Hello Webcon community! We already tried several times to install Webcon BPS an a local machine (latest Webcon BPS version 2021 1.2.108). If it comes to IIS application creation, we select https and setup refuses to show wildcard certificate, which was previously installed to personal store for local machine. The cerificate is showing in IIS, certmgr (Personal -> Certificates), but is not selectable in Webcon BPS installation. We cancelled setup and tried new installation (after dropping all (...)
Hello everyone, before you install/upgrade BPS check the default schema of the database user under which the installation/upgrade will be executed. Make sure that the default schema is dbo. If this is a different schema new objects may be created using this schema. This may lead to unexpected errors later on which will be hard to debug. Here's a little script to change it. SELECT name AS [Name], SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, type_desc, create_date, mod (...)
Hi guys, I'm totally new to WEBCON. I tried to install Webcon Express 2021, all looks fine but when I go to set up Portal URL I can't understand what kind of address I have to type. Read few times manual but I can't understand. Tried several things but I can't connect to WEBCON BPS 2021 Designer Studio. Any advice and recommendations are welcome.
Is it possible to change the type of environment from PROD to TEST? Due to the expansion of the server room, we would like to transfer the production environment to another server, and leave the current one as a test environment. Is there a procedure to migrate the PROD -> TEST environment and export the application to the new PROD environment?
Hi, Is there any solution to reset 'solr' password in running WEBCON 2020 Standalone installation? Regards.
Hi everyone! This is not my first installation of WebCon BPS, but it is the first time I experienced this error. Everything worked fine until Users list configuration step. When I try to configure the local AD as source for synchronization, I receive the error "The parameterized query '(@Email nvarchar(4000),@DisplayName nvarchar(4000),@BpsId nvarch' expects the parameter '@DisplayName', which was not supplied." I assume, that for one of my service accounts the property display name is not se (...)
Hi, Is there a way of installing on the same machine multiple versions of the designer studio? That would be great when working with remote/local designer and when your customers have different versions of WEBCON. Thanks!