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Hello there :)

I have a problem when trying to generate a table using the manual initialization via HTML Button.
It only works when I initialize the table manually.

I want to use SQL however, to automate the whole thing. I failed using many Select Statements.
What would be the ideal Select statement that would return the days between two dates, which happen to be the attributes?

Best Regards,


In reply to: Jack

I know it's a workaround but you can make a global constant :-)


It's great to see, that other's are using the same approach.

Even so it's only a minor addition, but we added also a business rule to simplify this even more. For example we are using this, in the insert condition of a timeout. We have different timeouts depending on the environment. :)

Best regards,


Is there a simple way to get which environment runs a process? The data should be one of the 3 possibilities: DEV, TEST, or PROD.
There are many places in Webcon settings where environment is set as "Auto", but I found no variable giving the actual name of the environment.

I know there's a table and inside is a row which offers this, but I thought there might be an environment variable offering this info rather than having another SQL call.

Thank you,

Hello all,

I have a data table field where I'm selecting the fields using a SQL query. One of the field is a picker and I want to show just the Text and not the ID.
I've tried many options but as soon as I try using the Database-Name, it's giving errors. I believe it's because the option has space on it : 'Non Ok'.
But the system should overcome this right? Even using the DBO function, it doesn't work.
Adding quotes is not allowed. I'm running out of ideas.

Did this happened to any of you?