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I added few fields, which take data from other and recalculate them. I want to refesh old elements, so data will update in them. I've tried adding technical field and changing it's value so other values shoud recalculeate, but it doesn't work. This has to be done once. Any ideas?

Hello, is there a way to do a repeating table within a repeating table. Nested tables, to have a parent child relationship between the tables? Thank you for your help!


Hello, I'm trying to disable/enable fields based on the state of dropdown (using nr. 3 from this https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Process/Attribute/Choice/Choose_field/#picker): * Allowing custom values - make fields on form enabled. * Disabled custom values - make fields on form disabled. Is there any value which i could use to check state of dropdown control? In this case i'm using autocomplete dropdown. I'm using js and global variables right now, but this doesn't work aft (...)

Hi, I would like to change the form type, and I see that there is an action for this, but after selecting this action, the user must select a certain form type. I would like the selection box to not appear and the form to change depending on some field on the form. Is it possible? or at least change the appearance and value of the fields in the pop-up window? https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-change-form-type-action/289

hi team, im trying to show a field in specific steps not in all of them, im using( if then )and (show hide) , it work in one step only.., how i can apply it in the next steps of the same workflow any idea! thanks

1. Configuration: Form is taking data from other processes 1. Purchase Request (process) form >> you pick item and the fields are filled ... 2. Sales Company's (process) form >> again you pick from drop down list a Seller company 3. Seller Form (dictionary process) >> drop down list if you pick Sales Company, then you can pick seller And now I would like to do Doc (word) template ... but I receive error message ... more/less translation from PL to EN "The source was not found, but (...)

I have a form with drop down list. This drop down list is using static list. Static list have 8 "items". Steps are A>B>C>D I would like to use items 1-3 in step A and B where index ID of stem is for example 111 and 112, and if is in step C or D then the list have only options 4-8. of course i would like to reset value a drop down list when enter to step C . BTW: I don't know SQL yet ... and in editor in filter there is no if then else .... so .... it works only in first step ... b (...)

hi there, I'm able to apply a rule for show and hide of Text fields.., but once i run the form the default run shows me all fields without applying the rule! once i pick one of the choice field options, it starts to apply the rule and show the correct text field and hide the others...., see the attached pic the three fields ( IN , OUT , Between) must not show until i pick it from the transfer type choice field any help!

hi there, how i can modify the format of the form (default) to custom form by placing the text field first and then the name of the field., see the attachment for mor explanation please assist.


Hi, I need extract the name of form type from databases. Does anyone know where the name of the form type is saved? Thanks, Raluca

Hello Is there a way to export data to specific csv file? I want to create one either as attachment, or saved directly on comuter/server. This should be button on form.

Hello It's my firs question, so please dont "eat" me at the start :) In our workflow we assing form to specifich worker. Workers are assingned first by AD groups (which decide if they can acces webcon or not) and than by specific BPS groups. Problem arise, whet person to whom job is assingned stops working. He's automaticli removed from AD and any atempt to move proces is an error. We circumvent that by adding field: Owner, and using it as source of job assigment. This way if such situat (...)

Hello, I have a form and in the form I have items based on data source. Additionally I add checkbox field to every position on this list. I want to filter this list, when I go to the next step, where there will be only checked items (checkbox). I don't know how to do it?? Regards

Hello, how do I set a People/Group field to empty? When I use a rule to set the field to empty based on a condition it gives me an error on form load that says value cannot be converted to Boolean. "Error: Incorrect operation. Value cannot be converted to boolean.\n at g.convertToBool Thank you for your help!

1. In Automation (action) I create excel file from template and add few data to specific cells. 2. The excel file is attached to the form in attachment section. 3. I would like to create pdf file from that excel file. (i don't see that option) in design studio. what I would like to do: 0. create template with excel (done) 1. from fields update excel template (done) 2. excel template save as attachment or not [see other steps] (done) 3. change excel file as pdf. ( ? ) 4. sign pdf ... (...)


Hello, I'm facing a new challenge, maybe someone already had to deal with it and will be able to help :) I've created some time ago process for handling Recruitments, which connects two departments - HR and IT. On starting form, there are yes/no fields for required permissions/equipment for a new person. * Access to system X * Access to system Y * Laptop * Wireless mouse After the process have been running for a year my users came to conclusion, that we need to have 3 possibilities (...)


Good morning everybody, did anyone of you managed to change the pencil color of the "HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE" FORM FIELD ? Thanx and a nice, sunny weekend (not here ;-) ), Bjoern

I have a choice field and it is populated from a data source with autocomplete activated. I want to limit the choice field to only the data from the data source. The user can't manually type any other text. How can I accomplish this?. Thanks

Hello all, Is there any way to use the same data table field but having different filters in each step? For example, on the start, I want the info to show request's open for the requester In the approval step, I want to check the request's for the project code belonging to the approver Is there any way to do this without having three different fields to achieve this? Thank you!

Hello, I would like to make a process where users can add rows to an item list on multiple steps, but be unable to edit previously added rows, except maybe certain columns on certain steps (eg. Completion date). I would also like to know if it's possible to make it so on certain steps, users are able to only edit already added rows, but be unable to add new ones. Thank you for your help!