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WEBCON BPS has a new feature, which is the ability to work with attachments in the form of files stored on OneDrive. A user with the appropriate permissions will be able to edit such MS Office files (Word, Excel) in Microsoft 365 both in a desktop browser and from mobile devices. In addition, files placed on OneDrive as part of the process will be available for editing by multiple users at the same time, and any changes they make will be visible to others in real time.

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How to use Power BI connectors to load data in OData format from WEBCON BPS into Power BI Desktop/Online.

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Item list is a form field displayed as a table with definable columns that contain user’s data. This form field can be edited to the extent provided by the system: users can change the column values as well as add, delete, and clone individual rows. It is also possible to independently configure the Item List columns and their parameters, including width. This article is devoted to this very parameter and lists the most important rules to follow when specifying the width of the Item list columns.

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WEBCON BPS introduces a new functionality allowing users to disable sorting in item list and data table. The functionality displays data only in the sequence returned from the data source. This article discusses the above-mentioned functionality with an example of item list including installment payment schedule.

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The article describes the process of creating user profile in a new version of the mobile application. In addition, it discusses the new structure of the BPSX file required for correct profile creation and explains how to upload such a file to the mobile app.

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The wide range of form fields and features offered by WEBCON BPS makes it possible to create forms, reports, etc. not only tailored to the user's preferences, but also aesthetically diverse. However, if the user would like to further distinguish the information contained on the workflow instances or highlight specific items on the form, emphasizing their significance, the option to style form field names and field values may come to their aid.
This article presents methods for customizing text appearance on forms with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

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This article describes a sample configuration restricting the availability of menu button triggering printout a barcode label action to the workstation defined as a document entry point. Additionally, it discusses configuration of document entry point.

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Form rules, as the name suggests, are rules that define the behavior and appearance of form elements. When working with form rules, there may be a situation where execution of one function or subrule interrupts execution of the entire rule. Consequently, the rest of the rule is not executed. This article provides a detailed description of the reasons for this behavior and a proposal for creating rules so that they work as intended by their author.

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WEBCON BPS 2021 R5 and 2022 R3 versions allow users to configure Portal–Service connection. Until now, such communication took place only via the SSPI-protected HTTP protocol. Now users can change the type of communication to NetTCP protocol secured by automatically generated certificates. 

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WEBCON BPS introduces many new features regarding the chart view in application reports. The list of charts has been complemented by new chart types, and it is now possible to customize the appearance of a chart, add data series, subgroups, present two charts on one view, and many more.

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