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Welcome to the WEBCON community forum. To ensure the best possible experience for everyone, we kindly ask that you adhere to the guidelines listed below. By participating in the forum, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to follow the established rules. You also agree to keep forum discussion limited to topics best suited for this type of medium. We wish for this forum to be a place where our partners, clients, acquaintances, and anyone interested in WEBCON BPS can connect with their p (...)

Some of our Webcon users are complaining about lacking of comment editing/deleting feature. It should be possible only for comment's author only of course. Such comment should be marked with "Comment changed" "Comment deleted" text. Wouldn't that be a great feature?

Dear community, Wouldn't it be great if Vacation schedule could mark all non-working days the same way as currently weekends are marked? Working days calendar system setting seams to be perfect source for non-working days, isn't it? This way all bank holidays could be marked on vacation schedule. It seams so obvious that I am surprised this is not working this way for a long time...


Hi, After upgrading from 2021.1.3.205 to ver. 2021.1.4.84, I can see a very big performance drop for reports that have more than 250k items. Very often they don't even load at all. All indexes and sql statistics are rebuilt. After verification, I found the reason, it is the column 'assigned to'. After removing this column from the report, all large reports are loaded almost immediately (even those with many calculated columns). It looks like in this version the query has been changed to the WFEl (...)

Is there a way to do a little more modification to the attachments portion of a form? We'd like all attachments, email msgs included to be shown on the first tab. Failing that, hiding the first 2 tabs and only showing the "all attachments" tab.

Hello, I am using an itemlist to show some data to the user. In some cases, the list contains over 50 elements. Because it also has a lot of columns, it is very hard to follow sometimes. I would like to at least make the table header sticky. How can I do that? Thank you in advance! Best regards, George


There seems to be a new documentation for the latest release of WEBCON. Does anyone have that URL? I am too lazy to update to the latest version and I am very curious how it looks like. Anyone from WEBCON can get it for us?

Hi everyone! I've recently heard that we are soon to have electronic invoices in XML format (in Poland) instead of PDFs. This should shorten invoice processing in Webcon as we could read fields straight into the form with no errors and no OCR verification step. This sounds very good, but will Webcon be ready for this? Will there be actions allowing to read data from xml structure and map them to the form? Or maybe there is something working already? Michal

Is there any method of removing unwanted application? Normally you can't do that from Designer Studio. When an application has any processes or other elements it requires to remove them first - the Studio prevents from having orphaned elements. It is ok unless you want to remove the whole application. The application I want to remove is quite complicated and removing all sub-elements would be very time consuming and tricky to find out which element should I remove first, etc. Is there any othe (...)


Hi everyone, let's be honest the search option is more of an autocomplete. Nothing wrong with this since you can still get some useful information. Nevertheless, I prefer searching this site using a major search engine. Since I don't like to do repetitive tasks I put together some JavaScript which speeds this up and can be executed on any (public) site by clicking on a bookmark. Unfortunately gifs aren't allowed so I attached a screenshot: 1: Search results from the community 2: Executing the (...)


Yeah, the new version is released and based on the change log, these are my three highlights: 4.11. Using variables representing configuration objects’ ID Item list improvements. Ok, this is cheating but there are a lot of useful changes :) 4.17. Report views in the navigation menu I didn't list the new WEBCON BPS Designer Desk because it's not comparable and would probably be on everyone's top list.

Hi everyone. How many of you have more than 30 companies in Webcon? I have them much, much more. Don't you think that dropdown list could be much less annoying than scrolling tabs when searching/changing rights in Designer?


Hi everyone, who else will join the WEBCON DAY? My flight and hotel are booked and I can't wait to be there again. :) Maybe we can take the opportunity to meet in person and take a picture as a group. :) Daniel

Hi all! I noticed that OData support has been added to REST API 2022.1.4.xx. I only found one document, which is located here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346 This document is related to the usage of OData in PowerBI. What we really need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a documentation of that? <PseudoCode> /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/applications/{appid}/reports (...)


Hi everyone, this is not you typically community thread. It’s not about a problem or question but an idea for which I would need your help. I’ve come across a page which listed 101 things you could do with product/platform xyz. This got me thinking whether we could do something similar for WEBCON BPS. For this though I need your help. --- The idea --- Everyone has implemented a number of applications. These are unique for each company, but they share something in common by which they can (...)

Hi, Currently we are on 2021.1.4.55 version . Last Year 2021 big release has few bugs and the later version released after sometime to fix them. So this year we are planning to wait till the next version is being released and then upgrade to that next release. Can we directly upgrade to that next release or is it must to upgrade to 2022.1.1.41 to go to next version?

Hello Everyone, We have a process by which we send e-mails, but at the same time I'd like to save the e-mails sent as attachments. Does someone know a way to do so? Thank you!

Dear Community, is there any method to hide history of an element/task from a specific group of users? KR, InnFlow Team

Is there a way on a new record to prepopulate an item list with static rows? The idea is for each new workflow started, an item list would have 6 rows already setup to have other data entered. Nevermind, I found it :) https://webcon.com/item-lists-repeating-data-done-right/

Hi! So I have this Item List in "Orders app". Lets say it has 10 columns. 6 Of those columns can be editable depending on subprocesses or other proceses. So there is a query, that if returns 1 it means that column can be edited by a user, if 0 then the column in this row is blocked. For that I am using "Column edit restrictions" from the "Permissions" tab in the studio. And it works great. For few rows. If there are more rows it works really slow. I made some analitics. The query is executed (...)