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Hello! I've been quite active recently with questions while developing a CRM module. Today is not different. There is a process with elements serving as dictionary of "sales objects" (not a dictionary type process but a standard one at the time). There is another process called "Sales transactions". In this process there is an item list holding the items to be sold at the current transaction. These items can be added through standard adding elements (+) button. There is a choice box that ope (...)

Hello everyone I have question about Suggested report - when there is many threads and many values in categories not every value in each category is shown. Only firest 10 most common values are shown. I need to use filters to received less common data. For example - I know that Tomasz is author of some threats, but he is not visible in category "Author" becuase amount of this threats is less then 7 (screenshot 1). When I use the filter to narrow down search result in category "Author", (...)


Hi, I've been learning Microsoft Graph API and managed to create folders (parent and child) using POST and PATCH methods in a SharePoint Library via Graph Explorer. Now I have the following scenario. In an Item List there are X numbers of lines with folders names: - Folder A (parent) - Folder B (parent) - Folder B1 (child) - Folder B2 (child) - Folder C (parent) - etc... What I would like to do is use this item list to create the folders in a SharePoint library. Additionally I'd (...)

Hi all, I've deployed a test environment to "sell" webcon internally. Activation email was delayed, I waited for some time so I imported everything when still demo. Everything worked. Now I activated free license and on each form I gave a message that: No license for WorkFlow Fronton in version 2022.1. To gain access, please re-download license or contact WEBCON directly. Can't edit anything on any form.

I have problem with configuration hotfolders. I would like add option to automaticly add attachments to existing workflow by barcode. Only worked solution is worked for me is start new workflow but is not what i need. I was based on https://howto.webcon.com/hotfolder-adding-scanned-files-to-process/ I don't now why onlu "standard barcodes" is enabled in designer studio if "attachments based on barcode" is selected. how hotfolder mechanism is looking for bacode? where is he looking it? (...)

Has anyone used WebCon to integrate into an O365 GCC High setup? We will be migrated all office products including SP to this and I'm curious if anyone has done it before. For clarification GCC is MS Gov Cloud setup with higher security.

Is it possible to build an application that would grant permissions to other applications? When you have several applications, how do you grant permissions for a new employee to each application?

Hi, Has anyone encountered an issue like the one in the screenshot? In Edge on Windows 11 the functionality to open in IE mode is configured but it still doesn't work. Is it possible to configure correct settings via GPO? Most users are still on Windows 10. Best regards

Dear All, is there a guide on setting multi tenant authentication for webcon? Until now we were using one tenant but would like to extend this to another one or two. I found multi tenant option in designer studio but with no additional options to configure it. How should we set the other tenant? is there a further configuration required on webcon end?

Hi everyone I have question about automatic e-mail notifications - if someone has an active task, the automatic e-mail notification will contain a link to that task, but if person is in CC in the task, then the automatic e-mail notification won't contain a link to that task. Is there any posibility do add link to the task in automatic e-mail notification even if person is only in CC to that task?

Hello everyone, on one environment we are running WEBCON 2020 with SharePoint Full-Trust installation. Now this environment is to be updated. In WEBCON 2022 the SharePoint Full-Trust installation is not supported any longer. So there is the question: How do I proceed, to use WEBCON 2022 with this current installation? Is there a technical solution from you guys (webcon), to "update" the Full-Trust installation to a standalone? Or is it necessary to set up a complete new installation wit (...)

Hi there, I'm trying to work out a rule to color backround of a date cell. The condition would be "if the date in the current field is greater than today, then color backround, else dont change the color". Currently the not working JSON code is: { "content": "=CurrentField", "style": { "background-color": "=if(CurrentField > today, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried different variants of the condition like "date(CurrentField) > date(today)" or "CurrentField > date('TODAY') (...)


Hey everyone! Does anyone know it is possible to integrate Webcon with Zimbra instead of Exchange? I'm particularly interested in the HotMailBox functionality - starting workflows when a new email arrives in a selected mailbox.

Hi, since 2 months I have problem with error which appears randomly - Failure sending mail. Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. I use o365 smtp server smtp.office365.com to send e-mails from Webcon BPS. Any idea what could be reason of this error?


Hi, Does anyone have the instructions how to set up the HotMailBox using the Microsoft Graph authentication? I know what needs to be done in Designer Studio. I'm not sure about the steps for obtaining the Tennant ID, Application ID and Client Secret. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Martin


I have a potential customer that would like to install the Express version locally but the registration form on the https://webcon.com/get-started-free-demo/ is not working as expected. After submitting the contact information I got a "Thank you for registering to the Summit 2022 message". :( Anyone can confirm that the installation in the Platform Center section of this website is OK also for the Express version installation? Thank you, Martin

Is there a documentation for Translator tool? When I am setting up new language in the Suggested translation, i need to understand how it impacts the system.

Hi, Currently we are on 2021.1.4.55 version . Last Year 2021 big release has few bugs and the later version released after sometime to fix them. So this year we are planning to wait till the next version is being released and then upgrade to that next release. Can we directly upgrade to that next release or is it must to upgrade to 2022.1.1.41 to go to next version?

Hi community! Since the new version (2022) of Designer Studio has obviously changed its default behaviour to using REST mode, I am wondering if there is any command line parameter (or something else) to start Designer Studio in good old SQL mode. I did not find any documentation on how to do that. Any inputs? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

Hi all, I am starting my adventure with Webcon. And as a beginner I sometimes find that Webcon is not what I think is. Example - I have application named A. I would like to get an exact copy of this application named B (or maybe almost exact becase of data sources and keywords list). I want to have all workflows and forms working exactly the same in A and B. The only differnce will be two separate sets of users. I don't like to use tenant mechanism. It must be another applicat (...)