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Have you lost the overview where similar CSS/JS modifications are used?

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You have a lot of columns in an item list and don't want to scroll? How about adding a summary and display the columns only in the single edit dialog.

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In order to facilitate the management of tasks, WEBCON BPS provides the functionality of marking tasks, also called flagging. Users can change the flags of the tasks to which they are assigned, both from the document and from a properly configured report.

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Users of WEBCON BPS often face the need to export attachments stored in workflows to ZIP archives. Examples for such scenarios are: reducing the size of attachment databases by exporting files to a network share and then removing them from the workflow; starting new workflow instances (using HotFolder) based on ZIP files.
In most cases, SDK plugins are used in these scenarios, as ZIP file creation is not available through standard BPS actions. However, this is possible using the PowerShell solution where scripts can be invoked in WEBCON BPS.
This article presents an example of how to use the "Run a PowerShell script" action (hereinafter referred to as "PowerShell action") to compress all attachments of the current workflow instance into a ZIP archive and save the resulting archive to disk.

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Embedding reports within dashboards offers users convenient and quick access to the information they need. To further streamline working with such reports, the WEBCON BPS platform includes a feature that allows users to filter data directly from the dashboard level. This article explains and illustrates the functionality mentioned above using a selected business case.

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Timers are elements that allow you to define the frequency with which the associated actions are performed. Thanks to them, it is possible to define the start time and the possible repetition cycle of such actions.
In WEBCON BPS 2025 R1, numerous changes and improvements have been made to the operation of Timers (previously known as Timeouts). This article describes these changes to the timer configuration and gives examples of how to calculate their start dates.

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A new feature for hiding sensitive data that requires additional verification to access it.

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The easy way to fix broken variables after formatting JavaScript code in VS Code.

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A business rule to ensure the uniqueness of a field value

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Implementing a Dynamics CRM style tab layout in WEBCON. For example, one group group on the left another one on the right and an third group beneath those two across the whole form.

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