ZooKeeper), Java and WEBCON BPS Search Service. WEBCON BPS Search Service is responsible for starting/stopping Solr and ZooKeeper processes that run within the Java virtual machine. The environment prepared by the installer consists of one node. To create a high availability environment, you should prepare an environment consisting of several Solr and ZooKeeper nodes, and a loadbalancer that distributes traffic.

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WEBCON BPS allows you to send notifications about tasks assigned to users. You can send the standard notifications which are automatically generated based on the instance content and sent after going through the next step, as well as custom notifications, that are tailored to the business needs and prepared based on the local template. In both cases, the content is based on the Global e-mail template – the additional elements and information can be added in the case of custom notifications. This article describes the example of global e-mail templates that can be used in WEBCON BPS processes. Editing the global template allows you to adjust the appearance of notifications sent as part of WEBCON BPS to the corporate visual identification rules. To edit global templates, you must have at least basic knowledge of the HTML markup language and the CSS stylesheet language.

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The OCR AI Learn mechanism allows you to create dedicated templates for recognizing documents in the process. Depending on the type of processed documents, various different distinguishers are used, which clearly indicate which template to use for the document. For example, in the invoice process – the contractor’s Tax ID is the most used. If in the process there are several types of documents, it’s a good idea to create a distinguisher based on the Tax ID and acronym of the form type. During the teaching process, the mechanism chooses the areas where values are most likely to occur and keywords that are most likely to be found within the vicinity of the value. If the teaching process is started for the first time for a given contractor, a new dedicated template is created. The list of all templates can be found in the “System settings” tab in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio.

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This article describes one of the possible methods of publishing the content of the WEBCON BPS platform on the generally accessible Internet, maintaining the physical separation of the server hosting the platform. The use of firewalls and Reverse Proxy provides a security buffer in the case of e.g. DDoS attacks. Reverse Proxy acts as a physical buffer that filters external traffic, and takes on the possible effects of external attacks. Thanks to this solution, the server located in the internal network do not feel (or feels minimal) the effects of the potential attacks.

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From version 2020.1.3.321 there is the ability of defining additional http headers returned in responses from the web server. This functionality can be used e.g. to increase the level of security of WEBCON BPS Portal. This is especially important when BPS Portal is publicly available on the Internet. To define headers, go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio -> System settings -> Global parameters. The presented example is only the presentation of the possibilities of the new WEBCON BPS functionality. The configuration is not a model for the used configuration – it should be adjusted individually to the needs and recommendations of administrators.

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Apart from standard options for adding users to the system, such as synchronization with AD or/and AAD, WEBCON BPS allows you to manually add a user. All users added in this way can log in to the system via BPS Auth., be granted privileges, and can be assigned tasks in the system. To save time, you can use the ability of adding more users from an Excel file. To add users, prepare an Excel file based on the defined template. This template can be downloaded from WEBCON BPS Designer Studio – go to the System settings tab -> BPS users list and click the Download template button. The system will download the Excel file with the defined columns in user data that should be entered.

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