Hello, I have a "wait for sub-workflow" step that use advance configuration. In my case the parent instance has a number or related "kids" (instances) and only one unrelated, but all from same workflow. In order to indenfity the unrelated "kid", the parent has the wfd_id saved in a field. The SQL that I use in the advance settings for the "wait for sub-workflow" verify if the total number of "kids" (related or unrelated) is equal to the total number of "kids" that are in a specific step (i (...)
Hi, How can I check the warnings from the service status as in the attachment. I can't locate the problem. I know it is caused by action: generate Word file, but I can't find the process where this action is used.
[Webcon 2024.1.1.130] (i thin it was working in 2022.1.4.404 - but I need double check] I have action to update item list where source is Parent Item list. The sql query is working but filters .. works if there is no polish letters :| so: [code='SQL'] SELECT d.DET_WFDID AS 'ID elementu', d.{DCNCOL:1135} AS 'Sygnatura Audytu', d.{DCNCOL:1132} AS 'Tytuł raportu 8D', d.{DCNCOL:1131} AS 'Norma', d.{DCNCOL:1128} AS 'Punkt normy', d.{DCNCOL:1126} AS 'Opis', (...)
Do you have any idea how the email address to which the email is sent is determined when a timeout occurs on a global action and fails 5 times( Allow number of incorrect execution)? Thanks, Raluca
We have a translation on the dev environment. How do we move all the translation say for 'application1' - all the formfields, workflows , emails, safely, with the possbile backup and without exporting all the pacagaes for production?
[Webcon 2022.1.4.404] I Have Process A [Main] where I start sub-processes B [child] from process B I copy attachments to process A by: Daniel's solution https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2023/copy-attachment-to-other-workflow and put them to Item list A or Item list B as linked attachments (other way did not working ...) all is fine but in the next step I assign task to other users / group with no access to app where is done something (and attachments are added) at the moment I d (...)
Hi guys, Did anyone of you ever encounter the HTTP 500.19 - Internal Server Error like the one in the print screen immediately after a fresh installation? Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks, Martin
Hi all, first of all: this is not supposed to be a moaning complaint, just a heads up so other people dont fall for the issue that hit us today. I wanted to share some info regarding the update from 2022 to 2023, as we ran into some very unsatisfying issues with SQL COMMAND business rules that are querying field IDs. It hit us on some neuralgic spots in our main workflow, causing quite some pain right now. If you still have to update to 2023 make sure you test every SQL COMMAND based ru (...)
Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to trigger the automation of a menu button every time the user opens a specific page. There is already a HTML field (button behavior) in my form that will do exactly the automation I need, but will be more helpful if this happens automatically instead of waiting for a click from an user. Thank you very much!
The Webcon Version 2019.1.4.45 I need to change License Server from one Node to a other Node every Time i become a error Message. I have configured in the Firewall the Port TCP 8002 The previous server was running on the 2012 R2 operating system and is now running on a Server 2019 operating system. On the previous server, the licence server can be activated and deactivated without any problems. The listener is active and can also be displayed. Reserved URL : http://+:80 (...)
Hello everyone, we are using JavaScript for a RestAPI call (long story – it's a requirement from IT). Now I receive the "Response Status Code" and "Response Text" within the JavaScript, but I also need to send these values back to WEBCON for further processing. Since we usually work with WEBCON without using JavaScript, I’m lacking the necessary know-how in this area. Can anyone assist me with this? Thank you in advance! Wishing you all a great weekend, Bjoern
Hi, Is it possible to Use a http request to pull data from an API and map those retrieved data to populate a Word Document Template.docx? For context the retrieved data is in table format. I would appreciate it if the steps on how to do this is provided. Thanks and Regards,
Hi, I have a strange situation. One of our users, who is a business administrator on a workflow, is suddenly getting an error when attempting to view workflow elements. The error displayed is "Execution timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." This is only happening to this specific user. Where should I even go to look for any detailed troubleshooting? Thanks
HI, We have a process that has a substantial number of attachments and the client would like to be able now to search after their name. Initially, we didn't leave the check mark to Add attachment content to SOLR search index. Apart from enabling this, is there any other option? Would it significantly slow down the search if we do it now? Thanks, Raluca
I try to find option to trigger refresh button in "data table" . OK I can click arrow .. but I would like to refresh to have no data ... So I have form rule when some field value is changed (deleted) then is clearing fields but not reloading whole form ... so because data is not saved or the full form is not reloaded ... the data table stays with "old data" - i can click refresh and then will be empty or pick other value then will be reloaded full form (pass by path) . but there is any (...)
HI, How to monitor the moment of typing characters into an attribute using the SDK. I would like to, for example, call an API after typing 3 characters and save the retrieved values to another attribute.
When trying to log in via AAD I get an error: { "type": "Exception", "message": "Failed with an unknown exception", "errorGuid": "99f68f89-25f2-4839-a6d0-1f93991063df", "stacktrace": "", "innerError": null } In Entra Microsoft I see information about the Application logging in to Entra but instead of a response in Entra I see this error - What does it mean and why do I not have a response from Entry about successful or unsuccessful login ?
Poproszę szanownych kolegów o informację - jak można zwolnić licencję użytkownika Designer Studio i przypisać ją innemu użytkownikowi? Środowisko nie synchronizuje użytkowników z AD. Wszyscy są dodawani jako Użytkownicy BPS. Pozdrawiam (BPS 2023.1.)
Hi everyone! After upgrading to version 2025 we noticed that the Advanced settings are not working in the same way as they were in the previous versions. The query that was working just fine before is not doing its work. Does anyone else have the same experience? If this helps, this is the query that we're using: IF ( /* Number of all child workflows */ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WFElements WHERE WFD_WFDID = {WFD_ID} AND WFD_DTYPEID = {DT:494} ) = ( /* Number of positiv (...)
I have created a special report for a subdevision, and granted a User for only see the Report. But he does not have the grant to look into the Workflow. It ist our internal Ticket system and only the IT Guys shoud get access to the Workflow and Ticketdatas Other Subs only should have their own Report to see how many Tickets are in work. And this overview shoud be only visible to the Sub Manager. So i granted the Process to the User and the Report to the User. He see the Process and see (...)