I've got a contract database workflow. One of the fields on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current user but all instances created by John's team? At he moment John is seeing Adam's data but this n (...)
Hi, does anyone know how to get via JavaScript whether the page "is dirty". So I can do a similar check to "You are leaving the form with unsaved data"? Best regards, Daniel
Hi, I want to limit one column in list position , which is multiline text to show only first 40 characters smth like: <?php echo substr(get_the_title(),0,40).' ...'; ?> after click in '...' it will show all text
Hello, I have the following scenario: - Webconapps - Data Sources > Connections > MSSQL Database > Azure_SQL: I have server name, database, user and password filled. When I click Test, I get "OK" so Webcon can connect to the database. However, when I try to create a MSSQL database Data Source and chose the above connection, I get the following error: "Unknown error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'table_name', database 'database_name', schema 'dbo'..." Using SSMS the (...)
Hello, Is there any possibility to change attribute field name on form based on different attribute value?
Hello folks, We have used constants which contain SQL queries for calculated report collumns a couple of times already, so this does work. But i now have a query which works perfectly when added into the calculated collumn directly, but no longer works when stored in a constant. (img attached) Through logs we found that he has a problem seemingly with strings, but we found no way to baypass that. Anyone have an idea what is done with the query on the way or why this might be the case?
Does anyone know if it is possible to provide translations for the Form Rule Functions ALERT and CONFIRM? I tried with "MyText$$DE$$Mein Text" but that doesn't do anything. Cheers Pasquale
Hi community! We want to add new row(s) to an item list due to customer requirement. This should be triggered on button click, that means on the client-side. Unfortunately I didn't find a way, to insert new row(s) to an item list in available JS functions. Does anyone know how to do that or could you provide some code samples? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik
Hey everyone! Is there a way to keep line breaks (CR-LF) in the output of the SQL Command used in a Business Rule? I'm selecting values from DET_LongText1 which has line breaks. I'm attaching 3 images to show what I mean. 1. Webcon Form: What I see on the frontend. 2. Notepad++: What I see in Notepad++. 3. Output: What I see in the email if I output the value of the field with a Business Rule. I can't output the form field directly because it is coming from an Item List. Do you have a (...)
Is it possible to generate a QR code other than the database document ID in Webcon BPS? I used the action described below but it is not optimal for me. I have an action (javascript) that generates a QR code and puts it in an HTML attribute. The QR code is created from the value of the text attribute. I want to insert this QR code into the attachment created from the document process. HTML created in this way cannot be added to an attachment. I added an image type attribute, I can drag from H (...)
Hello, WebCon BPS user can specify substitutions on the portal. Does anybody know, where the data is stored in the SQL database? I'd like to create a weekly report with the data. We are on BPS Version 2021.1.4.55. Thank you! Cheers, Balint
Based on Daniels blog (https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/javascript-form-rule-execution-on-page-load#show-all-attachments-after-page-load) it is posible to open first attachments after page load but from all attachments tab (becouse attachment is in parent workflow)?
Hi all! We have to transfer some values from old database fields to new database fields, since we want to switch some fields in process to global fields. We plan to do this with well know T-SQL statement (UPDATE WFElements SET ...) within a cyclic action, which can be triggered on demand. Does anyone know if there are any restrictions in Webcon SaaS (Software as a service) regarding SQL UPDATE or is it allowed to do such thing? Thanks in advance & best regards, Nik
Based on Daniel post https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/retrieve-ps-variable-value I figure, it is posible to retrive output value from SQL Procedure? How force "Run sql procedure" action to log ouptut to [dbo].[WFLogs] table? Write-Output in PowerShell is logged to LOG_Description column. How log ouput from sql procedure?
Hello, I tried create sql script for created a global business rule with existing multiple global business rules . I tried use of multiple global business rule ( with parameters) in one global business rule (with parameters). Every global business rule used has parameters. The business rule that appeals to the other business rules has parameters that are mapped in the appealed rules. I get the error when I testing. I explained the error and showed the code in the attached image. Thank y (...)
Is there a option to insert values do database (my own table) by the button added in html form? My idea is like a picture I addend, but when I click on the button I get error Message=Error occured during rule SQL Dodaj powiązanie (Id: 136) evaluation. Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Base StackTrace= at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: Rule at: Evaluation node: SQL InnerException: Message=Error occured during rule SQL Dodaj powiązanie (Id: 136) evaluation. Source=WebCon.WorkFlow. (...)
Hi everyone! Am I blind or there is no function oposite to COLLECTION, that would remove an element from collection? How do you manage to overcome the lack of this function? I came up with an idea of making a JS form rule that takes a collection and removes a value given in one of the parameters. It works. But there are limitations that make the solution inelegant. First of all the form rule can not return a value (in opposition to business rules, but those however can not contain Javascript (...)
Hi everybody. I wonder if there is a way how I can attach the message sent by an "custom mail" action as new attachment to the workflow instance? Kind regards, KLaus
Hi, Does anyone else have problems with JavaScript rules not working in the mobile app? Is there any trick to it? Thanks
Hi, we have a column visibility/edit/requirement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some rows. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form -> Behavior-> forms rule to be executed on page load” are being executed AFTER the page has been (...)