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Has anyone ever tried to create a clickable hyperlink inside a word attachment using the bps word addin? It seems that the add-in just transfers string information to the document regardless of what "meta-information" is contained with the string (i.e. line breaks/formatting in multiline fields using rich mode) I get the link url put out to word but in word it's not recognized as such until i add a space or new line after it (same as it would when just typing a url in word) Thanks in adva (...)

Hi, We have trouble uploading documents to some workflows and I would like to pinpoint the issue. I can't find any relevant information in Event Viewer, any other place to check? Thank you

Hi, i've updated to 2022.1.4.155 and now I can't use the Active Directory actions. Same error on add group/user and delete group/user. Where I can register this service? There is no comment in last release notes or install guide. My last working version is 2022.1.4.84. BTW: The new feature to add error codes to interrupt user synchronization isn't visible... Thanks and best regards Daniel

I'm following this article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/approval-process-on-the-item-list-with-row-blocking/138 in order to block rows. I've managed to give access to items list only users mentioned in one of the columns of item list using SQL against BPS Users list (see picture attached) , but all rows are available to everyone from this column, not only one row per one user. What am I doing wrong?

I have a problem with the search in the report in the case of a workflow with a list of items. The "search everywhere" option does not find information about a column (in the list of items). This search results are empty. Example attached.


Hello! I have a large PDF with multiple invoices. Each invoice can be on one or more pages. Each invoice has a barcode on the first page. Does anyone know if it is possible to split that document based on the barcode? TIA, Martin

I've got following problems - we are using AD as an authentication tool, but because of quite complex, matrix organizational scheme I cannot use a supervisor data from AD, because (depending on the project) the same user can have two different managers). So I figured out, that I will be using BPS Groups next to AD: 1. I've got User A, Manager A and Manager B 2. I've got groups Managers, Project A & Project B 3. User A belongs to groups Project A and Project B. 4. Manager A is in Project A an (...)

Hi, we are using the Webcon BPS 2022 App on our Android tablets and some of these tablets are used by multiple users. I can create new profiles in the app but when I login into Azure AD I will be automatically logged in using SSO from the last user. Therefore I cannot have multiple profiles with different Webcon user logins. The Android Tablet uses Microsoft Edge as it's default browser and for the app. Anyone experiencing the same thing?

Hello, is there any solution to translate TEXT in dashboard? I have multi language application and i would like to change text depands to user language.


Hello community! The question is not strictly Webcon related. Does anyone have experience with SAP, specifically how the sending of IDOC works? I need to receive the file but am banging my head against the wall how this works. Any ideas/tips would be much appreciated! Cheers, Martin

Hi, During user synchronization I get hundreds of warnings like - Could not find group with BPS ID 'bps_startdk_kon_2u30@bxwebcon.pl' for relation stored in database. - Could not find group with BPS ID 'bps_kon_edycjaslownikow_2s4w@bxwebcon.pl' for relation stored in database. As a result members of groups don't have access to documents through group permissions. When I add user to group through User management > Local groups everything is correct - users membership are added to (...)

I have a rather curious scenario, when I look up an archived instance, I am able to bring up the form and see the files attached. However when I try to open/download the attachment it throws errors. Curiously if I go the history of the instance and scroll down to the attachment link, it opens the file just fine. Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment"... is not valid JSON SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment"... is not valid JSON at JS (...)

Hi, is there any way to hide searching structures? Best Rafał

Is there a reference guide to scaling up solr configs beyond the setup done by the installer. I have narrowed down my performance issues to the solr timeout on memory from the logs


Hi everyone! I'd like to pick your brain for a challenge I'm facing. Does anyone know if there's a way to color report cells similarly to how Excel colors duplicate values? So when a duplicate value is found in COLUMN1, the cells from both rows would get e.g. red background color? TIA, Martin

Hi, I've got 2 VMs for development and production environment. Only difference is RAM: DEV: 16GB, PROD: 20GB, rest is the same. On DEV environment Designer Studio is crashing and crashing all the time. Cannot do anything. Tried to repair installation (fatal error during installation), reinstalled Designer Studio. Nothing works. Has anyone got similar issue?

Hi, what is the proper way to handle AD login name changes in Webcon? I have this problem: I am synchronized with Windows AD. For instance I have a user in AD with login username: test.webcon and domain @webcon.com So the UPN for this particular user is test.webcon@webcon.com. And let's say the user changed his name to Test NewWebcon. So the AD administrator changed the user AD login name to test.newwebcon. When webcon synced with AD, my user got a new Bps_Id = test.newwebcon@webcon. (...)

Hi, I want to ask an important question for my organization. Is the webcon system compliant with WCAG 2.0? Which version of webcon supports Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)? Please give me some advice

Hello How to get license for Freemium version of WEBCON? On https://starter.webcon.com/sign-up/ there is no place for login as before (1 year ago) PS. CONTACT US TO GET STARTED > No response

I have a problem with session not ending after logging into WEBCON system. Even after turning off computer, the webcon session continues. How to solve it? Maybe you have some tips?