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Hello, We encountered a situation where out of multiple users that have access to an instance, can see it and work in it without problem, but when only one of them searches for that specific instance in the search bar he does not get that instance back at all. Did anyone encountered something like this and do you know how to solve it, or what the possible problems are? Regards, George

Hello everyone! :) It's great to work on Webcon, really useful staff. Unfortunately I think i found a bug, since I can't find any issue in my configuration. I have an Item List field type with some fields in it: type, subtype, value, start-date, finish-date. My configuration is set to automaticly take value from database and place it on 'value' when I pick 'subtype' from dropdown. I am using the target field option, because 'subtype' is a picker. Everything works fine until I delete some elem (...)

Hello, I wonder if this is a bug or feature... I have a form field named "Dział" ("Department") and it is the type of "Choice tree". When I try to create a report with forms containing this field, the field is accessible depending on report source type... when the report source type is "SQL Source" - the field is accessible when I choose "SearchIndex source" - it disappears from the list of accessible fields... Did anyone face same issue? Is it for a reason, or is it malfunction?

Hi Everyone, Is there a way to avoid the "No exact match found" when populating data into a choice field?

Hi all, we created a new workflow, mainly to store information about our companies and important documents for them. To make sure the users attach a structured set of documents, I created a dictionary of document types, along with translations for them which are defining which document is attached in which row of the item list. The item list is initialized with a set of standard document-types that should be attached. There are a few things that dont make much sense to me in this scenario, t (...)

Hello, I'm wondering is there a simple way to do this. Sometimes "SQL COMMAND" returns nothing (there are no rows that match the query). How do you test for this? IF "SQL COMMAND [...]" = EMPTY does not seem to work. Maybe there is a workaround?

Hello, I have a field for "internal comments" and I want three user groups to be able to edit this field on every step of the workflow. On steps where they have the general right to edit, this works, but not on other steps. To clarify, on those other steps, they should NOT have rights to edit the step, ONLY to edit this one multiline text field. And any other group should NOT have the right to edit this field. Only for internal user groups. I already tried in the editability tab to make thi (...)

Hi, Do you know any trick, how to change the label of the company selection control on the form, from "Company" (Wybór spółki) to f.in. "Organizational unit"? Thanks in advance. J.

Hello together, I execute a PowerShell script directly on a path in my Webcon workflow. Beacuse I'am searched through some groups I got an timeout after one minute. I get an error with the message: "Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding". But where can I increase this timeout value to higher then a minute? Thanks for your help Maxi

Hello everyone! I have such a case: There is a process, where new element is being added on the first day of the month and giving it signature containing next continuous number. Someone accidenly deleted the last one and the created new one. Nowe we have documents 1,2,3,4 and 6. Is there a way to change the signature of 6 to 5? I can delete the number 6 but what will reset the numbering so that the new created one will be 5? Any ideas community? :) Michal

Hi everyone I have a problem with rotated documents after processing in Hotfolder. How it looks like? 1. I am scaning documents in a vertical way 2. Scanned document is in a vertical position in the file 3. I am moving document from file to Hotfolder 4. Document after processing in Hotfolder is in horizontal position I would be very gretaful for any suggestions

Dear WebCon Team, we just updated to 2021.1.4.55 and recognized, that the so long working function "Attachments Count" does not work properly any longer on the intital step of a workflow as long there is no Instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploaded or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> Instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. Thanks a lot


Hi everyone, this post is for the few how develop processes OnPrem and import them to an WEBCON Apps instance. All others can ignore this post. I just encountered a little problem. If you have business rules with multiple parameters you need to verify that the parameters have been imported in the correct order. It may happen that this is not the case, (1) in the screenshot. Otherwise the values may be assigned to the wrong parameter (2). Best regards, Daniel

Hello folks, how is it possible to hide/show the Attachments Form Field they way every other form field can be hidden/shown via the style and behaviour Tab. I want to be able to show the Attachments field when some dropdown item is selected. Works perfectly for every other field (as shown in image) but I cannot target the Attachments field Where and how can I even configure the Attachments field? Best regards Fabian :)


Hi everyone, Does anyone has an idea on how to retrieve all "objectClass=contact" from Active Directory and use the result as a Data Source? Thank you.

Hi, I need to add to SharePoint Online processes prepared in Classic Sharepoint view, but I can't find such an instalation. I can install only WEBCON BPS Modern Webparts. How can I add to Sharepoint sites Classic Sharepoint view? Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance for your help. Grzegorz

Hello, Currently it always just creates the new subworkflow instance and the user has to manually click on that instance to view it. Is it possible to redirect immediatle upon creation to this new instance of the subworkflow? Preferrably in the same tab.

We have a form that needs to stay open for a length of time before auto moving the flow into a cancelled step. This length of time is user selectable when creating a new record. Talent Req is created and posting is set to stay up for 30/60/90 days. Is there a way to get the Timeout interval value set to the value of a form field? (If the user chooses 30 days, that will be the timeout value, 60, etc...)

We get an error message by using filter function in the report for calculated columns (using substring). I use the following formula. SUBSTRING(WFD_AttText8,1,2). The report view shows the correct values in the calulated column. As soon as I want to filter this column, I get an error message. Does anyone else have the problem or am I doing something wrong? Best regards Nancy

Hello everyone, I have an action where I upload one or multiple attachements (PDF) to a SharePoint list in SharePoint Online. Currently all attachement uploaded to the SP list are checked out. Is there a known configuration in the action or in SharePoint? Or has anyone else had a similar problem? Best regards, Tim