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Hi all! I am new to WebCon BPS. I wonder if it is possible to get all items of a process or a datasource/dictionary defined in BPS from client side via REST API. In SharePoint I did something like this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyList')/items?select=Title... This does not seem to be possible with BPS REST API or at least I did not find it ;-) I am thankful for every hint pushing me into the right direction. Thanks in advance, best regards, Nik


Hi everyone! I read the article about ADFS Customization: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/adfs-customization/208 My issue is that my Windows server is not configured correctly and I lack knowledge to configure it. I started reading the MS documentation and it's huge. There are a lot of settings to configure and I'm not sure what's needed and what not. I was wondering if there is anyone who would be willing to point me in the right direction... Thanks, Martin

Hello all, again its me =) Do you have any idea if I can change the lable of the attachment? Somehow its always in English, but customer wants it in German. I added a screenshot, that you understand what I mean. Greets and have a nice day, Georg

Hey all, again I need your help. Do you know any possibilities to create a new user when you register with the new openID feature? For example, a new user register over openID. After redirect the user has no access to the application, because he only exists in, for example, azure ad but not as a bps user on the plattform. I hope my question is clear enough =) Greets Georg

Hello Everyone, I am looking for solution to exchange files between WebCon and SharePoint Online. I was thinking about built-in actions in WebCon ("add an attachment to a list") as described in this article: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/creating-a-sharepoint-site-with-a-webcon-bps-action/203/3 Unfortunately probably because of MFA I am not able to establish connection with SPO (I get error "The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system"). I don't h (...)


Does anyone know if it's possible to show data not present in an application on the report? I have read the article about calculated columns (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/using-calculated-columns/196/3) but that's not my case. What I would like to do is join the items from the report to a table in a different database (on the same server) or to an existing MSSQL data source. In many processes I have a global field with the unique identifier. I would like to use this key for a 1:1 jo (...)

Hey all, I have the following problem. When I try to open BSP-Studio on my local machine I always get the error in the picture. On the server it works fine. Do you have any suggestions Greets Georg


Yeah, the new version is released and based on the change log, these are my three highlights: 4.11. Using variables representing configuration objects’ ID Item list improvements. Ok, this is cheating but there are a lot of useful changes :) 4.17. Report views in the navigation menu I didn't list the new WEBCON BPS Designer Desk because it's not comparable and would probably be on everyone's top list.

Hello again, Is there a possibility to add an HTML Button to a dashboard, which leads to another dashboard? I Implemented an simple button, but when I add an href with the URL from dev system and import this version on prod, it doesn't work anymore, because the URL doesn't match anymore. Greets Georg

What is the best way to send email to users from item list? I think it will be nice to have this option directly in "Send a custom email" action configuration". For now you have to use intermediate solution to get users list using SQL/CAML querry.

Hey communiy, I have a question to you. Are there any possibilities to "access" the CSS. For example I want to hide the start-placeholder icons on all dashboards, but I don't want to place an html element on each dashboard with the same css declaration. I hope my question is clear for you. Greets Georg


Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis. I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced editor. You need to create an APP with impersonation. For some reason the report was returned but wi (...)


Hello everyone! I'm looking for some ideas how to implement the following scenario: - client has approximately 500k customers (a mix of companies and persons) - each customer can have one or more banking accounts - each account can have one or more connected credit cards I would like to give the users the option to search for a customer using data from each of the categories mentioned above. I'm trying to avoid importing this data as workflows because the data are live, each day new customers a (...)


Is there a way to set a custom user profile picture in WEBCON for each user? If so, is it different between Azure AD and local AD users? (This is more of a question and I am not sure if a new forum thread is the right way of doing it.)


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