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The BPS user list in the System settings is where the system stores all information about users. The AD cache was replaced with the BPS user list, but the AD and AAD are still the preferred methods for managing user data. The BPS users list will now combine users synchronized from the AD or AAD with those from external authentication providers, into one universal cache of all users of the system. The BPS user list serves as the base for granting privileges to view and access the system. The BPS user list also contains data of the company structure.

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WEBCON BPS is a great tool to create and use constant values. There are two types of constants: Global and Process. This article presents configuration and practical use of both of them.

Global constant – this constant is visible across the whole system. It is frequently used when the value is present in many processes and its change happens in all these places into the same values. It allows to adjust the value returned by the type of the used environment (DEV/TEST/PROD) and its configuration happens in “System settings” tab.

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SharePoint server allows authenticating users based on Claims add-on. It also allows authenticating users based on different authentication providers which you trust but are managed externally.

This article describes external provider configuration which will be Azure Active Directory from SharePoint Server 2019 (it is an analogous configuration for SharePoint Server 2016).

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One of the most important development changes in WEBCON BPS platform in version 2019 is the introduction of a new presentation layer for the user – WEBCON BPS Portal. To complement this functionality, in environments working on the MS SharePoint platform, you can display WEBCON BPS Portal presentation elements directly on SharePoint websites using dedicated Web Parts: WEBCON Modern Web Parts. WEBCON Modern Web Parts is one of the platform’s installation components, it is in the default package for every installation type.

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WEBCON BPS 2019 introduces the concept of applications – defined as logically connected business processes that share a presentation layer. This helps to create applications for specific needs in a comprehensive manner. Introducing this new approach in organizing processes also meant that changes needed to be made in the export/import mechanism. The following article presents the new features in the Export-Import mechanism, and how it treats applications.

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