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WEBCON BPS Designer Studio allows users to configure global business and form rules. As global rules, they are available for all applications created in a given environment and thanks to parameters they are universal and may be used in multiple processes.

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The article presents new functionalities in the "Invoke REST Web Service" action introduced by WEBCON BPS 2021.

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This article compiles a list of minimum permissions for Microsoft Graph applications that will be used for handling four mailbox-related features available in WEBCON BPS.
• E-mail notifications
• Administrative notifications
• HotMailBoxes
• MailApproval

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The article describes how to change the date format to the British one while keeping the English text intact.

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Apart from managing visibility or editability of individual item list columns in the field matrix, WEBCON BPS allows users to change availability of item list buttons, such as “Add”, “Delete”, etc. This article presents a demonstrative configuration and discusses the main features of this functionality.

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The overarching idea of workflow in WEBCON BPS is to exchange written information between system users and perform related tasks, such as reading, updating or modifying data on a form. Documentation in the workflow consists not only of workflow instances and filled out forms, but also files with various extensions added to the instance as attachments.
This article describes how to present and group files added as attachments in WEBCON BPS Portal, as well as selected actions triggered by events related to attachments in workflow instances.

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This article provides a definition and instructions for creating the Domain users data source, its comparison with the BPS users data source, and a proposal for practical use based on a prepared business case.

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The article describes the HotMailBox functionality and specifically its “Add to elements based on barcodes in attachments” mode. It presents a demonstrative configuration of the mode and describes its main characteristics.

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The article presents the main features of the “Start one workflow for each selected attachment” mode in which a user-configured HotMailBox can operate. It also discusses the main characteristics of HotMailBox functionality.

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The article describes “Start one workflow for each e-mail” mode that can be configured for HotMailBox. It discusses the main characteristics of HotMailBox and the aforementioned mode of operation, as well as shows a demonstrative configuration.

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