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This article provides detailed instructions for configuring SignalR Barcode Service from the point of view of the Global system administrator.

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WEBCON BPS version 2022 R3 comes with a dedicated database read account. During each new installation, a database account named bps_user is automatically created in all Content databases.

This article aims to take a closer look at the application of this account, its privileges and associated limitations.

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The newly released version of WEBCON BPS (2023.1.x) enables containerization of the system components. Thanks to this, it possible to use Docker images provided for WEBCON BPS Portal, BPS Workflow Service, and Search Server (Solr) and run these modules in containers.

This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing WEBCON BPS with its core components running in independent containers.

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The Export-Import mechanism makes it possible to transfer BPS groups with the application to another environment, and in WEBCON BPS 2023 R1, this scope has been extended also to Group owners. This article shows an example of such a migration.

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BPS groups are local groups of WEBCON BPS users whose data is retrieved from Active Directory (AD), Azure Active Directory (AAD) or whose members are external users.
Until now, only the global system administrator had the authority to create BPS groups; similarly, only they could add new users to existing groups. However, from version 2023 R1, a mechanism has been introduced so that users with lower privilege levels will be able to manage selected BPS groups.

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With the release of version 2023.1. WEBCON BPS gained a new feature for displaying statistical information about an application / a process. In Portal, users now have a dedicated Analysis node with tabs that compile key figures and time series in the context of available applications. It is now possible to track Trends on working with the system, as well as display a Heatmap for a selected application.
This article briefly describes those new capabilities of the system, focusing on the advantages of the feature that summarizes information about working with WEBCON BPS in an enterprise.

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This article compiles a list of minimum permissions for Microsoft Graph applications that will be used for handling four mailbox-related features available in WEBCON BPS.
• E-mail notifications
• Administrative notifications
• HotMailBoxes
• MailApproval

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Thanks to the export/import mechanism, processes and any changes to them can be successfully transferred between the three environments: DEV, TEST, and PROD. However, changes made to global elements will not be transferred from one environment to another, unless an appropriate approach is taken. The present article describes this less common approach that should be used to successfully transfer updated global elements of a process.

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Increasing data volumes combined with shrinking disk space and decreased performance pose a challenge to every IT system. WEBCON BPS faces it with an extensive archiving mechanism that automatically removes data from process databases. The resulting better arrangement of disk space translates into enhanced performance and reliability of the whole system.

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In WEBCON BPS, it is possible to personalize the appearance of the platform by changing the logo and color theme of the website. To be able to modify a color theme, a user must have appropriate privileges which are granted in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. In the System configuration -> Global parameters -> Global privileges in the System administrators window, add the appropriate users.

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