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When creating an SDK action there is an option to use the Logger Class to create logs (https://developer.webcon.com/2021/resources/online-documentation-sdk/html/2c254e06-3ac3-3a82-7c44-dae3d829d1e4.htm) Does anyone know where these logs are located (log file on file system or a specific database table)?

Hi all, i thought it might be a good idea to share useful queries that should be reusable for any of us as they are. Although I personally find the built in Workflow-History very useful and really like it for admin-purposes, it might be some kind of an detail-overkill for common users. In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that should work for all workflows and translations. Values are shown depending on the users browser la (...)


Yeah, the new version is released and based on the change log, these are my three highlights: 4.11. Using variables representing configuration objects’ ID Item list improvements. Ok, this is cheating but there are a lot of useful changes :) 4.17. Report views in the navigation menu I didn't list the new WEBCON BPS Designer Desk because it's not comparable and would probably be on everyone's top list.

Hi everyone. How many of you have more than 30 companies in Webcon? I have them much, much more. Don't you think that dropdown list could be much less annoying than scrolling tabs when searching/changing rights in Designer?

Hello, I have an template with a simple excel file that has a table named "TableExcel". This table has 4 columns: DATE,CUSTOMER,VALUE,CURRENCY. In designer I created an item list with 4 colums that have the same name. When I map the columns in designer I use "Sheet1!TableExcel" and on the right i drag the columns from the item list. Every time i run the action i get : Invalid cell name If i try to map to: Sheet1!A1 I don't get error but also I only get the first value from the item list, (...)

Hi, After upgrading to Webcon2023 (ver. 2023.1.2.44) we found errors during Form rule executions on page load. It is caused by trying to hide/show/set/etc attributes that are not visible on the form. In the 2022 versions, there were no issues with the same configuration cases. These errors appear during Diagnostics and additionally prevent saving the Diagnostics Session. Does anybody have similar issues with Webcon 2023? I tried to find it in the changelogs but with no success. MS (...)

Hello, I'm trying to find a solution to my problem. Let's say I have a workflow with a START step, INTERMEDIATE and a FINAL step. Intermediate step is assigned to Group B by default, but I need that after 5 days, if no person from this group took any action, to automatically assign the task to Group C. Is there such a way to do this? Thank you.

Hi guys, I have created a subworkflow that I would like to use to implement a signing process. I copy the required attachments from the parent workflow to this subworkflow. How do I get the changed (signed) attachments back into the parent workflow and how can I then exchange the original documents there? I think it's not too complicated, but unfortunately I don't know how to do it ;-) Or is there perhaps a way to use certain documents from the parent workflow directly without creating a (...)


Hi everyone, who else will join the WEBCON DAY? My flight and hotel are booked and I can't wait to be there again. :) Maybe we can take the opportunity to meet in person and take a picture as a group. :) Daniel

Hello, I try update webcon with SharePoint Foundation 2013 Update Webcon from 2021_1_4_55 to 2021_1_5_367 and i have error with webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp. Deploy solution dosent work Anyone know why this happen? Solution Deployment : Looking for 'ReceiverClass' attribute in manifest root node for solution 'webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp' Solution Deployment : Missing one or more of the following attributes from the root node in solution webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp: assembly '', type ''. Th (...)

Hello Community, I would like to show or hide certain steps in the status panel in the form depending on a business logic. However, in the designer I only found a static (checkbox) option. Background is only the clarity about the process steps to be done. I thought maybe it would be possible to simply show and hide the container using JavaScript. Unfortunately, I have not enough experience in this area. Do you have an idea? I tried it once statically with CSS (See Screenshot). Thank (...)


Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to get the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to build a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://developer.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). Anyone out there for a little help? Thanks in advance, Bjoern


Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea, why a data source dictionary would not return all data, also "access data in the context of system account" is checked? I was banking my head on the wall, why the form validation stopped working until I noticed that the lastest workflow instances are not returned by the data source. The screenshot shows the data from the "data sources" navigation pane, it's not a field which is filtered. Best regards, Daniel

Hi all! I noticed that OData support has been added to REST API 2022.1.4.xx. I only found one document, which is located here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346 This document is related to the usage of OData in PowerBI. What we really need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a documentation of that? <PseudoCode> /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/applications/{appid}/reports (...)


Hi, does anyone know how to get via JavaScript whether the page "is dirty". So I can do a similar check to "You are leaving the form with unsaved data"? Best regards, Daniel


Hi everyone, this is not you typically community thread. It’s not about a problem or question but an idea for which I would need your help. I’ve come across a page which listed 101 things you could do with product/platform xyz. This got me thinking whether we could do something similar for WEBCON BPS. For this though I need your help. --- The idea --- Everyone has implemented a number of applications. These are unique for each company, but they share something in common by which they can (...)


The instance number of our process contains a field that is settup by the user in the form at the first step. What do we do when the instance is automaticaly started by hotmailbox activity in the fisrt step. In that moment we don't have that field filled in yet. A user will take that instance and move it forward after filling in that field. How can we update the instance number in that instance and avoid instance numbers like in the second screensot? The documentation seems a little confusi (...)

Hi there, ever since OAuth2 connection was implemented I was happy and thought it would make connecting to Dynamics BC (Saas / Cloud Version) a breeze. However, so far, it was / is not. setting up the OAuth2 app authentication in Azure and webcon is pretty straightforward. - it works like a charm in Postman ( I get my bearer token back) but I have no real way to test it in webcon, so I have to assume it´s working. then you still have to set up the REST Web Service connection, then the (...)

Hello all, How is it possible to select a choice field item by index? The choice field(A) has a placeholder ("empty" in attached image) and a dynamically read value. And on value change in another choice field(B), this value is being added to the choice list(A), but I also need to have this new dynamic value selected as right now it is just queued under the placeholder. Is there a way to do this through webcon standard or programmatically? Thanks in advance :)


Hi everyone, this is just a short list of actions I had to do, when I switched from a "local" text field, WFD_AttText1, to a global WFD_AttText1Glob: 1. Fixing Start Subworkflow actions Due to the change of the field type the assignment was "lost". Internally the action uses the database name, so it's obvious, that the assignment of field {690} to field WFD_AttText1 is no longer valid. Configuration after correcting the assignment <field> <attribute>WFD_AttText1Glob</att (...)