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Hi, I want to add a few calculated column in my report(Webcon Sharepoint version) but the button "Add calculated column" is disabled and I don't know why. Do you know why this button is disabled?

Hi, I want to compare(lookup) an item list with dictionary items. On a start step I have the item list where I want to upload some rows from an excel file, then I want to check if uploadet rows exist in the dictionary. If exists, webcon should mark a column in the item list that the entry exists. Do you know how to achieve it? Could you help?

I have a workflow when I have a branch that's check whether user ticked the box 'yes' or 'no'. If user ticks the box yes - the workflow goes to the postivie finished step. However, I needed to configure the task creation, and that worflow stays as a user task . How do I omit the user task creation?

Hi there has anyone an example on how to populate dropdown lists from REST data sources ? I got the working requests in POstman, but I cannot get them to work at all in webcon. and its kinda hard to debug since error messages or logs are seemingly not available... thanks for your help in advance.


Hey everyone, When an attachment is opened on the form, it shows the download button. Can we disable it? Also, when previewing the attachments there is always the top bar that contains the download and print button. Anyone knows if it is possible to disable it? Thank you, Martin

Hello, I have a form that has a 5 steps. On each step I have a form field that has 4 options('statuses') : open,closed, opened-again, in-progess. I want to have the value open in first 3 steps, than on step 4 i want to have a status 'closed'. How do I make the step depend on the field?

Hi folks, for some reason for the past few days the attachment preview no longer seems to work. Depending on the browser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloading does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian

Hi, In my process I have REST API where I download link to file. I save the link to attribute and now I want to download this file to 'attachments'. Can you advise me how do do that? Best, Kuba

Hello, is it possible for the navigation panel to be collapsed by default? Best Regards, InnFlow

Hi, Does any of you know how the API key should be entered in the SDK action in the "Integration key" field? On the autenti platform, I generated the ID and key, but entering the same key in the integration key does not work and I get the error: 401 Unauthorized. Best regards, Jakub


Hi everyone! Does anyone know how difficult is to upgrade Webcon from Express to Enterprise AND at the same time set up the test environment with all existing processes (that were developed on the Express version)? Is it even possible? I'd like to be sure that there will be no problems later with the import-export mechanism for the existing processes. TIA, Martin

Hi, I have a main workflow where I have 5 text fields. Some of these fields are displayed on the sub workflow form(Sub Workflows start on a specific main workflow step) Sometimes I have to change one of the filed value on the main workflow( on step " Wait for sub-workflows) which is displayed on the subworkflows form. When I change field value on the main flow, the same field is not updated on the subworkflows form despite it is the same field. Do you know how to update the field on the (...)

When I try to generate documentation of my process I get error: "Sequence contains more than one matching element", see included attachment. Application has no real issues, what to do?

Whenever I try to change the language of column "instance number", my report throws up this error "An item with the same key has already been added". How to fix this issue? Please suggest.

Dear community, Wouldn't it be great if Vacation schedule could mark all non-working days the same way as currently weekends are marked? Working days calendar system setting seams to be perfect source for non-working days, isn't it? This way all bank holidays could be marked on vacation schedule. It seams so obvious that I am surprised this is not working this way for a long time...

Hi, is there any possibility to change description from "dashboardy" to for example "pulpity" in polish version at webcon portal? Please see screen below.


Hey! I've never worked with the OCR and AI Framework so I'm asking the following question: Is it possible to read the data as seen in the attached picture and save it to an Item List? If yes, what are the components that I would need? There is already a text layer in the pdf so there is no need to do the OCR. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you, Martin

We are aware that some functionalities are not available in a SaaS environment, like some query actions. But is there an official listing of what is not allowed in SaaS? Because Building and Testing a project on-premise, and having no way of knowing if something will break on PROD because of that is not acceptable. Is there a way to test for it? Or at least have something to read through to workaround this from the start(dev), and not when it is deployed on live... Best regards, Fabi (...)

Hi From yours experience what are the differences between the version of webcon without sharepoint and with sharepoint? We have a lot of documents that we edit online and I am curious how it will affect the operation. I cannot find information on the differences :/ My version (2020.1.3.443, display mode: Modern on BPS portal) I will be grateful for your help.

Hi folks, It seems like the Popup Search Windows has a limit of items which can be selected. I need to have at least 40-50 items selected, but after about 20, (only after saving the instance) it cuts all the others out which were selected.... Is there a way around this problem? I have to use the popup search window, because changing it now, would lead to dataloss of all already created instances. Best regards Fabian