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Hi everyone, maybe we can gather all the changes anyone encounters when testing the new version in a single thread. It won't take much of your time and will potentially save you more when others do the same. I will start with this one: SQL command: Varriable WFCONCOL_ID : WFD_DTYPEID = {DT:12} and {WFCONCOL_ID:153} = {WFD_ID} has been "translated" to WFD_DTYPEID = 1 and dbo.ClearWFElemId(WFD_AttChoose1) = 2 and is now replaced by the Calculated field WFD_DTYPEID = 1 and WFD_AttCh (...)

UWAGA! Najnowszy pakiet 2023.1.1.41 w pliku instalatora WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.Installer.msi zawiera wirusa IL:Trojan.MSILZilla.11432 po instalacji wirus przenosi się z plikiem usługi do C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS WorkFlow Service\WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.exe

Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment access by a user? Users will access documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document in pdf attached to a process. Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?

Hi, Is there the ability to run actions in the background without being forced to wait for them to finish in the loading screen? I have created an automation which invokes a SOAP service and it takes some time (20 seconds). This thing must be disturbing for the user. As i see, actions are executed synchronously, meaning the user interface waits for the action to complete before allowing further interactions. Any ideas? Thanks!

Hello all, I have an item list where I want to display some column color based on the value that will be the outcome of 2 dates. I would like something like if it's zero, the column should be green, if it's between 0 and 30 days, it should be yellow and if more than 31 days, it should be red. I'm trying to use this, but it's not working: if ('{SFD:-4}' = 0) select '#90EE90' if ('{SFD:-4}' > 0 or '{SFD:-4}' <= 30) select '#FFFACD' else ('{SFD:-4}' > =31) select '#FF6347' I've al (...)

Hello, I configured the action "Send a custom email" to send email: - Direct -> Dynamic: field - Author - CC -> Dynamic: field - choose substitute When i send email, i receive the email without CC: person showing, and the person in CC receives the email, but there is not showing the person in To: Is it a bug or i did not configure it right? My field "choose substitute" is a Person or group. In 2nd scenario, i configured this field to allow multiple selection. When i added 2 people (...)

How can I in here write dinamic company from my item list (My company is in DET_att5) ? Or I have to do another way ?

I noticed that the system loses the preview of the graphical scheme that I generate from Designer Studio. Most often, the file is not available after re-saving the configuration or the next day. Do you have that too? My BPS version: 2022.1.4.207.

Hello, I am trying to create a list in SP. I created a Sharepoint template, but i don't understand those 3 template options: Static, Dynamic, Form field. I attached some screenshots. In screeshot called Template, that's how i setup Action template. In screenshot 'Action' that's how i setup the action - Create a list. When i run i get error: Error in On path action Create a list. (Step: Start, path: Sharepoint) List template not found. Can you help? Thank you.

Is it possible to display a message to additionally inform the user whether he really wants to change a given field (at the selected path or all paths)? In order to emphasize to the user that going forward with such a change will have some consequences?

I've managed succesfully to configure Webcon for Exchange calendar (exchange online - ms graph). But I have a problem with configuration for Exchange tasks acctions. Even if I granted in AZ Tasks.ReadWrite permission, When I'm trying to configure action Designer is not showing the connection to Exchange Online. How it should be set up?

Hi, i would like to automatically mark flagged some elements after few days. Is this possible? my main goal is this elements should be on the top in "my Task" list

Hi all. I have the requirement to create a report that aggregates process columns from multiple workflows. In the portal report configuration menu from the source tab I can choose multiple processes->workflows. However, doing so wil only allow me to pick system columns and not process related ones. Is there a way to surface process columns from across multiple workflows to build the report? Thanks.ac

Hi We recently changed the version of Webcon from 2020 to 2022 and I came across this problem. In the report we used a calculated column to show comments: (SELECT ISNULL (dbo.f_clear_description(wfelems.WFD_SIGNATURE), 'None')) However, from what I can see in database, the comment format has changed and now when using this function I get an error: "Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function." In the attachment, I marked in green old comments, and those starting w (...)

Any known issue regarding license services. because we are getting an error message in the portal saying "Failed to load license. Please check if the license server is running". From the application management tool the services is running successfully and when I try to refresh the licenses from the license manager tool I am getting an error message saying "Cannot connect license service. Please check if the license service is active". even after restarting webcon services the issue remains (...)

How can I copy the sum of points to an attribute when the list item has been initialized and is no longer being edited? The sum is only copied when the position list is edited.

How can I initialize attachments on the item list in the subworkflow? The initializing query retrieves text fields, but does not retrieve attachments. I receive an error message: Validation Error, SubElems (ID: 9031) Attachment not found. SubElems (ID: 9031) Attachment not found.

Can a user edit comments? For example, for a simple error like a typo.

I have created an app and a dictionary. Now for this app, i have to create same process, but with different set of users. What is the best way to do it? 1. Clone the workflow, set it a Custom Instance number and modify steps with the new group of users? 2. Clone the process? 3. Export that app as a template? But when i want to import it, i have to use that dictionary i have created. Thanks

Hi. I want to show in a report in a column if an item has an attachment. Does anybody have an idea how to do that? Kind regards, Klaus