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If you need to manage and change the order of items added to the list, you can achieve this by adding your editable ID column and JavaScript code.

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Have you ever needed to trigger an action after uploading or modifying a document? I’m not sure about you, but we recently faced this exact challenge. After some quick research, we came up with a relatively simple JavaScript function that triggers a 'Save' button click when an attachment is added or modified. Of course, the function can be adjusted according to specific needs.

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Start a new Teams chat with the process/application supervisor or the general support team.

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How to use the min/max and step attributes for numeric inputs to limit the input to a certain range.

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Get in touch with others with a single click.

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Click on the user and start directly a Teams chat or make it a call.

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There are to many attachments when displaying "All attachments"? Display them collapsed on form load.

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Generating Attachments with Dynamic Categories

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The following article explains how to enable user entry logging on the Portal website. This allows WEBCON BPS platform administrators to obtain information about individuals who have logged into the Portal.

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Are you not yet running WEBCON BPS 2024 R1 or need to display more than the last comment on a report?

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