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so there is a new version of Autenti plugin, also working with Webcon 2023.
There are new configuration fields/options:

Signature Type (Required)
SMS authentication
Unlock document by SMS

Is there ANY documentation regarding options for those fields?

Experimenting, I discover that Signature Type must be numeric, and:
0 means Autenti signature
1 means qualified electronic signature

SMS authentication and Unlock document by SMS are impossible for me to configure, what ever I do (even just adding form fields to configuration), I get:

WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Exceptions.SDKKeyNotFoundException: Specified id:280 does not exist
at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReadOnlyItemsCollection`1.GetByID(Int32 id)
at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider.AddSmsAuthenticationnConstraints(List`1 constraints, ItemRowData row, UserColumns userData)
at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider.AddParties(ItemsList itemLis, UserColumns userData, Boolean setUserPriority)
at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.RequestBodyProvider.CreateDocumentBody(ItemsList itemList, Body configurationOfBody)
at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.V2Helper.ModyfiDocumentAsync(Body requestBody, String docGuid)
at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.APIv2.SendingDocumentAction.RunAsync(RunCustomActionParams args)
Culture: pl-PL
Duration: 988,6418ms

No idea what id:280 is...

So question again:

Dear Webcon, is there ANY documentation regarding options for new Autenti plugin?

Or, maybe someone figured it out in the meantime?


In reply to: Maksymilian Stachowiak

Hi Tomasz,

We've also faced this problem - it happened few times but across few months, so we haven't dug to find for a reason, maybe someone else will have some information - I'm also interested :)

@Edit, just noticed that there are some updates on restarting webcon service in 2023.1.3.202 change logs - server restart should not be required now, only service restart.

Hello, have you already done upgrade to this version 2023.1.3.202 and problem was solved ?

The system's performance has been enhanced to handle increased loads. As part
of the changes, support for asynchronous calls to SQL Server has been optimized.
The modifications reduce the total path transition time and form loading time under
conditions of increased Portal usage on many workstations.

Do you know what exactly was changed and how is the best way to test it?


Another day, fresh mind, and I've found a way in some older reports, in this case i was able to use 'CurrentField' instead of 'AttributeName' in Advanced Cell Coloring, so ended up like this:

"children": [
"element": "span",
"style": {
"color": "red"
"attributes": {
"iconName": "=if(CurrentField == 'Tak', 'FastForward', '')"

I'm leaving thread open though, as maybe someone will know a way how to reference other custom columns which might come handy someday :)


Hello all,

I have a use case where for a parent workflow (let's say order) I'm starting many child workflows (suborders).
There are some details which i don't want to duplicate on suborders like 'customer' for example - it should be stored only on order, but not on suborders.

In the reports i have one report for orders, second one for suborders - on suborders I'm able to show 'customer' using custom column. With SQL like this:
dbo.ClearWFElem(WFD_AttChoose2) /* Customer */
WFElements JOIN
WF_GUID = 'af556142-7ad9-44e1-9xy2-550c2cxz361cf' AND /* GUID WF Order */
WFD_ID = wfelems.WFD_AttChoose5_ID /* Field Order Relation */

This works pretty good, although i can't get a grasp how to make it work with Advanced Cell Coloring.

On Orders view, i'm using this:
"children": [
"element": "span",
"style": {
"color": "red"
"attributes": {
"iconName": "=if(WFD_AttBool2 == true, 'FastForward', '')"

But on suborders there is no WFD_AttBool2 if i understand it well.
I've tried using _12 (this is the alias of the column generated by webcon), but no luck.
Any ideas how to make it work? :)