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Hello, in the 2023.1.3.29 version, we have apparently identified a reproducible bug. In our case we are using a text field to store a time value. The goal is for this to automatically replace a period ('.') with a colon (':') after input (Style and behavior). The error occurs when we attempt to replace every period ('.') with another character using STRING REPLACE, specifically in the case of "15.00" where we want to replace each period ('.'). Instead of just replacing the periods, ALL (...)

If I have tasks assigned to me in a given application, are they always listed from the newest to the oldest? Can I somehow make a given application stand out so that it is at the top of the to-do list?

Hello, I have a simple workflow that is translated from fields to steps and paths. When I change the language from the portal the preview picture of the workflow does not change. Should the language of the workflow preview change based on the language of the logged user? Regards

Hi everyone! We are currently using BPS 2023.1.2.44 in our office. Is it possible to exclude certain report columns from an Excel export? We need to display the columns in the Web report, but don't want to show them in Excel. Best regards, Christoph


I've noticed that when I import from the development environment to the test or in production environment, custom visibility configurations for reports or start buttons don't get imported. For instance, I've set a button to be visible only for a certain group; the configuration remained as custom visibility upon import, but the group disappeared. The groups were created in the development environment and imported into the other environments. Thanks, Raluca

Hi, Are any of you indexing data from WFElementDetails in the SOLR engine? What are your experiences with it?

Hello, Can someone help me with some information about "Absence" process? Where can i find some documentation? Thank you.

I am fetching report data from the following endpoint: https://developer.webcon.com/2023/resources/rest_api5.0/#tag/PublicApiReport/paths/~1api~1data~1v5.0~1db~1{dbId}~1applications~1{appid}~1reports~1{reportid}/get There are properties for page and size, but information on defaults and max is missing. This seems to be explicitly documented on other endpoints, so i am questioning myself if there are limits at this endpoint or not? From testing it seems that default for page is 1 and for siz (...)

I have a rather curious scenario, when I look up an archived instance, I am able to bring up the form and see the files attached. However when I try to open/download the attachment it throws errors. Curiously if I go the history of the instance and scroll down to the attachment link, it opens the file just fine. Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment"... is not valid JSON SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment"... is not valid JSON at JS (...)

Dear Community, just a general question about e-mail notification with Microsoft 365 accounts. On 01.10.2022 Microsoft will disable Basic authentication. How do you plan to keep working e-mail notifications with SMTP from M365?

Hi, We have a problem with the transport mechanism and how business entities are handled, we have a development environment in house which we use to prepare application templates (products) which we transport to multiple customer environments and every time we do so the business entities in the target environment are overwritten when the business entity ID exists in both environments. Is there any possibility to prevent this form happening?

Hello, is it possible for the navigation panel to be collapsed by default? Best Regards, InnFlow

I made the recent upgrade to Version: 2022.1.2.31 and I have noticed I can no longer limit the choice tree node selection to the last leaf I have rechecked that the option 'Allow also choosing intermediate nodes' is unselected on the choice tree configuration options Checked older workflows and they are also now not limited to the last node. As this breaks a relational dependency its something I can't leave this up to the wisdom of the user Is this a known issue?

I'm using {COM_NIP} field in generated html files. How can I use this field in DOCX?


I’m really struggling to create an email notification that would look good on all possible devices. I successfully created the HTML but the editor in designer studio is adding some parts code out of nowhere, deleting other parts and duplicating whole blocks of code after saving. Is there a way to work around it? Can Webcon change the editor to not do that?

Hi! Unable to retrieve data while processing SQL Command, the error is: Error occured during business rule evaluation. The given key (-25) was not found in WFBusinessRuleDefinitions cache for current content database. at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: SQL The same error is while configurating action or creating a business rule


Hello everyone, I’m trying to set the color of the cell in a report based on a comparison between the current field (AttDateTime1) and another column (AttDateTe4). It works if I compare the CurrentField to a fixed value. As soon as I try with the other field name, it doesn’t work anymore. Is it even possible to have such comparison? Thank you, Martin

Hi community! Since the new version (2022) of Designer Studio has obviously changed its default behaviour to using REST mode, I am wondering if there is any command line parameter (or something else) to start Designer Studio in good old SQL mode. I did not find any documentation on how to do that. Any inputs? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

Hi, I want to create attribute where I can see company from Active Directory for a current user. In screenshot you can see which attribute do I need to see on the form for the current user.

Hello everyone! I have a trouble during deleting instances - i always get timeout after 30 seconds. Is there any way to make the system button faster or to increase timeout time? I didnt find anything in webcon configurations unfortunately. I dont think it is a version problem since deleting on test environment works just fine. Edit: I just managed to get the same problem on test environment. Best Regars Kamil Górski