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Digitally signing attachments ensures the integrity and authenticity of approved documents and improves the entire approval process. This is especially important now when more and more businesses are choosing to allow remote work lyand have little time to adapt their procedures to the new model. From version 2020, the ability of making the electronic signatures in WEBCON BPS has been enhanced with SDK – dedicated plugins enabling integration with the electronic signature providers: AdobeSign, Autenti, DocuSign, Skribble. Thanks to the integration with these solutions, not only can WEBCON BPS users sign/approve the workflow attachments, but also any person to whom the document will be sent can do so aswell.

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When creating support for business processes in WEBCON BPS, it is important to remember that even the simplest workflow with a minimum number of steps and form fields will be reflected in the database – all of its instances and settings are represented in the content database – which is the main place of the system’s operation. There are also “virtual tables” automatically created by the system – called SQL views – that contain data from the linked tables.

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Keyboard shortcuts are a tool that can greatly enhance your working experience. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio gives you the ability to access some functions by using the keys. This article describes what combinations are available, where they can be used and what they are responsible for. Many of the actions that can be performed by clicking on an element in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio with the right mouse button, have a keyboard shortcut assigned. The shortcut information can be found in the right part of the selection window.

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Privileges are an integral part of the WEBCON BPS system – defining what each user (or group of users) can see in an application and to what extent they can participate in the system. Privileges can be scaled and applied globally, per application, per process and even per specific form type. The global parameters allow you to grant selected users the global administration or read-only privileges on all existing processes. To do this, go to the “System settings” tab and then, in the “Global parameters” section select the “Global privileges” option.

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Translation of process and application configuration elements is a standard functionality of WEBCON BPS. One such element is the humble e-mail notification – this article describes how to configure multilingual e-mail templates and shows examples of their use. A language selected by a user is saved in the database when the users perform the action (going through the transition path) in any application. If the configuration does not allow users to change the interface language, the e-mail notifications will be sent in the language in which the application is presented.

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A new WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3.213 version introduces many changes as well as a new way of operating mobile applications. After downloading the new version of the app to devices and updating the WEBCON BPS environment, the mobile applications will be launched in the new mode. The refreshed interface view helps introduce new users the mobile solution. Just like the browser version of WEBCON BPS, the mobile version is updated immediately and the mobile solution is ready to use parallel to the browser version..

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When implementing projects in WEBCON BPS you can facilitate communication between project members via the Team feature in Microsoft Teams. Adding a new Team can be automated by using the WEBCON BPS when registering a new project workflow – you can also use the Microsoft Graph platform. The integration of the project management process with Microsoft Teams can be additionally extended upon e.g. by informing the team members about data updates in the workflow by sending them an e-mail.

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This article describes 1) how to start a WEBCON BPS workflow using advanced column formatting in the SharePoint library and 2) how to download an attachment from a SharePoint library and insert it in a BPS workflow. 

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WEBCON BPS allows you to generate the Word files that can include data entered on the form. This functionality is useful in various processes such as contracts, vacations, and orders, where it is necessary to submit the document for signature. The following article describes the method of WEBCON BPS add-in installation, template preparation and action configuration for generating a .docx document. An example template was based on the employment contract process.

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One of the built-in WEBCON BPS functionalities is the ability to create a vacation process. This process can be generated by using the absence process wizard – you can also present the vacation requests on the Gantt chart. The data needed to create the vacation process is loaded from the typed data source. But when the history of absences is not defined, the data will be loaded from the vacation process. It presents the submitted vacation requests – you can decide that the requests from the selected workflow step will be loaded to the chart, e.g. from the step where the requests approved by the supervisor are stored.

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