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Hello everyone I was just wondering about the best way to implement this: We want to build a process (basically it is a research proposal/request process). But we also want to be able to start a new change request for "completed" requests. The change request is equivalent to the normal request, with the only difference that you have to select the original request in the change request (so that both the request and the change request can be referenced). Now I am wondering what the b (...)

Hi, Do you know how to change style of the column headers? (Webcon 2021) I want to change only headers.

Hello, step description (HTML) is not rendered correctly when you hover over the step. In version 2021.1.4.55 – it worked fine. Thank you! Balint

Hello, we use the actions "Convert word to PDF" and "Generate/Update a word file" and we assign the documents to a dynamic category. The category is not saved to the table WFDataAttachmets, the field (ATT_Attribute1) stays empty. in version 2021.1.4.55 it did work fine. Thank you! Balint

Hi everyone, I am quite embarrassed to have to ask this question because the answer is probably quite simple. Currently, I am reviewing a Webcon process that I created some time ago. In doing so, I started to implement some things (e.g. sending emails) in a better way. Now I have noticed that I have an "on entry" action in the step actions in some paths (which was previously responsible for sending emails). Where can I find this "on entry" automation? The automation is obviously not (...)

Hello, Can someone help with some guidelines of how i can see assigned licenses for users and designer studio? I just see the total number of licenses and the remaining licenses, but i would like to see also to whom is that licenses is assigned. Is that possible? Thank you

Hi, How can I fix the Solr error "ServiceLocationProvider must be set"? This error has been occurring since Webcon installation. Version 2023.1.1.89. Solr web interface works fine, but I don't know where to look for the cause of the problems.


Hi everyone, who else will join the WEBCON DAY? My flight and hotel are booked and I can't wait to be there again. :) Maybe we can take the opportunity to meet in person and take a picture as a group. :) Daniel

Hello, do you know if it's possible to expand the email message preview area on the form (file .eml)? Currently, the email message in the preview is cut off. You can see it in the footer.

Hello, I try to render values from a rich text editor (multiple lines of text; Mode: Rich) as a column of a table on a Word-Document. But after the Wordfile generation the formatting is lost. In the database the value is stored as: <p>X<sup>2</sup>O<sub>Test</sub>Bla </p> Is it possible to generate the Wordfile with the given formatting? Thanks in advance. 1st Image: Value in the Rich-Text-Editor 2nd Image: Result in the Wordfile

Hi, Sorry for my lack of knowledge but I've just installed WEBCON 2 days ago. Please help! I want to add in a item list rows from a SQL database but: Querying data is ok. I want to select a product name based on that query (from a Choice field) and get the correspondent price from the query... Also my query is based on another field as a filter When I change the value of that filter, the list of products should change but it doesn't. And also, I can't get the price for the product... (...)

Hi all, struggeling with the following: I'd like to make available a report only showing instances from a certain app -> process -> workflow -> step. No problem here through the report configuration menu under "Source". However, due to the fact that for a report consumer to be able to access instances in his report two permissions have to be present: "Access to the application" on the application level, as well as "Access all workflow instances (excluding attachments) on the process level (...)


Hi, Following a security audit, we are compelled to set the CLR Assembly Permission Sets to SAFE_ACCESS in SQL SERVER. I'm not an expert in SQL. What impact does this setting have on Webcon? Thanks, Raluca

Hello Durning installation of the Webcon BPS for Microsoft Outlook Addin 2021.1.4.195 plugin and opening Outlook, the error "Access denied to the path c:\Users\xxx\Appdata\local\Temp\Deployment\A3Y823NQ.KMT\9J59YY7H.WXE\sk" appears when loading the plugin. \Webcon.Workflow.Outlook2010.resource.dll" (I'm attaching a screenshot). Massive deployment from sccm . Command line : Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path "v100.msi" -Transform "v100.mst" -Parameters "WorkFlowUrl=`"$envProgramData\Webcon2\Web (...)

Hello, Is it possible to input two different values into the 'Update Related Workflow Instance' action in Webcon BPS Designer, but have them appear on separate lines within the same field? Specifically, I would like to know if there's a way to use a newline character or any other method to achieve this. My Observatii 2 field is Multiple lines of text. Thank you

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a button to start another workflow but I want to pass the current instance ID so I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: <div style="margin-top:30px;"> <div style="margin-bottom:30px;"><button style="background-color: #DAA520; padding: 10px 25px;font-weight: bold;font-family: Helvetica;font-size:18px; " class="fr-rounded fr-large" onclick="StartElementInNewWindow(54,54, 'AttText47=' + encodeU (...)


Hello, I copied one item list from one process to another and after trying to save the process I get the below in the attached image. There are some datarow field in the item list that are showing data coming from business rules. I guess they are causing the problem. The main issue is that designer studio doesn't show the fields anymore so I'm unable to delete the item list that I copied. As you can see it looks like there are no fields and workflows defined in the process but that is not tru (...)

Since i cannot open a support ticket at the moment i have to go this way. When creating a new substitution in 2023.1.2.44 i get a "Bad request" error when saving the substitution. Attached you find the diagnostics session and develeoper tools log. Any ideas what is going wrong here? // diagnostics json { "session": { "id": 565, "sessionGuid": "2c8664cd-1862-4978-9355-1d0b7c3c47d5", "userTime": "2023-08-31T05:51:09.457", "userLogin": "xxx", "userLanguageCode (...)


Hello everyone! I have the following challenge. I need to open the pdf attached to a workflow in a popup. I successfully managed to do so using the base64 encoded string and some javascript. Now the problem is that the pdfs are larger than expected. Some of them are 5MB and even more. For those large pdfs the script is not working, nor is effective to try make it work. I can go the Python way, create a server-side endpoint that would serve the PDF to, e.g. PDF.js. But I was wondering if th (...)


Hi everyone, maybe someone else is using some internal JavaScript objects and if this is the case, check whether you are using window.initialModel and make adjustments. In R2 it's gone. Most of the objects of the initialModel can be accessed via the liteModel. /api/nav/db/${parameters.dbId}/element/${parameters.instanceId}/desktop If you have no idea what I'm talking about, than everything is fine. :) Best regards, Daniel