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Hello all, I have a process that would require the automatic start of workflows in webcon. The format of the email content is text and a table however I can change it to be fields only. I have everything set up but I'm only able to copy the content into a text field but I need to have the information as an item list. Does anyone tried to do this? How can you pick up the text field and work it somehow to have columns and the information as rows? Hope anyone has ideas! Thank you

Hi, can anybody tell me what to do here? When a customer opens his test environment he receives an error with the following details (see below). Everything else works as expected but the most used applications are not shown. On that system one content database has been deleted but I do not assume this to be the reason. Does the details text give any hint that I do not get so far? Appreciate any hint or help. Thank you in advance. (Details BEGIN) url: https://webcon-tes (...)

Hi there has anyone an example on how to populate dropdown lists from REST data sources ? I got the working requests in POstman, but I cannot get them to work at all in webcon. and its kinda hard to debug since error messages or logs are seemingly not available... thanks for your help in advance.

Whenever I try to change the language of column "instance number", my report throws up this error "An item with the same key has already been added". How to fix this issue? Please suggest.

Hello Everyone, We have a process by which we send e-mails, but at the same time I'd like to save the e-mails sent as attachments. Does someone know a way to do so? Thank you!

Hi, I have a project where I can't save attachment in a webcon database storage(becouse of company policies). I am looking for a solution to store attachments on network drive. Is there possibility to change localization of attachment ? May be some workaround? Some action, rule, ect? I thought about action which will create a folder on shared drive and webcon form will show information to user where to store attachment. But I don't know how to achieve this:/ Any idea?

Hello, is there a size limit on how much data we can store in webcon dictionary? Couldn't find any info on it. Thank you for your help!

Hello, I'm trying to create a rule in JS that will listen to my checkbox value change. checkbox -> TRUE do something checkbox -> FALSE do something else I've created a HTML field with a simple <script> InvokeRule </script> inside.. placed my rule, and error. :) Can you help at all? Thank you!

How can I read data from an Excel file containing a macro *. XLSM. This file is not seen by BPS, after changing to *XLSX the data is read correctly.

Hi, We have a project in Webcon that has many processes and dictionaries (more than 150). The application has been in production for, let's say, two years. In the first year, the database size was manageable, but now it's getting out of hand. Does anyone have any tips, tricks, or suggestions for dealing with large amounts of data? Are there optimization techniques we can employ? Any opinions are welcome! Thanks!

Hello, Can you assist me with the following? I'm attempting to test an outgoing/sending email but receiving an issue during the installation and setup of the webcon bps. I'm now working on WEBCON BPS 2023.1.1.89 demo version. Error image attached.


Hi, I need to add an event to the AAD group calendar. Webcon uses/is synced with local AD. AD is synchronized with AAD. On the AAD side, an application with API permissions has been added Adding AAD groups and adding users to groups via graph API from webcon works fine. But, for example, if you want to add an event to the group's calendar POST method https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/{group_id}/calendar/events The api needs to run in the context of the logged in user, not in th (...)

Hello all, I have an item list where I want to display some column color based on the value that will be the outcome of 2 dates. I would like something like if it's zero, the column should be green, if it's between 0 and 30 days, it should be yellow and if more than 31 days, it should be red. I'm trying to use this, but it's not working: if ('{SFD:-4}' = 0) select '#90EE90' if ('{SFD:-4}' > 0 or '{SFD:-4}' <= 30) select '#FFFACD' else ('{SFD:-4}' > =31) select '#FF6347' I've al (...)

I have created an app and a dictionary. Now for this app, i have to create same process, but with different set of users. What is the best way to do it? 1. Clone the workflow, set it a Custom Instance number and modify steps with the new group of users? 2. Clone the process? 3. Export that app as a template? But when i want to import it, i have to use that dictionary i have created. Thanks

Hi everyone, I've been trying to establish a connection to a SOAP API, action seems to be configured the right way (it only tries to connect and log in). When I run path with the action, the error is displayed in Polish "Wystąpił wewnętrzny problem wywołania webserwisu. Szczegóły błędu zostały zapisane w logu." (Internal webservice error. Details have been written in the log). Well... the problem is I can't figure out what log? Not in the WFActionExecutions table as I checked there, so where? C (...)

Hi, We have a single workflow element that is not opening. On clicking on the workflow element, the browser just starts loading indefinitely. This issue appears only on this single element and nowhere else. What can I check, how can I start researching this issue? We are using classic forms on SharePoint. Thank you

Hello Community, it's time to ask my first question...so please, be understanding and polite ;) Business case: 1. I have a dictionary process, let's say 'Products', with 'Tags' text field, which contains tags (eg. black, bike, red). Every tag is separated by ','. 2. I have another process, for example 'Order'. On this form, user can enter what he is looking for, on 'Description' field. I want to check if any word from order's 'Description' field matches the 'Product' tag and return the n (...)


We are having a document template with check boxes which should be checked/unchecked based on form field values. Does anyone have experience how to achieve this? I've been trying the approach of using wingdings 2 which basically worked but failed during the conversion to pdf.


Hi, I need to use the the Printout a barcode label. I found the article about ZebraDesigner to design the label and get the EPL format text to insert into the action. My problem is I don't have a Zebra printer. If I try to install the ZebraDesigner it won't allow me to design a label because the software is not connected to a Zebra printer. In my case the client has a SeagullScientific printer which provides some kind of designer (BarTender) but it is limited - the trial version doesn't allow (...)

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a payment process in webcon for Rents. The idea is: - Open request and save the date of request (as the current date) - Calculate how many months until end of year (civil year) - Initialize the item list with the number of rows as the number of months - Each row will create independently the payment for that month Although I have all the idea structured, I'm facing some questions in regards to: - How can I initialize dynamically the item list with an in (...)