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User Voice


I have a few suggestions for improving the single row editing experience: 1. Adding a next/previous button to the modal dialog so that you can easily go through the rows. 2. No fixed height for modal dialog. The max height of 400px makes it quite hard use the modal dialog. It would be better if the available space is used. I already added a style overwrite for this. 3. If single row editing is used it would be better to display the icon on the left instead of the right side. Depending on the w (...)


There's currently not an easy way to identify versions which have been created in administration mode. The attached picture shows two changes. Both were done using the admin mode. Unfortunately this is not visible for the second one where the admin added a comment. Maybe a new column could be added or a different colour could be used for versions created in administration mode.


It happens that special privileges have to be applied on workflow elements, dashboards or views. Unless we work on a system with different test users, it is quite difficult to check whether a certain user really has access to right artifacts or not. Sometimes i also get support tickets from customers telling they would see or not see artifacts. As an administrator oder system administrator it would be great, that we can simulate a user. Within the simulation mode, we would be able to see wha (...)

Currently our report-menu for some processes is getting longer and longer. One reason for that is the fact, that some people have issues understanding they have to choose a report and can then navigate on the other side of the form by the views we have set up for them. Mostly people who count their daily clicks and tell you to change the system if they have to do 10 more a day, because you have set something up the way it makes sense. Hence: instead of discussing they get a report. Anyways... I (...)

Please add feature to define delay (i.e. 60 seconds) before file gets imported from HotFolder. I have a situation where scanner creates an empty file at beginning of scanning, and WEBCON gets this file before it's complete. I use script to copy files from "temp scan" folder to HotFolder, but such feature directly in WEBCON BPS could bypass this workaround. Any comments and feedback here is more than welcome :)

Dear Webcon. Designer Studio is a great tool, and visual workflow editor is a great tool too, but it's missing a compliance with visual proces definition standards, like BPMN 2.0. Can you please implement a BPMN import feature ? Sure it won't be easy (since the differences in process/workflow definitions) but still it should be posiible to implement some basic imports, even if not all data from BPMN diagrams could be imported. BPMN is widely used by organizations for process management and docum (...)

Hi, so HTML attributes are great, but only untill you try to do something with them - like hide for example... or export - import Seems like you keep them all in a single SQL field:-( So, some JS manipulation is needed, rule editor is useless. Can you make normal HTML attributes - every attribute in separate SQL field?

In many tasks we need the same info from the current user. So it would be nice, the user have to write down this only once. Preferred into an additional and self-configurable dictionary, that's called via user-icon. In this way the user can run only one instance.

Can you please add a simple feature - application (or process) versions ? The idea is to have a "back" button - revert to (any) previous version if something goes wrong. I know - you want us to use DEV/TEST/PROD environment. Sure. But versioning would be a nice feature, really. Two options for you to choose: 1. every save is a new version 2. save as new version button

Hi, no idea about the future plans for the portal, but you should definitely consider adding some more functions, like: - user defined left menu - pages, not just dashboards - option to turn off the default dashboard - dashboard HTML element should have some kind of HTML editor, not just a narrow window for code pasting. It's hard to make any changes without copy/paste to external editor - dashboard text element is too narrow, it should be resizable ! Almost impossible to edit large amount of (...)

Can you please add an option to encrypt fields, and user configure who can decrypt ? Why ? Becouse, in some business appliactions, administrators not always should be able to see some confidential information send in BPS forms. Senders should decide.

Hi, just a simple, easy request - can you please add a usefull code editor to SQL rules, JavaScript rules and HTML fields details ? Sure, one can copy paste the code from external editors, but it takes time, having an embedded editor would be a great feature.

In new versions o WebCon BPS using Word templates are now using GUID identifier witch enables using it's in all environments. But the functionality o Word templates are very simple. It's now enough flexible for control conditions for hide, show etc. information's. For example: You can not show header of table, but empty row is always. In HTML you can control this. Adding using GUID in HTML templates give the more flexible possibility to build templates witch information


Hi, we have the situation, that some globals and dictionaries are shared between applications. If I export an application all other applications, which use the same dictionaries, are exported too. At least I believe that the dictionaries are the case. This applies to the current version 2020.1.3.441. Of course, I can uncheck the unrelated applications, but this is error prone. In my opinion the applications are not related, if they only share elements defined in system settings, data sources (...)


Hi, with the introduction of BPS Portal we got a few additional options were we can add "code" and where variables from the expression editor would be useful if not even mandatory. 1. Report - SQL Filter, there are a few variables there already 2. Calculated field in Reports and BPS internal view, no option to use existing variables 3. Report - advanced formatting, no options to use existing variables Why do I think that this would be mandatory? The path example of advanced colouring will ju (...)

1.) Delegated tasks or tasks received because of substitution rules are always shown as "Substitution". This confuses people sometimes, because they then might think they will receive all of the delegators tasks. It would be better to show delegated tasks as Delegated. 2.) Since we updated to Version 2019 and 2020 we lost the functionality for users to create substitutions for other colleagues. They can open the form, but cant choose anyone properly in the person fields then as Substitute. The (...)


During a presentation there was a comment that the indicator (traffic light) icons are not easily distinguishable for colour blind people. It would be an improvement if the icons would have a different shape in addition to the colour. One idea would be a red square, orange triangle and green circle. In addition there was the question if it would be possible to provide a tooltip what each icon indicates. I've currently added an explanation above a data table but this won't help in a report. Ther (...)


Hi guys, I've I some suggestions for the task management process : 1. Add reminders configuration for tasks * possibility to define reminder templates:list of reminders: WHO, WHEN, MESSAGE, channel (email, sms, other ?) * you can attach reminder templates to each type of tasks (workflow steps) 2. Add escalation configuration for tasks * possibility to define escalation actions. Good to define escalation templates, list of: WHEN, WHO (roles, managers), MESSAGE, CHANNEL you can attach escalatio (...)


Designer Studio gives the possibility to apply additional button styles. Adding the possibiltiy to define additional class attributes on the path properties would make the styling easier. The custom styles could be defined in the new html-field (for every process we would have to define it again) or much better, let it define in the themes editor! Update 06.04.2021 Apparently is now in back-log https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/404/15

We have a use-case, where people need to export data from an SQL-Grid to Excel for data-verification. Unfortunately the export to excel only allows exporting the header + 999 rows of data - At least i couldn't find a way to raise the limit. It would be very helpful to get a parameter for a variable maximum row count for the Export in the SQL-grid configuration. Thanks!